MovieChat Forums > Politics > Do you think anyone would dare to go to ...

Do you think anyone would dare to go to war against America?

We have won every war we have ever fought! We are the very definition of elite. I dear to argue that no country of the planet can’t compare to the awesomeness of America. The only free country in the world.


The communist Democrat party has been at war with America since the 60s.


LOL - you've never seen a dime?


Or are you talking about the Democratic Party of the 1860's?


Why go to war when they can buy what they want?

Businesses, land, resources and politicians are all for sale to the highest bidder.


Great point. And it’s not even expensive. Just a few trafficked children and an island and you to can own 90% of the US government, corporate CEOs, Hollywood, and the Democrat party media at abcnnbcbs.


we've got 3/4 of a small aircraft carrier, one harrier to go on it, and the phrase "I say, desist now"


If the British military is anything like the British police force, they'll just get stood down by weak politicians in the face of any conflict anyway.


We stalemated in Korea and lost in Vietnam. Hard to call Afghanistan a win.


We didn't lose in Vietnam we just lost interest and we went home.


Losing is when you spend years and tons of money and tens of thousands of lives and walk away without achieving anything. We lost in Vietnam.


I don’t think that’s the only definition of success in war anymore. The Viet Nam “loss” did not produce the Communist domino effect America was trying to stem, the U.S. was the beneficiary of a Vietnamese-to-America brain drain, and Viet Nam and the U.S. have a reliable alliance against China. If I recall correctly polls show the Vietnamese have the highest numbers of people with a positive opinion of America out of all the Asian nations


You are simply pointing out how the whole reason for the US military involvement in Southeast Asia was pointless. That the "domino theory" that we sacrificed millions of lives over was bullshit. We didn't pull out because our leaders realized that all we were doing was preventing Vietnam from becoming a beach paradise and making cheap shoes for us.

And if you point to God things that eventual happened you should also make note of millions of deaths in Cambodia that resulted from the power vacuum we created there.


That's the very definition of losing. Everyone around the world calls it losing. That'll be like saying USSR pulling out of Afghan was winning or if Russia pulls from Ukraine down the road.


Tell that to all the people that died.


I don’t think the Korean War was a stalemate. The goal was to protect the South Korean government, repel the invasion by North Korean forces, and generally undermine the expansion of Communism in Asia. All of these objectives were accomplished and South Korea is a critical and reliable American ally and trading partner today.


We are literally still in a cease fire. North Korea still poses an existential threat to South Korea.


"won every war we fought".

historians would like to have a conversation with you. Hows Afganistan doing these days?


No one would take on America if they know what's good for them. We have the ultimate weapons of war, no other country comes close. We could wipe out any nation in the matter of a few weeks.


wouldn't quite work like that. launching an ICBM takes minutes, not weeks


That's if we used nukes, even with no nukes, it still wouldn't take very long for the USA to wipe out a nation.


this is why they dont get children to handle military acts and global relations. or at least people with child like understandings


Does that mean you, shadowhunter? ;)


no clearly you.


I'm not the one in here trying to convince others how wimpy and weak the US is.

We can take out anyone at anytime. We have the best weapons and the best generals, and most importantly, we have the knowledge on when and how to use these weapons. Nothing can touch the military might of the United States Armed Forces. We have military bases all over the world too. We can strike anywhere at just about anytime.

The sun never sets on the American Empire! We rule!!

LONG LIVE AMERICA!!! God bless the USA!

Now apologize for being so anti-American!


Unfortunately it takes more than the best weapons to win wars. The US also possesses the biggest weakness. The Democrat media/party who’ve caused the US to lose every war since Korea.


ya its the democrats reason you guys pushed america to illegally invade afganistan and never won the war right?


The US was winning in Iraq and Afghanistan despite constant Democrat media/party criticism. Once Obama was inserted, like all Democrat presidents, his foreign policy decisions undermined the US positions and lost both wars. We gave up all accomplishments so Democrats could “blame Bush”. For wars they voted for.

That’s the facts Jack.


Evidence please.

Also, the US has won many conflicts since the Korean war.


Won ever war? Korean war, Vietnam, Afghanistan, the opponents keep getting worse and yet...


No way. Foreign leaders aren't that crazy.

That's why we have to to overseas and go to war on other countries to get our wars on. It won't happen if we just wait for them.
