MovieChat Forums > Politics > Do you think anyone would dare to go to ...

Do you think anyone would dare to go to war against America?

We have won every war we have ever fought! We are the very definition of elite. I dear to argue that no country of the planet can’t compare to the awesomeness of America. The only free country in the world.


Bay of Pigs is another for the list of USA defeats


"We have won every war we have ever fought!"

Ever hear of Vietnam? Korea?


And where does our Civil War fit on this list?
We won and lost that one?
Call it a draw?


We invaded Russia.
Lost that one.
Viet Nam.
See above.
Wouldn't call that a win.
Sent home with our tails between our legs.
Looks like we are losing our proxy war with Russia in Ukraine.

As for your question.
Conventional, no.
Nuclear, yes.
Other means:
If you believe the BS narrative we got for 9/11 then one could say the Al Qaeda attacked us on our own concrete and started that war with us.


War is fought not with traditional weapons.

Democrats have put in the most unqualified and ridiculous looking people in positions of power

It has weakened the country.
Chinese covid and Chinese fentanyl are killing Americans faster the war.
Chinese lantern flies destroying ecosystems


don't blame the Chinese they are only supplying the drug addicts, it was our own doctors and medical system that created them by giving away hardcore opioids like candy. When I was a kid not so long ago most everyone got hardcore pain pills from trivial things like wisdom tooth extraction. Street drug dealers are more honest and use their "moral compass" more then the average doctor...


Dont blame the Chinese for manufacturing a deadly product and pushing it into America?

And Democrats provide the needles...


There will always be a dealer once the addict is created. The dealer is an addicted too, addicted to money. If it isn't China some other poor countries citizens will take up manufacturing this product. The real criminals are the ones giving pills to little children not the ones serving full blown addicts who are already lost.

If you want to see who to blame for the ADDICTION we must look inwards at our own big pharma cartels and the corrupt complicit doctors who pushed there deadly products onto the innocent unsuspecting masses we in-trusted them to keep safe. Doctors and Big Pharma are also addicted to money just like the Chinese Fent manufacturers. Addicts making addicts to fund there own addictions...

and yes demonrats are no help taking away plastic straws from kiddos but giving free plastic needles to junkies. san fran is a shit, piss, and aids needle infested hellscape


Nobody really goes to war with us. We use our rednecks and resources and throw them away fighting jewish wars in the middle east. China got modern high speed train infrastructure last 20 year, we got crippling debt...


But the Zionist bankers are making a killing.


they always are, they always are....
