MovieChat Forums > Politics > INSURRECTION at the Capitol!

INSURRECTION at the Capitol!

On Wednesday Hundreds of protesters organized by Jewish Voice for Peace and If Not Now, two Jewish activist groups opposed to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, staged a sit-in inside the rotunda of the Cannon House office building. Many of the protesters sported shirts with the phrase “Not In Our Name,” and displayed several banners in support of a ceasefire.

While Greene and her colleagues were evacuated from the Capitol on Jan. 6, on Wednesday members were allowed to move about the Capitol freely as the protest was cleared. The House Sergeant at Arms issued a notice that “due to First Amendment activities on Capitol Grounds, all pedestrian entry points to the House Office Buildings are restricted to Members and Staff ONLY,” and redirected visitors to another entry.

Its nice to know a insurrection is a 1st Amendment right.

“Our country is going to have a terrorist attack. We’re going to have it on our land, and it’s Joe Biden and his administration’s fault.”


Yup, looks like(what letfist's have described as an insurrection) an insurrection to me.

Is Pelosi and the other CommieCrats bowing to them like BLM?

"When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of 'Liberalism'."
-President Ronald Reagan

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.


Trump lost spectacularly in 2020 so why are you still sniveling? Hundreds of Jan. 6 insurrectionist have gone to prison for their actions. You claim to be a patriot so why do you support Trump and his acolytes who attacked the Capital on Jan. 6?

The protest you allude to had 300-plus arrested after gathering at Capitol complex to protest Israel-Hamas war. Do you support these arrests?


Arrested? And charged with WHAT? Something really minor I bet.


Not sure of your position here. Are you saying you support these protesters being broken up and arrested?


I'm pleased that they are "arrested".

I am predicting that they are treated by a different standard of justice than if they were right leaning "protestors".


I mean they didn't actually break in, did they?


You can always find some difference and pretend that that is the reason.

BUT, when the "differences" ALWAYS lead to one side getting slammed and the other not, it is clear what is actually going on.


I think actually breaking into members of congress offices is a bit worse than getting into the capitol building.


You can always find some difference and pretend that that is the reason.

BUT, when the "differences" ALWAYS lead to one side getting slammed and the other not, it is clear what is actually going on.


>You can always find some difference and pretend that that is the reason.

>BUT, when the "differences" ALWAYS lead to one side getting slammed and the other not, it is clear what is actually going on.

Has any other group managed to break into the Capitol building and cause all members to flee and start messing around in members offices?


You can always find some difference and pretend that that is the reason.

BUT, when the "differences" ALWAYS lead to one side getting slammed and the other not, it is clear what is actually going on.


These are valid differences. It's the difference between shouting outside someones house and literally breaking down the door and shouting at them in their bedroom. And you didn't answer my question: Has any other group managed to break into the Capitol building and cause all members to flee and start messing around in members offices?


Remember the 400 riots that your side had duing the Trump years?

Dozens of deaths, hundreds of millions in damages, no investigation into who orgainzed them.

Just forgotten. Because of "differences".


>Remember the 400 riots that your side had duing the Trump years?

None of which were at the Capitol building. Although that isn't "my side".

And you didn't answer my question: Has any other group managed to break into the Capitol building and cause all members to flee and start messing around in members offices?

>Dozens of deaths, hundreds of millions in damages, no investigation into who orgainzed them.

Were the people who caused the deaths somehow let off?


Yes, they were. There has been ZERO interest in any investigation into the organizers of the riots.

400 deaths by lefties, no investigation.

an interruption of an election "formality" by righties, and massive investigations with long prison sentences.

Like I said, you can look at different crimes and find differences and say that is why the different treatments,

BUT, when all the "differences" always lead to your political enemies getting slammed, while your side gets a pass, or at least minimual punishment,

it becomes clear what is actually going on here.


>Yes, they were. There has been ZERO interest in any investigation into the organizers of the riots.

I am specifically asking about the people who specifically murdered others.

And how do you know the riots had centralised organised planning?

>400 deaths by lefties, no investigation.

Can I see this source please?

>an interruption of an election "formality" by righties, and massive investigations with long prison sentences.

You mean raiding the US congress with the explicit goal to stop the certification of an election, and essentially soft-coup the country?


Yes, I know what you were asking. YOu were trying to direct away from my point about the organizers of the riots, teh ones who choose a course of action that led to 400 riots and dozens of deaths.

When the "differences" always lead to yoru politcal opponents getting slammed and your political allies getting passes, it is not justice, it is oppression.


>Yes, I know what you were asking. YOu were trying to direct away from my point about the organizers of the riots, teh ones who choose a course of action that led to 400 riots and dozens of deaths.

EDIT: "dozens of deaths". What's the time period here? Who were the people killed? How were they killed?

>When the "differences" always lead to yoru politcal opponents getting slammed and your political allies getting passes, it is not justice, it is oppression.

This is like arguing that there should be no difference in state response between breaking into a shop and breaking into your countries legislature. It's just utterly absurd.


1. What does teh details matter. YOu are aware of the hundreds of violent and bloody riots of hte trump years, are you not?

2. NOpe. It is pointing out that when the "differences" always supposedly justify crushing your political enemies and giving your political allies a pass, that that is not justice, it is oppression.


>1. What does teh details matter. YOu are aware of the hundreds of violent and bloody riots of hte trump years, are you not?

I am aware of them. I'd also like evidence that overall, they were objectively worse than any other presidential period and that punishment doled out to them was any lighter than in the Obama eras. Also, wouldn't much of it be done at the state level, not federal?

>2. NOpe. It is pointing out that when the "differences" always supposedly justify crushing your political enemies and giving your political allies a pass, that that is not justice, it is oppression.

By you, in this instance, somehow conflating the severity of trying to soft coup the country and street vandalism which would be handled by the state involved, not federally.


1. So you are aware of them. Good. So, I assume you have some "differences" in your back pocket to explain why they don't need any investigations or massive crackdowns, as per the ONE 1/6 riot.

2. Please drop the spin. 1/6 was not a coup. And 400 riots with dozens of deaths, is not "street vandalsim".

My point remains. When these "differences" you find, all lead to lefties like yourself, crushing their political enemies, while giving their political allies a pass,

that is not justice, it is tryanny.


1. I am aware of them. I'd also like evidence that overall, they were objectively worse than any other presidential period and that punishment doled out to them was any lighter than in the Obama eras. Also, wouldn't much of it be done at the state level, not federal?

2. It was an attempted soft-coup. They had specific goals. They failed to achieve them, but they were what they were.

>My point remains. When these "differences" you find, all lead to lefties like yourself, crushing their political enemies, while giving their political allies a pass,

Most of those riots were decentralised, and have no specific 'organisers'. And again, the consequences would be handled at the state level. Attempt to invade the capitol building and you'd be looking at a federal response.

Your premise is simply unargued for and can be dismissed as you are comparing completely different things. And of course, there's always a factcheck:


1. Looking at different people doing different things at different times is a move designed to confuse the issue.

THe one 1/6 riot and the 400 lefty riots took place during the same administration, yet the response to them is completely different.

And just a coincidence, the difference is your political enemies being FUCKED, and your political allies being given a pass.

2. There was no intent to have a coup. The desired outcome was within the legal framework.

3. I'm not aware of any investigation into the organization of the 400 riots. How do you know that "most" of them were "decentralized"?

4. The fact remains. The one right leaning riot, massive investigation, the 400 left leaning riots, nothing.

5. And you still have not addressed my central point. That the "differences" always lead to your side crushing your political enemies and giving your political allies a pass.

It is clear that you are cherry picking


1. What? You're suggesting that the historical context doesn't matter here? Part of your premise seems to suggest that investigations have got more lax in recent years for rioting. Where is your evidence?

2. Because they are fundamentally different things, and handled at different levels. And plenty of people were arrested for things they did there.

3. There's literally no reason to believe this at all. Trying to use physical force to prevent a legitimate passover of power with the indirect (potential, alleged) collaboration of officials is very much in the ballpark of a soft coup.

4. How do you know that there were no investigations since you're claiming there never was?

5. Your premise is simply unargued for and can be dismissed as you are comparing completely different things. And of course, there's always a factcheck:


1. No, my premise is that you lefties are using government force to target and oppress your enemies.

2. There was a massive investigation into the people behind the one right leaning riot, and none into the people behind the 400 left leaning riots. That "difference" is very convienent for your side.

3. So, your pretense is that the supposed intent of "insurrection" is the "difference" that requires a massive response? Is that your defense?

4. The massive investigation into the one right leanign riot was well documented and public. I am unaware of any similar investigation into the FOUR HUNDRED left leaning riots. I am taking the lack of any news on such an investigation as evidence of a lack of their BEING any massive investigation.

5. And the "differences" that you left leaning people find, always justify using government power against your poliitcal enemies while giving your political allies a pass.

It looks clear that this is really about your side using government power to oppress your enemies and the "differences" that you cite, are bullshit excuses for your tyranny.


1. And it's unargued for.

2. There was massive investigation into the right-leaning one. I await evidence that no investigations were carried out on the many riots.

3. Yes. Intent does fucking matter. Trying to soft coup your own country, raiding elected members offices, forcing an evacuation is a pretty big deal.

5. Again, there is a difference in who should respond and the extent they should respond depending on what it is. Circumstances always matter dude. Breaking into a shop is very different than breaking into congress or the house of parliament to try and force an election result to be rejected.

I will continue to spam this link:

Ah yes the "tyranny" that means the Daily Wire, Fox News and many other anti-Biden/democrat organisations and outlets continue to operate with impunity.


1. I am pointing out the suspicious trend that all the "differences" break in your favor.

2. A massive investigation into the people behind the riot, and none into the people behind the 400 lefty riots.

3. Yet, your side is equally unconcerend, if not supported of the examples of formal insurrection on the lefty side, such as the Chaz. Huh. The "difference" seems to have less weight, when it is against lefties. How odd.

5. Dozens of deaths? Hundreds of millions in damages? Whole communities permanently harmed? LOL. History students of the future will laugh that such lies were given any credibility.

6. Significant and increasing numbers of poliitcal prisoners, is a form of oppression. That you haven't shut down all opposing press YET, doesn't mean that you are not already oppressing your enemies.


1. This is remarkably close to the old phrase "reality has a liberal bias". I can't really help that trying to coup your country probably is more of an issue to national authorities thanv vandalising local stores.


3. I never supported "Chaz".

5. The riots were over a longer period of time, across the country. They were each separate events. And many people were arrested, charged for many things.

6. Name me these political prisoners. Provide evidence there are plans to shut down right-wing anti-Democrat press.


1. It is absurd of your to dismiss dozens of deaths as "local vandalism". That you did that, was you not being able to defend your position honestly.

2. Again, you try to deflect to actual foot soliders instead of the organizers. And even if we did accept this as a counter example, the level of response is still very minor compared to the massive investigation and crackdown on the Right.

3. Good for you personally. My point stands. Several examples of formal or active "insurrection" on the left during the Trump years, and we have none of the hype about them, that we have about 1/6. So, that "difference" is debunked.

5. Yes, 400 riots were over a longer period of time than ONE riot. YOur assumption that they were "seperate events" seems to be the ASSUMPTION of our government.

SOME people that were caught in the act were arrested.

There was NO attempt to investigate the people behind the riots.

FUnny that you refuse to address my actual point.

6. ALL the 1/6 rioters severing time. To start with. Many of those arrested during the attempts to get Trump. FOr now.


1. Were the murderers of those people let off?


5. I note no comment on any of the sources I've provided.

6. You think none of the people in 1/6 should have been charged with any crime?


1, Again, you are afraid to address my actual point.

2. Wow. One organizer happened to get caught personally vandalizing a cop car. LIke that is supposed to equal the massive investigation of the 1/6 riot and the people behind it? LOL.

5. I clicked on some of them. I addressed anytihng relevnat I saw.

The way that you are refusing to even address my point, shows that you know what is going on here and support the abuse of government power against poliitcal enemies.

6. I think that ALL of them were targetted based primarily on their POLITICAL opposition to the current power structure, and not their actual crimes,

as demonstrated by the complete lack of any similar crusade to get the lefty rioters of the same time period.

Thus they are poliitcal prisoners.


6. This is your baseless speculation.

You did not address this.



I have pointed out the massive crusade the government has launched against the rioters of 1/6 and there is nothing like that aimed at the left leaning rioters of the same era, despite the FOUR HUNDRED RIOTS and DOZENS OF DEATHS from them.

That is a pretty firm "base" for an accusation.

It is ONE example of the double standard we have for "justice". There are plenty more. I like that one, becuase it is very clear and simple and massive.

You have a rebuttal to my point, MAKE IT, don't expect me to read a link from media. If there is anythhing in there you agree with, tell me.


"It’s a common refrain from some of those charged in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol and their Republican allies: The Justice Department is treating them harshly because of their political views while those arrested during last year’s protests over racial injustice were given leniency.

Court records tell a different story.

An Associated Press review of court documents in more than 300 federal cases stemming from the protests sparked by George Floyd’s death last year shows that dozens of people charged have been convicted of serious crimes and sent to prison.

The AP found that more than 120 defendants across the United States have pleaded guilty or were convicted at trial of federal crimes including rioting, arson and conspiracy. More than 70 defendants who’ve been sentenced so far have gotten an average of about 27 months behind bars. At least 10 received prison terms of five years or more."

"The dissonance between the rhetoric of Capitol rioters and their supporters and the record established by courts highlights both the racial tension inherent in their arguments — the pro-Donald Trump rioters were largely white and last summer’s protesters were more diverse — and the flawed assessment at the heart of their claims.

“The property damage or accusations of arson and looting from last year, those were serious and they were dealt with seriously, but they weren’t an attack on the very core constitutional processes that we rely on in a democracy, nor were they an attack on the United States Congress,” said Kent Greenfield, a professor at Boston College Law School."


Wow. Nothing in that in any way addressed my point.

Additional minus points for mentioning race. Seriously? What a loser thing to do.


I literally quoted the article since you refuse to check and see that people have been charged in big numbers.

Also: "Only a handful of the nearly 600 people who’ve been charged in the insurrection have received their punishments so far, and just three people have been sentenced to time behind bars. The vast majority of the most serious cases — involving those accused of assaulting police officers or conspiring to block the certification of Biden’s victory — remain unresolved."


The majority of 1/6 rioters were tracked down after the fact in a massive crusade.

Pointing to a small group of examples of people that happened to be caught in the act by police,

In no way challenges my point about a double standard based on politics.


And only a handful received any serious consequences. That's the point.


LOL. The Proud Boy leader got 22 fucking years and the government is appealling because they want more.

This is a witch hunt.


Lets talk when BLM actually breaks into the capitol building and tries to stop an election.

Yes, this distinction matters albeit plenty of BLM protesters have seen jail time.


You are harping on a point that I have already addressed repeatedly.


No, you've simply said the very different circumstances don't matter. Because you say so.

No reason to accept this at all.


- The real coup/overthrow was caused by the DS/Dems when they rigged/stole the election.

- The ‘oversight committees’ has already admitted to having dozens of federal agents embedded in the crowds including Antifa rioters which were in disguise, wearing masks, and Trump/MAGA clothes, hats, flags, etc.

- The protesters did not break in; the magnetic doors were deliberately opened by the Capitol police from the inside.

- Just like all other willfully ignorant lefties; you continue to cite leftwing-FN links about J6 which were released prior to the oversight committee findings and the Tucker Carlson video clips that contradicts and refute all/any of your sources.


>- The real coup/overthrow was caused by the DS/Dems when they rigged/stole the election.

No reason to believe your delusional conspiracy theories.

[citation needed] to all of it.

Does this look like they were "guided through"?

Are you saying it's acceptable to just walk into members of congress offices, force them to flee and disrupt whatever you like?


I saw that clip the first time you posted it.

Those were undercover feds/disguised Antifa rioters.


No reason to believe your delusional conspiracy theories.

What you insist without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


- The oversight committee(s).

- The FBI documents admitting that they had too many agents to keep a count from J6.

- TC released video clips/pictures.


>- TC released video clips/pictures.

Completely unrelated to the clips that I linked.


TC = Tucker Carlson.

Once again, you continue citing FN/Left-wing sources and propaganda that were released prior to the findings from the oversight committee(s) and TC video clips/pictures.


>TC = Tucker Carlson.

Yes, I know.

>Once again, you continue citing FN/Left-wing sources and propaganda that were released prior to the findings from the oversight committee(s) and TC video clips/pictures.

Zero reason to believe you over APNews or Factcheck, or any far-right conspiracy proto-fascist rag that you exclusively feast on for your news because you yourself are a fascist.


"Yes, I know."

If you knew, than why did you cite a source with Ted Cruz?

AP and FC are both well-known leftist FN and propaganda sources that you worship.


>If you knew, than why did you cite a source with Ted Cruz?

I wasn't citing a source directly about that.

>AP and FC are both well-known leftist FN and propaganda sources that you worship.

No reason to believe that they are "propaganda". And no reason to believe your far-right fascist sources.


Yes, they are propaganda and FN which you always cite, and I didn't provide any sources since you always reject them; regardless.


And you reject my sources. So what's the point?


Yours are always leftist propaganda provided by the DS/Government(s) that you worship.


No reason to believe this.

Your sources are far-right hack sources.

Why should I engage in special pleading?


A leftist believes and worships in the state/gov...

...and the fact that you can’t see that leftist sources are propaganda for the state/gov is confirmation.


>A leftist believes and worships in the state/gov...

These aren't state sources.

>...and the fact that you can’t see that leftist sources are propaganda for the state/gov is confirmation.

"No u"

No evidence from you provided, as usual. And can be dismissed.


State, Gov, Globalist, Elites, Establishment, etc…all components of the same branch.

Every other reply from you is either ‘far-right hack sources’ or ‘no evidence’.
If I haven’t provided any sources/evidence than how can they be ‘far-right hack sources’?...All you do is contradict.


>State, Gov, Globalist, Elites, Establishment, etc…all components of the same branch.

Again, you're just throwing your conspiracy theories on me now. Literally any source that disagrees with you on anything is just lobbed into this pile.

>If I haven’t provided any sources/evidence than how can they be ‘far-right hack sources’?...All you do is contradict.

I'm referring to older sources you've provided.


Bullshit; this is about J6, not about 'older sources' or 'other subjects'.

CT is a label created by the establishment to deny the truth...more confirmation that you worship them.


>Bullshit; this is about J6, not about 'older sources' or 'other subjects'.

This is about every source I've ever seen you give on anything.

>CT is a label created by the establishment to deny the truth...more confirmation that you worship them.

No reason to believe this at all. You invent your own reality and then throw accusations at people based on it.


Once again, we are not discussing other sources or other subjects...this is about J6 and you regurgitating more propaganda as usual in order to confirm your own narrative provided by the establishment that you worship.


No reason to believe the sources I gave are "propaganda". What you insist without evidence, I can dismiss without evidence.


You clearly don't know what propaganda is or you are in denial.

And apparently the only evidence that matters to you is 'more' propaganda...shocker.


No reason to believe the sources I gave are "propaganda". What you insist without evidence, I can dismiss without evidence.


But you never provide evidence, you only provide ‘propaganda’.


Again... No reason to believe the sources I gave are "propaganda". What you insist without evidence, I can dismiss without evidence.

You keep on saying the same thing, I'll keep on replying with the same thing.


You are a propagandist like Keelai.


The way that you refuse to be honest about my argument, is you admitting that you cannot argue against it.


Trump and his acolytes who attacked the Capital on Jan. 6

You mean Ray Epps and his FedFags.

"When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of 'Liberalism'."
-President Ronald Reagan

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.


Whatever you say, Goober.


Cry more groomer.


Evidence please


Oh look, there is Agent Epps, inciting an insurrection!
He is repeatedly saying "WE NEED TO ENTER THE CAPITAL!" is he not?

Or will you continue to ignore this evidence that has been posted here several several times...

"When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of 'Liberalism'."
-President Ronald Reagan

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.


Where is your evidence that he was a government agent?

Being called a "fed" by a crowd is not evidence.


Why is he the only one being protected by the media, and the left? ....this is hard evidence of incitement.

Shouldn't you be celebrating the charges that were reluctantly filed on him due to him being an evil Trump supporter? Just like you post all the others that have been charged? Why is he different? He is TRUMP supporter afterall, so you must hate him with every fiber of your being, correct?

Or, you know deep down in your heart he IS a fed, and J6 is a fed-op and all bullshit.

You have one post before I drop you from troll to clown. Post wisely.

"When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of 'Liberalism'."
-President Ronald Reagan

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.


How is he being "protected by the media"? He literally got charged.

How were they "reluctantly" filed? What are you even referring to?


No proof that Biden won. What happened to the chicanery?




I heard they will be starting a October 18 commission.


This is an attack on democracy! These radical insurrectionists must be punished. Just like in Ukraine, same thing in Isael, it's an attack on democracy, Israel being the only democracy in the region must be protected!

Anyone that thinks they can strike a blow to democracy has another thing coming.


An ignorant Republican who doesn't know the difference between 1st amendment right for peaceful protest vs Jan. 6 attempt of a wannabe dictator and his cult attempting to prevent the peaceful democratic transfer of power after a fair and free election.


Jan 6 was a peaceful protest against a stolen election.


You think it is a citizens right to storm the capitol building and burst into elected representatives offices?

People should just be allowed, when they want, to do this:,f_auto,q_auto:best/newscms/2021_01/3440175/210106-capitol-protest-ew-332p.jpg?


Yeah, "storm" as in having the guardrails removed for them and guided through the capitol.


Does this look like they were "guided through"?

Are you saying it's acceptable to just walk into members of congress offices, force them to flee and disrupt whatever you like?


Now show the actual Trump supporters instead of those masked Antifa plants


I await evidence that they are all "masked Antifa plants"


He doesn't have any evidence. I've been asking him for proof of his claims and he never replies. Just another Trump supporting moron.


Oh, these filthy insurrections! Staying inside the felt ropes! Luckily they weren't chem bombed like the ones from your footage.


Millions of Americans watched live on TV what happened on Jan. 6. That's why Trump has been indicted for treason. If you morons would support a different Republican candidate then you might win in 2024. But you and the rest of Trump's minions are falling on your swords by supporting Trump. He will never be president again.



This isn't evidence of them being "antifa plants".


Are you unironically suggesting this should be legal to do? Just walk in and disrupt congress? And in addition, this doesn't invalidate the video I selected (and the excerpts are cherrypicked).


"Jan 6 was a peaceful protest against a stolen election."

violent protest against reality

Abit like King Canut


Reminds me of the fake steele dossier that was debunked as fake.

What was the plan if Trump had won? I assume dems would have just accepted and not protested and destroyed property like they did in 2016?


They destroyed property?




Violence incited and committed by disguised-Feds/Antifa.


False Flag! False Flag!

Until theres a shred of proof then thats :
bullshit , 100s of magas smashing the place up .


There is plenty including from the "oversight committees."

Gaslight some more.


Any convictions?

Lets check back into reality for a sec with fact checks:

Before the Capitol was even cleared of rioters on January 6, some prominent Trump supporters started to try to deflect blame – claiming that left-wing Antifa, a loose collection of self-described anti-fascists, was actually behind the violence.

Such “false flag” theories – that the violence was secretly orchestrated by Trump’s opponents in an attempt to make Trump look bad – never went away. And the theories have expanded to include claims that the violence was orchestrated by the Black Lives Matter movement or even by an arm of the federal government itself, the FBI.


1. That fact check was prior to the oversight committee that admitted to dozens of federal agents in the crowd.
2. That fact check was prior to the Tucker video showing video-clips and pictures of Antifa dressing up in Trump shirts/hats.
3. CNN = FN


Cry more groomer.


I really loved how the violent protesters on J6 respected the ropes in Statuary Hall...

"When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of 'Liberalism'."
-President Ronald Reagan

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.


Just becasue they didnt get a full house of rules broken does not mean they are innocent.

thats like saying "I like how the intruder only killed the husband and not the wife"


"a fair and free election."

That was not a fair and free election, it was an overthrow/coup of the government.


According to you the Democrats outsmarted all you Republicans by rigging the 2020 election involving thousands if not millions of co-conspirators across state lines without getting caught. Republicans haven't produced one shred of evidence to prove the election was stolen. Funny, you call Democrats stupid. Do you have proof that the 2020 election was stolen because no one else has?


After SCOTUS drops the gavel and makes the announcement, you will still be in denial.


That's a nice fantasy you got there, Goober. Where's your proof?


They're a threat to our democracy!!

Are they going to rot in jail for years awaiting trial for misdemeanors?


Who cares?! I just hope our girl Anna Paulina-Luna is okay!!


Its fine as long as you`re Jewish!


RULES FOR THEE! Not for me!


How long did it take to fumigate the pungent body odor smell from the place after they left.


You can never get rid of body taco smell. It seeps into everything.


People that don't use deodorant will make your eyes water if you get near them.


This time it’s (D)ifferent.
