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INSURRECTION at the Capitol!

On Wednesday Hundreds of protesters organized by Jewish Voice for Peace and If Not Now, two Jewish activist groups opposed to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, staged a sit-in inside the rotunda of the Cannon House office building. Many of the protesters sported shirts with the phrase “Not In Our Name,” and displayed several banners in support of a ceasefire.

While Greene and her colleagues were evacuated from the Capitol on Jan. 6, on Wednesday members were allowed to move about the Capitol freely as the protest was cleared. The House Sergeant at Arms issued a notice that “due to First Amendment activities on Capitol Grounds, all pedestrian entry points to the House Office Buildings are restricted to Members and Staff ONLY,” and redirected visitors to another entry.

Its nice to know a insurrection is a 1st Amendment right.

“Our country is going to have a terrorist attack. We’re going to have it on our land, and it’s Joe Biden and his administration’s fault.”


Just like any homo can say they are a girl, and the commie press says they are. Then any homo can also say they are Jewish at any rally or on the phone.


🚨🚨BREAKING: The FBI has just released their list of the top ten terrorist groups in America

1. Extreme Ultra MAGA Republicans
2. Meme makers
3. Parents at school board meetings
4. Pronoun offenders
5. ICE agents
6. The unvaccinated
7. People against the mutilation of children
8. Critical Thinkers
9. Climate change Armageddon deniers
10. People without the Ukrainian flag in their profiles


Haha, great list. 10 is my favorite.
