MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why is Bubbathegut in love with Trump so...

Why is Bubbathegut in love with Trump so much?

I bet he has been following around for a long time and is trying to rig the case against him to be acquitted. It's a story of true love that will forever go on.


You seem to have the same symptoms with added jealousy.


Because freaking ben shapiro spouts republican logic 24/7 on youtube

Its hard to get away from republicans on youtube


Like many others they prospered, great gas prices, great interest rates, low inflation.
Good border security.
Got rid of the health care mandate fine

Today many companies are being sucked dry.
Very hard to get ahead. Statistically speaking Biden is doing 10x worse


And it is all Trump’s fault.

Blame Trump, Get Trump.


He's not in love with him. He likes Trump because he's willing to fight for American voters instead of leading them on like everyone on Capitol Hill does. There's a huge difference between liking a public figure, and worshiping them like a god. You know, kinda like how the media, Europe, and Hollyweird kissed Obama's ass for 8 years?


Because he is BubbatheTrumpslut

Signed, million man.


I like and support President Donald J Trump, why? Because he is for America and for Americans and fought against Tyranny and Fascism. He made America great again in 4 years while fighting against Democrats and RINO's. Just think how much better America could be right now if dems and repubs worked with him and not against him.


No wall.
Less taxes for super rich.
No Repeal and Replace.
Violence and rioting escalated throughout U.S..
Record unemployment and bankruptcies.
Plague with 500,000 extra American deaths.
Farmers lost Chinese clientele for produce.
Trump lost tariff war with China.
North Korea and Iran become nuclear.
U.S. loses credibility and laughing stock of world.
Trump embraced brutal dictators like Putin, Kim and Saudi killer prince.
Divisive with attacks on Muslims, Asians, women, military, journalists, etc..
Tweeted, watched TV and golfed
Too lazy to read daily reports.
Lied repeatedly.
Maternity death rate rising esp. in red states because of him.
Gun deaths up.

I doubt that Trump did anything to positively improve your life!

Biden lowered medical expenses and taxes for the working and middle classes.
Improved infrastructure around country.
Ended covid crisis by mass producing vaccines.
Fixed economy.
United Europe and strengthened NATO.
Destroyed Russia as a world power.
Increased savings for average Americans.
Passed common sense gun laws.
Ended Trump's riots.
Increased mental health care.
Helped college student debt.
Increased manufacturing and delivery to end bottleneck.
Lowered inflation.
Lowered gas prices.
No recession. Economy strong. Regular folks paying down debt.
Reformed U.S. Post office for future viability.
Saved Social Security and Medicare from Republican defunding.


So you finally convinced your boss to pay you for each lie you posted on MC.


Let's discuss!

Name one lie with link supporting your argument and I'll respond in kind.


Holy shit nothing on this list is even remotely true...

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


lol, Keeliar broke the MC record for posting the greatest number of lies in a single post.


Let's discuss!

Name one lie with link supporting your argument and I'll respond in kind.

I'm still waiting! It's obvious that you're the one projecting since you're lying about me.


Let's discuss!

Name one lie with link supporting your argument and I'll respond in kind.


TDS. Trump's Delusional Supporters.


I support President Donald J Trump. While you voted for that other guy but you never talk about him.


>but you never talk about him.

We don't talk about him, we don't wear his hats, we don't drive around in fucking huge pickup trucks with 8 flags bearing his name attached. Because unlike Trump he's not a grifting cult leader. He's just a politician who's less of a piece of shit than Trump. Good enough for anyone who has at least two brain cells to rub together.


What does he lead?

He seems to hide in a basement while enacting policies to hurt the working class.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


It is called 'been patriotic'.

It is worthless piece of shit scum like you supporting a mass killer and a pedophile that makes you the cult follower and an imbecile.

President Biden has allowed more than 1,500,000 illegal immigrants to invade the southern border. On Joe Biden’s watch, illicit fentanyl has killed more than 100,000 American citizens. In fiscal year 2023, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol seized more than 9,000 pounds of fentanyl at the southern border.


Stupid leaders appeal to stupid followers.


because Trump is awesome and is a awesome President.
