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Target removes "tuck friendly" swimsuits for children.

Target takes 'emergency' action to 'avoid a Bud Light situation' and removes 'tuck-friendly' women's and children's swimwear and LGBTQ products from display in Southern stores - as CEO DEFENDS the line

“Since introducing this year’s collection, we’ve experienced threats impacting our team members’ sense of safety and well-being while at work,” Target said in a statement Tuesday. “Given these volatile circumstances, we are making adjustments to our plans, including removing "tuck friendly" children's swimwear that have been at the center of the most significant confrontational behavior.”

Just say No to bulges.


No! Nobody is selling tuck wear swimwear to children. More lies from the intolerant Republicans and their propagandist tabloids.

More Nazi-like hatred targeted toward the latest marginalized group on the Republican hate list.

Us vs Them = Fascism


Why did they remove it if they are not selling it?


Lol, seriously.

Always remember the playbook...

1. That's not happening!
2. That's not happening!
3. That's not happening!
4. That's not happening!
5. Ok, it's happening, but it's a good thing!!

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Most trans people know from a very early age.

No parent or educator forced it on them. Anything that aids with gender affirming care is a positive. It's unfortunate that some feel it necessary to buckle before right wing hate campaigns.


These people are NOT transgender, they are transvestites!


gender affirming care

You mean genital mutilation surgery.


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No one denies that trans people know at an early age. The issue is that there are kids who might think they are trans but get out of that phase in later years. This is to stop kids who think they are trans but really aren't, from doing something permanent to their bodies.


Have you actually read the article? Target has removed swimwear, but they weren't for kids dude.

But Target’s "tuck-friendly" swimwear is available only in adult sizes, a Target spokesperson told PolitiFact.


They were all found in the kid's section...its on video dude. Multiple videos.

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Show me these videos please.



Direct links please.



That's not a direct link. Actual direct YT videos please.



A direct link, not to the website itself. If there are so many links of these being for children, where are all these videos?


you can search for videos of children if you want...


Not what I asked. I asked for evidence of these products, specifically the swimsuits, being for children.

And do not insinuate I am a pedophile.


"If there are so many links of these being for children, where are all these videos?"

I dont know. maybe on the dark web?


BlackSun: "They were all found in the kid's section...its on video dude. Multiple videos."

I asked him for these videos that he's apparently seen.


unless you are mentally incompetent. you can do the research yourself.


Not sure why it's on me to chase up people's claims they do not source themselves.


I do it all the time. because I am curious and want to figure out if its real or not. its not that hard really. you will get better results with duckduckgo I have found.


"However, the swimsuits labeled “tuck-friendly” are only in adult sizes, and are not available in kids’ sizes, Kayla Castaneda, a spokesperson for Target, told The Associated Press."

Target have literally openly denied the claims.

I await the videos. Why is it good practice to make claims and refuse to back them up?


thats half the truth, products and advertising was also put in the kids section. they removed items and advertising from the kids section.


"Another video on Instagram, which had more than 100,000 likes as of Monday, shows footage of the tag on the one-piece swimsuit, and claims that while it is not specifically in the kids’ section, it is available in kids’ sizes.

However, the swimsuits labeled “tuck-friendly” are only in adult sizes, and are not available in kids’ sizes, Kayla Castaneda, a spokesperson for Target, told The Associated Press.

Both the colorful one-piece and black swim bottoms seen in the photos and videos online are clearly labeled on Target’s website as adult swimsuits. Both pages list the products as coming in “general adult sizing” and offer adult XS as the smallest size for sale.

“The ‘tuck-friendly’ swim suits are for adults only,” Castaneda said. The kids’ swimsuits in the Pride collection are not the same design or construction and do not have the same label, Castaneda confirmed.

At a Target in New York City’s downtown Brooklyn neighborhood that the AP visited on Monday, the same adult swimsuits shown on social media featured the “tuck-friendly” tag, while a kids’ black swimskirt for sale instead had a tag reading: “Thoughtfully Fit on Multiple Body Types and Gender Expressions.”

The Pride apparel for kids, adults and pets was located together at the front of the store, in an area often used for seasonal or limited-edition collections, and not in the children’s section."


At a Target in New York City’s downtown Brooklyn neighborhood that the AP visited on Monday, the same adult swimsuits shown on social media featured the “tuck-friendly” tag, while a kids’ black swimskirt for sale instead had a tag reading: “Thoughtfully Fit on Multiple Body Types and Gender Expressions.”

The Pride apparel for kids, adults and pets was located together at the front of the store, in an area often used for seasonal or limited-edition collections, and not in the children’s section."

see, you found the truth. I wouldnt trust anything you see or hear in the media these days. its mass marketing manipulation.™


>see, you found the truth. I wouldnt trust anything you see or hear in the media these days. its mass marketing manipulation.™

That's literally from the source I gave you. Where does that say that the kids stuff has tucks?


had a tag reading: “Thoughtfully Fit on Multiple Body Types and Gender Expressions.”


Right. But the SPECIFIC claim is the tuck-stuff.

Target clearly do sell LGBT clothing, or accessories with LGBT aesthetics to kids, teens etc.


its implied.


It's outright rejected by Target.


its damage control. they lost 8 billion...


Historical context:

So you're just accusing them, on no basis, that they are lying?


actually its 9 billion, thats my bad.

US Target loses $9 billion in one week after releasing LGBT swimsuits for kids

We've got a Supreme Court Justice who couldnt give the definition of a woman. This ends NOW.



They've lost that valuation before. It's nothing new.


that sux, maybe they shouldnt make tuck friendly swimsuits for kids then.


So what about all their other older market drops?

>maybe they shouldnt make tuck friendly swimsuits for kids then.

No evidence that they did.



"No evidence that they did."

evidence please


Why did you say "Covid"?

You made the claim, you back it up with evidence specifically that tuck friendly swimsuits exist.

Or are you back to behaving like a trolling baby again?


I was answering this question.

So what about all their other older market drops?


>I was answering this question.

Oh, they've dropped up and down a bit since then many times.

>So what about all their other older market drops?

No idea. Markets fluctuate.


"No idea. Markets fluctuate."

if you dont know, why are you asking me?


I didn't ask you. I pointed out that there's nothing especially unique about their latest drop.


the latest 9 billion drop was because of tucks for kids.


Speculative. In any case, no reason to believe they won't recover.


people are dumb and will forget about it soon and will start shopping there again.


Start at 1:16

Start at 1:32


1:16 The commentator implies the tuck-suits are for children, but the clips don't actually directly show that. I can't read the tags, nor is it clear that is what those are.

1:32 is an ADULT item


The tweet says it's for children.


That's not a tweet from target. It's a tweet from a partisan account that isn't demonstrating its claim from the picture.


I doubt you’ll accept it but The Wall Street Journal reported Target was selling “Pride-related children’s swimsuits, such as a black swim skirt, that are marketed as ‘thoughtfully fit’ for ‘multiple gender expressions.’”


Pride-related is different though.

I assume you reject the idea that any childrens clothing or tween clothing should have pro-LGBT aesthetics on it


I thought you were challenging people for evidence Target was selling kid’s clothes fitted for gender expression. I really haven't thought about this new issue you’re raising. I suppose my initial reaction is that it’s always seemed weird to me when adults feel the need to enlist kids to the political-sexual-cultural issues of adults.


I specifically meant in terms of the tucks.

I don't see it that different to this tbh.


I’m not sure what your first sentence means sorry. As for the second, I’ve seen others saying modern gender ideology is a form of religion so, you are certainly not the first to make that analogy.

For me, i think the better analogy would be to seeing children’s clothes with enthusiastic expressions for the war in Ukraine or legalized pot or something political / sexual / cultural that is exclusively the province of adult debate. I mean, it would seem weird to see some happy statement supporting bisexuality on clothing for toddlers or elementary school kids in my opinion.


>I’m not sure what your first sentence means sorry. As for the second, I’ve seen others saying modern gender ideology is a form of religion so, you are certainly not the first to make that analogy.

The claim specifically is that target are selling this "tuck-friendly" clothing to kids.

>For me, i think the better analogy would be to seeing children’s clothes with enthusiastic expressions for the war in Ukraine or legalized pot or something political / sexual / cultural that is exclusively the province of adult debate. I mean, it would seem weird to see some happy statement supporting bisexuality on clothing for toddlers or elementary school kids in my opinion.

I mean, children have been used as props in protests historically. You can find clothing like that. But in all reality, you could argue it's just as weird to adorn a 5 year old in christian-enthused attire as it is LGBT stuff (that's just generic supportive stuff and not innately sexualised).

In a general sense though, I do agree with you on both.


Okay. Good debate Skavau. I don’t agree on the religion analogy but you’ve certainly made me think about it. I get your point that saying “Support LGBT” is not the same as something more explicit on sexuality. Frankly, I could easily imagine some religious expression that crosses the line on a kid’s T-shirt too.


Because your deranged cult is dangerous and the want to protect their employees.

Republican = Mob Violence


LMAO Mob Violence.... Cope cope cope!!

Summer of 2020, and 2022 says hello.

Target has lost 9 BILLION and counting!! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣

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"Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes gets 18 years for Jan. 6 seditious conspiracy"


Why hide it? Cmon ladies, be a man.


This is a deceptively clever and humorous post.




Definitely sounds like right wing BS.

Though I will say, that NYPost link showing the guy rocking a one piece with a huge bulge is a funny as hell image! It reminds me of Jim Carrey back in his In Living Color days!


If its on the internet then its real.

Jim Carrey was ahead of his time. I am surprised no one has posted this yet on Twitter. I need to make an account to get this trending.



Gives a whole new meaning to…

“battle of the bulge”


I had a battle of the bulge once, my gf lost.


Put them out front so the shop lifter will grab them.


Can we assume by “them” you mean the swimsuits? Otherwise you sound like Biden.


Grab life by the bulge.


This means the Bud Light boycott is working better than imagined...they are scared.


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They weren't removed because of boycotts, they were removed because of threats of violence.


No threats have been made.

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"Target Corp (TGT.N) is offering more than 2,000 products, including clothing, books, music and home furnishings as part of its Pride Collection. The items include "gender fluid" mugs, "queer all year" calendars and books for children aged 2-8 titled "Bye Bye, Binary," "Pride 1,2,3" and "I'm not a girl."

"Since introducing this year's collection, we've experienced threats impacting our team members' sense of safety and wellbeing while at work," Target said in a statement."


Article lacks any evidence of threats...

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What do you expect Target to do? Are you accusing them of lying?


They are lying.


Based on what?




Why does everyone here immediately resort to trolling like a 10 year old whenever they're challenged?


Because you aren't genuine in your arguments. B1cksurn brings up that target presents no evidence and you defend them and suggest they wouldn't lie. I suggest they are lying and you ask for evidence. Target is pushing sexualized material on children, they should be on a watch list, and do not deserve the benefit of the doubt the same way a diddler doesn't deserve it.


Why should we assume a company spokesperson would lie?

>Target is pushing sexualized material on children, they should be on a watch list, and do not deserve the benefit of the doubt the same way a diddler doesn't deserve it.


Haha sure politifact.


So zero contestation of the arguments they make. Just "bad source dont like haha".


They just go on and on about how they are not bathing suits for kids, even though they have kid sizes, and don't worry they have tons of other lgbtqp stuff for children. They are just regurgitating targets cover lie and giving them a pass. Compare that coverage to when they "fact check" someone on the right. No benefit of the doubt on those fact checks even when there's video proof to dispute allegations.


Sources please.


I like how when you search it you get all those sites debunking it.

I don't remember those sites debunking that experimental gene therapy being pushed not long ago.


"Another video on Instagram, which had more than 100,000 likes as of Monday, shows footage of the tag on the one-piece swimsuit, and claims that while it is not specifically in the kids’ section, it is available in kids’ sizes.

However, the swimsuits labeled “tuck-friendly” are only in adult sizes, and are not available in kids’ sizes, Kayla Castaneda, a spokesperson for Target, told The Associated Press.

Both the colorful one-piece and black swim bottoms seen in the photos and videos online are clearly labeled on Target’s website as adult swimsuits. Both pages list the products as coming in “general adult sizing” and offer adult XS as the smallest size for sale.

“The ‘tuck-friendly’ swim suits are for adults only,” Castaneda said. The kids’ swimsuits in the Pride collection are not the same design or construction and do not have the same label, Castaneda confirmed.

At a Target in New York City’s downtown Brooklyn neighborhood that the AP visited on Monday, the same adult swimsuits shown on social media featured the “tuck-friendly” tag, while a kids’ black swimskirt for sale instead had a tag reading: “Thoughtfully Fit on Multiple Body Types and Gender Expressions.”

The Pride apparel for kids, adults and pets was located together at the front of the store, in an area often used for seasonal or limited-edition collections, and not in the children’s section."

