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Supreme Court will reinstate Trump as President

Supreme Court To Hear Case To Reinstate Donald Trump Over 'Rigged' Election

The U.S. Supreme Court is reconsidering hearing the Brunson v. Adams lawsuit, after previously dismissing it earlier this year. The lawsuit appears to be seeking to remove President Joe Biden, 80, from the White House and reinstate former President Donald Trump, 76, as President of the United States, as it claims that lawmakers violated their oaths of office by refusing to investigate the fraudulent 2020 general election which it claims was rigged in Biden’s favor.

Fingers crossed everyone! Wouldn’t it be amazing if Trump actually won this case and that old codger and his cronies were kicked out of the White House and President Trump reinstated? We can all HOPE right? ….have faith!


Supreme Court will not hear case to oust Biden, reinstate Trump


What a shocker!


Not too surprised honestly, it appears the SC supports tyranny and fraudulent elections.


I think it only takes 4 SC Justices to agree to hear a case, you've got 6... who's in the crosshairs?


The only 2 that support Trump are Brett and Amy, the rest are center left. Lets say they did hear the case and did find fraud in the election. They would have no choice but to disqualify Biden and re-vote or remove him. If you thought the protests of 2016 and 2020 were bad, it would be 1000 times worse. They are better off not to hear the case and keep the status quo.

Brett's life was threatened just for the Roe v Wade case. I fear things would be way worse for those who decided to remove Biden. They were scared for their lives so the case was dismissed.


Yeah, Clarence Thomas, "the only cruel and unusual punishment is the iron maiden" center-left...




Banana Republic engaged.


I remember that store! They had some decent clothing as I recall...


Do you honestly still believe the election was stolen or is this some kind of charade?


Do you honestly still believe that the Biden admin sabotaged the pipelines and lied about it or is this some kind of charade?

Do you honestly still believe that the covid-virus was man-made in a lab and then they lied about it or is this some kind of charade?

Do you honestly still believe that hunter’s laptop had incriminating evidence and then they lied about it or is this some kind of charade?

The list goes on, but I’m going to give you the "benefit of doubt" to a tiny amount of critical thinking and common sense.


Sorry, but I don't believe the election was stolen because I'm not a whack job.


Millions of other "lefties" said something similar about those three I mentioned above, so now, that qualifies "them" as whack


Are you hoping Trump runs again? I know he said he is, but I don't think he will follow through as his ego can't take another loss

Hell, there is a growing list of Republicans who say they won't support him, along with his own Vice President.


Of course, and for everyone else that doesn't want him to run, should take this into consideration if his opponent is elected as the candidate:


Good luck.


I do think it was stolen. The majority of votes for Biden were counted after the pollsters had left.

JANUARY 13, 2020
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, in an interview with ABC News, threatened the President saying “one way or another” he will be removed from office by next year.

Nancy Pelosi
Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.

In this statement, I do agree with Nancy.

If Dems can say the 2016 election was stolen then I can say the 2020 election was stolen.

Not sure if you remember but Joe said he would lose by chicanery. Hillary said not to concede under any circumstances.
Violent Anti-Trump Protests Try To Steal Spotlight On Inauguration Day
Trump Election Protested by Thousands Across the US

On the eve of an election in which the president of the United States is signaling he’ll do anything to win, including promoting violence and cheating, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) says she’s been methodically preparing for months for Donald Trump to try to steal the election and is confident Americans’ votes will be be fairly counted in the end.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said President Donald Trump would “lie, cheat and steal to win this election” on Wednesday’s broadcast of ABC’s “The View.”

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi sent a letter to her Democratic colleagues on Sunday warning them that the 2020 Presidential election could be “stolen” from them, adding that it is possible Congress determines the outcome of the election.

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said Wednesday night that his campaign has gathered a group of 600 lawyers and more than 10,000 volunteers to fight against possible “chicanery” in the November election, as the candidate warns that President Donald Trump could interfere with the election to ensure his victory.


And Trumps Berkeley research group all turned up nothing!
The crime of the century and zero evidence



I agree, Nancy saying Trump stole the 2016 election was a conspiracy.


Here are their double standards and projections:

24 minutes of Democrats denying election results.


Told ya.




On page one of this thread I said the Supreme Court would be too cowardly to hear the case.


Only an idiot would think they would.


Only a idiot would vote for a dementia patient.


Only an idiot would assume I did. If it's Biden vs Trump again, the country can burn for all I care.




Unnamed sources close to the matter have seen Trump Force One taking off to head to DC.

Meanwhile Biden shit himself.


Maybe he forgot some top secret documents



Super fake news
You should be ashamed


Please cite how this is incorrect. Thanks


Substantiate this or be recognized as an idiot.


I’m afraid you’re the idiot for believing fake news
You should be ashamed!
Fox News was outed for lying to their viewers for years


So then it's idiot. Gotcha. You live in logical fallacy land.


Shame on you !


What you consider shame- being logical- I consider intelligent. You're an idiot, and you chose to come out about it. No shame- you likely come from a long line of idiots, but you don't have to continue the streak.


This is why I try not to provide "the source" because they go straight for the FN deflection.

I provide a partial quote with enough keywords that they can use to do their own search.

Either way, they can't handle the truth.


Fake news was Trumps hideous moniker. The crazy thing we learned this week is that the kings of fake news were Trumps cheerleaders at FOX “news”
You can’t make this stuff up!


So your source is "people said it" and "trust me bro". To the educated you really come off badly.


You obviously haven’t read the texts.


It outs them as tards- it's an opportunity IMO. This conversation is about Biden hiding classified information- this bozo is trying to make it about Trump and the source. This flags him firstly as someone that cannot refute the information, secondly as extremely biased and thirdly as uneducated in Critical Thinking 101. We can continue to humiliate him or block him- our choice.


They are unable to refute the truth with actual evidence so they deflect by changing the topic and redirecting the blame.
Some of them are been funded to lie, deny, and obfuscate the truth.


An excellent response is "Where do you get your news from?" I ask this every time I get ad hominem regarding news sources and never have I gotten a response to it.


but then , when a reputable news source is cited you will in all instances retort with :

hahaha dont trust {news source} you sheeple , they are under control of green space lizards out to do kill Trumps presidency .

I'm paraphrasing obviously


But leftists never use reputable news sources to debunk or refute anything.


unnamed sources have said that Joes loaded dirty diapers have to be dropped out of Air Poop One.


not too late to make it right


Yeah its 7 months later , maybe the Supreme court will come to the right decision any day now


yup, no kidding. we need the Trump


I think the Supreme Court will ultimately have to step in the phony court cases against him.


They're stepping in soon, and if they don't rule in his favor he's toast!

In less than two weeks, the Supreme Court is expected to decide on John Castro v. Donald Trump, a case brought by a long-shot Republican candidate running against the former president that asks the justices to disqualify Trump from running based on the 14th Amendment. The justices have until October 9 to make their decision.

"If SCOTUS [the Supreme Court] rules in my favor, his name cannot appear on the ballot in *any* state because the Constitution's election clause giving states power over elections only applies to congressional races,"


Let me guess, Sam is going to astonish us with some internet scriptures on how SCOTUS works, so he can brag and boast like a raving TDS lunatic.


lol,🤣 well done on your 'massive edit' and for astonishing us with 'scriptures'. 👏


Another FAIL from master prognosticator JoWilli...Methinks it may be time for an edit!


Good times.


no edits here, but seriously, we really need Trump back stat...


Sam talks about edits, but he just did a major edit to his reply above where he "also" added a blockquote and a source link, lol.


They already have.

