MovieChat Forums > Politics > Do american liberals think that conserva...

Do american liberals think that conservatives are psychopaths?



sociopaths. or just downright conspiracy nut jobs. I mean look at this

the trump raid was actually to get documents showing connections of the Clintons and epsteins


"He's not using it because the information would cause a great deal of chaos and irreparable damage to America. Imagine the outcry and violence the Left would launch if Trump announced he had incontrovertible proof of sex crimes or corruption committed by DNC elite?

If he did not have the actual documents in hand, they could be destroyed and easily denied. Do you think he'd be believed when he said, "Oh, when I was President, I saw this evidence..." Are you really so simple you cannot figure that out?

And yes, everybody on the Left is indeed out to get Trump, and they have been ever since he announced his intention to run for President.

Just watch. Trump will not face charges and the nature of the documents will never be revealed."

conservatives are suffering from mass mental illness. it began with covid, and now they will believe anything


This leftist progressive feels like if democrats are guilty of sex crimes, and it can be proven, then they should be nailed to the wall for it. Something tells me the outcry and violence of the "left" would be rather subdued if sexual predators are made to answer for their crimes.


if I could understand this comment id reply


I didn't feel like it was unclear? I think most on the left are uninterested in protecting sexual predators, up to and including those among their own ranks? In other words, yes, this conspiracy theory is whack! You probably didn't understand it because you took it as some kind of triple-double cross, I'm guessing? Because that's all you're used to getting for feedback from MC? But, no, I was agreeing with you.


Well, you know what they say--If you think everyone different from you is crazy, YOU'RE the crazy one. So if a liberal suggests conservatives are psychopaths, you can take it to the bank that liberal is just confessing/projecting.


Yeah liberals project their racism all the time.


we have actual Neo nazi racists on this site like overtonpendelum. the only ones to call him our are liberals. I can only conclude contards agree with him in part. the only racists on this site have been the right


Talk about projecting, how about that idiot who loves to throw KKK and Nazi around all the time.
It's like he's PAID to do it ! Hmmm ...?


1. I have never even used the words kkk once in 5800 comments. you are a liar.

2. ive called one person a nazi on this site, Overton, and only because his comments align with nazi eugenics.

3. and here comes the conspiracies

ill expect an apology here or in my DMs


Ridiculously crazy, everything is a windmill they have to slay. Everyone is a racist and a nazi. Some really unhinged shit.

Very tiring.


I'm anxious to see which 'minority' they vehemently support next.


Don't forget your buddy who's a regular advertiser for Nazis and the Klan. They are like his own children's pictures he just can't keep himself from showing everyone.


A good example of psychopath logic.


Yes, they(the left) are deranged and unhinged to the point where they see the right as inherently evil, and its okay to be bigoted and istaphobe towards because they are always good and righteous. It doesn't matter how much hypocrisy they display because the ends always justify the means. For them, it's all about power and only power. The means of achieving it do not matter, and will simply accuse their enemies of doing what they are doing.

The first post in this thread is a great example.


And you are just a hateful, lying dumb fuck.


The truth hurts.


Much as I agree,
You are reinforcing his point with responses like that.


Yes they think anyone with even the slightest degree of common human decency is a psychopath. They have everything ass backwards


Your the one who's always proffering his ass to everyone hoping they'll stick something up it.


Ewwww that’s gross.


I don't think all conservatives are psychopaths; the term psychopath has a very specific meaning.

I do think some conservatives are extremely rigid in their thinking to the point they believe that their opinion is the only valid one. If you don't agree with them, you are an idiot in their mind. The same thing could be said for some extremist liberal. It seems a lot of conservatives (maybe they are just the vocal minority) have drank the Kool Aid, so to speak.

I remember when I was in Hawaii in November 2016 for vacation. I was there for about a week and I got approached a couple of times by a couple of Americans who started in on me on Trump. Both times the conversation was out of the blue and I had never met these people before. I'm not a political person and told these people so. The first couple who asked me dropped the subject. The second time, the guy became very agitated and started to become very abusive and pushed some woman standing beside me (who I didn't know). I went to the front desk of the hotel where this was happening and asked them to call the police. They came and escorted the guy away. It was a bit of a scene and I asked the woman if she was ok.


Pretty sure you got that backwards. It's not the conservatives who think their opinion is the only valid one. That's kinda the problem.


I don't have it backwards.


No, you have it backwards. To the liberal, up is down, left is right, right is left, black is white.


Troll much?


Look in the mirror much???


Do you?


I have nothing to be ashamed of but I don't lie and project either.


Good for you.


Wow, a reply two weeks later. Still delusional.


A great self-observation.


That's comical. Liberals/democrats/progressives/communists are literally the most narrow-minded, closed-minded people in existence. All the while pretending to be "tolerant". Totally regressive. Somehow, you are all able to convince yourselves of the opposite. Mass psychosis and group-think hard at work.


Wow, you make so many false assumptions about me and people in general that don't agree with you. You are so easy to get you worked up about stuff. It's rather fun to get you going.

In your OP, you ask "Do american[sic] liberals think that conservatives are psychopaths?" and then proceed with your latest post. Talk about hypocrisy and projection.

I should leave you alone get so worked up and seem to need to have the last word. That's a sign of mental illness, always needing to have the last word and be proven right.


This isn't my thread, genius.

I don't need to assume, I'm responding to YOUR words in YOUR post. Your perception is 180° from reality. I should have just assumed you're stupid, because that's apparently the case.

"I do think some conservatives are extremely rigid in their thinking to the point they believe that their opinion is the only valid one. If you don't agree with them, you are an idiot in their mind. The same thing could be said for some extremist liberal. It seems a lot of conservatives (maybe they are just the vocal minority) have drank the Kool Aid, so to speak."


I knew you couldn't help yourself.


Yep, stupid.


Tremble with rage.

Click on Jack Brock’s name.

Look at latest posts.

Wow, those three there aren't even aimed at me.

I wish he didn't use so many line breaks. It takes ages to read each one.

I must stay strong. The Politics board is depending on me.

Wow, this is taking up all my internet allowance time.

Drag the cursor across each post.

Right-click copy.

Open folder labelled Butthurt files.

Navigate to Jack Brock’s folder.

Open 'Awesome Quotes' file.

Right-click paste.

Think 'this'll show that annoying dude'

Await response.

Peruse Jack Brock’s post history some more.

Ah, he's made a new post. Thank God his post quota's only 1.30 secs. If he was using his iPad account too, the logistics would be unimaginable....

Repeat steps above.

Continue to await response.

Tap feminine finger nailed hand on desk impatiently.

Ah, he's replied.

Damn, he's laughing at me.

Bash Cheeto crumb covered keyboard with both fists.

Adjust spectacles.

Right, which one of his own posts can I use in response. For some inexplicable reason I believe this will show him.....

Scan Jack Brock’s post history again.

Ad infinitum.


The fact that you really think that and took all that time to post this crap, priceless.


Bite me loser.


You are the fucking problem here, dumb ass.


Probably. Liberals are too retarded to see what lying, projecting, racist, sexist, idiotic hypocritical communists they are. While their lunacy has gone off the deep end, they accuse us of being extremists.



Isn’t that what this entire thread is about? Judging people by their political party and NOT the content of their character?


I’m not liberal, I’m a zealot


I'd consider myself to the left of most liberals, but I do not regard rank-and-file conservatives as psychopaths. They are rather paranoid and dumb, however. For examples of such nincompoopery, read these boards. I would not regard Donald Trump or many of his high-profile enablers as conservative. I would not be surprised if psychopathy was more common among right-wingers, but that's moot. White nationalists can be high in empathy/altruism (their charity is directed in-group). Trump and other grifters would not hesitate to sell out their group for fame and money.


> They are rather paranoid and dumb

There may be different ways and reasons so many Conservatives are psychopaths, but they are psychopaths nevertheless.

Conservative is the name or the branding Trump criminal psychopaths want to associate themselves with. Same with the John Birchers, they were extreme far right libertarian fascists who called themselves Conservatives because Nazis does not have a good ring to most Americans.

> White nationalists can be high in empathy/altruism (their charity is directed in-group).

Crimes of Conservatives fascists are directed in-group too ... that is part of being a psychopath, only caring acting on behalf of themselves and their groups.

You hardly sound to the Left of most Liberals ... what is a politicy that you subscribe to that you consider to the Left of most Liberals?


What the fuck are you even talking about? Your words are directed at conservatives but I have no idea who they really fit. I just know it ain't me.


>There may be different ways and reasons so many Conservatives are psychopaths, but they are psychopaths nevertheless.

Psychopaths are one percent of the population. Whatever the argument here, your math is not going to add up.

>Conservative is the name or the branding Trump criminal psychopaths want to associate themselves with.

In 2016, Donald Trump was the least conservative candidate for the Republican nomination. He vowed to protect Medicare and Social Security. He refused to go along with Norquist's tax pledge. He was probably the most gay and trans positive candidate in the field. Former Republican George Will wrote a book about a "conservative sensibility," which does not hold among Trump supporters.

>Crimes of Conservatives fascists are directed in-group too ... that is part of being a psychopath, only caring acting on behalf of themselves and their groups.

Can you be more vague? I think everyone by now is familiar with the idea that there are harsher penalties for apostates than infidels, but that involves out-grouping someone.

>You hardly sound to the Left of most Liberals...

Because I don't think most conservatives are psychopaths? That only demonstrates the insane tribalism at the moment. As for my views, I advocate animal rights, universal healthcare, workplace democracy (aka socialism), atheism, global governance (especially to reduce war and deal with climate change). In every presidential election, I've voted for either the Green Party or another left-wing third party. Would like to see my papers, comrade?


> Because I don't think most conservatives are psychopaths?

Because you give no indicators of any Liberal thinking or Liberal issues, and you stand up for Republicans who have become a cult.

> Psychopaths are one percent of the population.

Clearly, not.

> Psychopaths are one percent of the population.

Conservatives are now whatever Donald Trump says they are.


>Because you give no indicators of any Liberal thinking or Liberal issues, and you stand up for Republicans who have become a cult.

This should cause you to pause and self-reflect. If a broad swath of conservatives (and just people in general) are indeed psychopaths, then it should not matter if I engage in liberal thinking or have liberal beliefs; it's a fact independent of one's political ideology. You're looking for sigils and team players rather than evidence.

Re: Psychopaths as 1% of the population.
>Clearly, not.

This is just false. Look up the information. It's classically one percent.

>Conservatives are now whatever Donald Trump says they are.

While the meaning of words change and eventually there's little point to talk about their origin, I'm not sure why anyone would cede lexical authority to Mr. Covfefe. Someone mentioned OvertonPendulum, and I had a marathon encounter with his stupidity, starting with his claim (and shifting ad hoc rationalizations) that Jonah Goldberg is not a conservative. So, OK, Donald Trump is more of an authority on what constitutes conservatism than Edmund Burke? Michael Oakeshott? William F. Buckley? Roger Scruton? The guy who thinks he coined the phrase "priming the pump" also defines conservatism?

That is political propaganda. A slur. It's not unlike conservatives who claim North Korea is "communist." NK is communist and socialist because they say they are? They're not exploiting the moral appeal of those ideologies for their own selfish interest? North Korea also says it's a democracy, so is it a democracy? It says it's a republic, so is it a republic? No, it's only communist/socialist. The braying buffoon says he won the election. He says his administration did more than any other in American history. Are these things also true on his say so? No, he only gets to define conservatism.
