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Would the USA be better today if the confederacy had won?

An interesting thought exercise.

With racism as horrific as ever in present day, would there be any improvements?


No, and your assertion in the second line is stupid. Be more creative with your BS next time, dumb man


The confederacy did win.

100 years of terrorism in the form of lynchings and other forms of violence, government sanctioned Jim Crow laws instituted and continued racial discrimination, white supremacy and white privilege.

And if you read the 13th Amendment carefully, slavery was never abolished - only limited.


Yeah, Lincoln didn't really go far enough. He only ended slavery at home, didn't end racism or deconfedrify (made up word) the south. It was left to fester and only grew then slowly integrate with rest of the Union.


Lincoln was assassinated. Pro-slavery Confederate Johnson became president. He's the one who nullified the plan to give land to the newly freed black people as reparations for their labor. Instead, he gave that land to only white people.

The Reconstruction era saw many positive changes for black people like high voter registration and the election of many black politicians including the first senator. The first public schools in the South were created to educate black people since it was illegal for them to learn to read and write as slaves. Poor whites benefitted from this as well since they couldn't afford private schools which had been the only option in the South.

After a few years of progress, Hell on Earth rained down on black people. As a "compromise", the North ended protection and left the South. Jim Crow laws, KKK terrorism, voter suppression and laws making "free black labor" legal (vagrancy laws) were created.

Whenever black people progress, there is a strong pushback from whites who refuse to give up white privilege. It happened with Reconstruction, Civil Rights and Voting Rights legislation and now after Obama's presidency.


Yeah, that just ain't true. Despite what dipshit posted below, Lincoln had no intentions of giving slaves anything. In fact, he wanted to deport them to Haiti or back to Africa.

The South's culture was destroyed. Landowners saw their property seized. The Reconstruction was a terrible time in the South.


Interesting history, thanks for some history lesson. It seems though that Lincoln was fine with 'intelligent' blacks and those that fought in the Union army to stay but the rest he wanted to deport to other colonies.

What part did I say that wasn't true? I never said he didn't deport anyone or give them anything other than ending slavery.

As for Reconstruction, I wasn't even talking about it but it is a good read also I have to say. I was talking about the mindset of the Confederacy was still intact.

Now for my history lesson: (good watch) < -- this is what I want taught, not that certain CRT
-Orwell 1984: "Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past."
If you control the narrative of what is true about the past, that narrative sets the mark for how we go forward in the future. If you control the truth about the past, then you have the path to the future.

These were the ones that preserved it to this day.


The confederacy did win.

100 years of terrorism in the form of lynchings and other forms of violence, government sanctioned Jim Crow laws instituted and continued racial discrimination, white supremacy and white privilege.

If you cared about black people, you wouldn't say ridiculous things that inflame the situation. There's nothing to be gained by calling lynchings "terrorism", when it doesn't fit the definition of the word. Lynchings are murder and not terrorism.

You only say it because it's an emotive word and your reason for "living" is to come on the internet to engage in hysterical verbal pseudo-intellectual masturbation.

Saying ludicrous things like "the confederacy won" when everybody knows they lost, is going to piss off racists more isn't it? Surely? And then they might get violent?

I thought racists were supposed to be everywhere? You don't care about black people at all you care about your own pathetic self-aggrandizement.

The only explanation for your way of speaking, is that you find it impossible to believe anyone would take your words seriously.


I standby my comment. You can read my reply to Rorikon to understand the reason.


And do you know why the Klan was formed in the first place, oh mighty Googler? Because the party of Lincoln was forcing freed slaves to vote for them. The Klan was not formed to lynch blacks, it was formed to counter the same sort of thing that started the war in the first place. Just like now, you had a government that wanted to win at all costs.


"Lincoln was forcing freed slaves to vote for them."

That's dumb! The Republican party was the progressive anti-slavery party. The Democrats were the conservative pro- slavery party. Of course, most black people were Republicans.

The Klan formed because they wanted to maintain white supremacy.


Wrong. You can have your own opinion but not your own facts.


You don't know any facts because you don't read history books.

Concise Republican history:
"Founded in 1854 as a coalition opposing the extension of slavery into Western territories, the Republican Party fought to protect the rights of African Americans after the Civil War.

Lincoln and other Republicans began to see the abolition of slavery as a strategic move to help them win the war.

Radical Republicans in Congress passed legislation protecting the rights of blacks, including civil rights and voting rights (for black men).

These Republican Reconstruction policies would solidify white Southerners’ loyalty to the Democratic Party for many decades to come.

Black voters, who had remained loyal to the Republican Party since the Civil War, began voting Democratic after the Depression and the New Deal."


I guarantee I've done more historical research than you have, idiot. Especially when it comes to the south and the War of Northern Aggression. The fact remains that the republicans were forcing freed slaves to vote for their party. The Klan was formed to counter that.

Lincoln used the slavery issue to incite the South. He did not give a rat's ass about their plight, his own words bear this out. They have been the political pawns of liberals ever since. Today it's the democrat party. Just as then, people like you pretend to give a shit when you really don't. Which is why black conservatives are treated so poorly.


"I standby my comment. "

Don't just standby it, turn it off completely at the switch.

You illiterate kook.


If you cared about black people, you wouldn't say ridiculous things that inflame the situation. There's nothing to be gained by calling lynchings "terrorism", when it doesn't fit the definition of the word. Lynchings are murder and not terrorism.
100 years of terrorism in the form of lynchings and other forms of violence
100 years of murder in the form of lynchings and other forms of violence
are you saying 100 years murder is ok , as long as its not terrorism?

what a load of blather that is totally irrelevent to K's point that even after the civil war black people were not treated as equals , by a country mile .



I admit you're right that terrorism and murder are different things.
I maintain that is as irrelevant to the discussion as pointing out a missing comma.


Well terrorism is for a political cause and murder not necessarily.

Terrorism can involve murder but not all murders ARE terrorism.


Lynchings weren't just about killing that specific person. They were used to send a horrific message to the black people in that community to remind them what happens when they get out of line. If that isn't a prime example of terrorism, then I don't know what the hell is!


If you tag "terrorism" on to every single occasion that someone was afraid, that means you devalue the word. Of course, you don't care about considerations of the future, or the English language.

If you take your standard, anyone who has ever been beaten up at school is also a victim of terrorism, because they also did that to "Keep them in line". Didn't they?

If you recall, Trump was told by Twitter that threatening to enforce the law against George Floyd rioters constitutes "glorifying violence" LOL. That was a judgment passed down by Osama Bin Dorsey. So by that standard anyone who has ever seen a police car go by is a victim of terrorism, because enforcing the law is "violent" correct?


you think systematic campaign of lynchings to keep an entire race under the jackboot , is the same as a bully stealing your lunch?


All that guy ... excuse me troll, does is post unthinking illogical stuff to annoy and inflame people.


Not really any different. We already employ slavery in Africa, China, Bangladesh, other 3rd world countries so it only has shifted offshore, just like many of the jobs.


That is a really good point.

We have "fairtrade" coffee now , and try not to decorate ourselves with blood diamonds, and tick a couple of other boxes that make us all righteous, but didnt take that much effort .

Now if only that could be extended to paying a fair price for all the shit made in far eastern sweatshops , or better yet , making it ourselves we could truly be not guilty of slavery and exploitation.
Capitalism and the current economic models will never allow that to happen though .


I wouldn't equate chattel slavery with sweatshop worker exploitation.

If you want to say foreign workers are exploited then I agree 100%, but acknowledge we benefit from it with cheap products. We have to be willing to pay more and stop allowing corporations to profit off their misery.


"Chattel slavery" you've got fruity old fashioned terms memorised that are supposed to make you look smart in the eyes of the gullible.

Slavery is slavery, you care about the different names for it lol.

I bet you voluntarily watch Coen bros movies.


Treatment was different. For instance, slaves captured during warfare in some societies were considered human, could marry, own property and their children were free unlike chattel slavery practiced in the Americas.


I bet you voluntarily watch Coen bros movies.
oh snap!
zing! :)


Probably not but it might have been better if the Southern States had been allowed to secede from the Union.


Short term no, long term yes, America will soon be a failed state due to its left wing ideologies.


Yeah sure, as the Right-wing gets more and more power and screws up more and more things, the absurd blame of the Left comes out from Left field. What a joke.


The South would be a lot better. Rather than suffering the indignity of unconditional surrender and the reconstruction. We wouldn't be tolerating 150yr old bullshit and propaganda. We wouldn't be facing this great lie that the war was fought to end slavery. In fact, the only reason there was a war was because the North invaded.

Slavery was on its way out, regardless. Virtually every other nation had PAID for the freedom of its slaves. Something the arrogant and self-righteous Union was unwilling to even consider.




Would the confederacy have banned a tv show called “The Dukes of Columbia” because some good old boys were driving around with the ol Betsy Ross on their roof?


Dellusional Democrats are the only people keeping racism alive.


Hardly ... Extreme Right-wing nationalist haters who can anonymously post their bile keep racism alive ... but if they were suddenly outed, you'd see how people react to you and probably be fired and banned from polite society for being a deadbeat loser.
