MovieChat Forums > Politics > SCOTUS Ruling: OSHA Vaccine Mandate Unc...

SCOTUS Ruling: OSHA Vaccine Mandate Unconstitutional. Biden Admin BTFO'd

It should have never went this far.

Healthcare worker mandate upheld, but testing option allows hospitals to save face if they wish.


I’m hoping it’s only the beginning of many more defeats for the most evil president I have seen in my lifetime.


He's just the dumbest, dumb people are easy to control. Bush, Obama, and Clinton are much more evil.


idk he is pretty evil, around kids he cant keep his hands off 6 year old girls breasts and sniffs these kids hair all while whispering sweet nothing into their poor ears. these kids looks so much in discomfort, and they are the ones he feels comfortable molesting on camera, i dont even imagine what he does off camera to the victims that get hand delivered to him by jeff epsteins replacement agent from israel


He does that sh*t in public because he'd like to run with real pedophiles like Clinton but he's too dumb to get away with it. Epstein would have looked at him, laughed in his face and then told him to fly coach. We all know Epstein and Clinton are pedos, and they are not on camera doing the goofy shit Biden does because they don't need to. Bush and Obama on the other hand just bomb the kids and see dollar bills.
The guy was generally a joke that even the media would have thrown under the bus back in Obama's day but now he's a useful idiot so they pretend he's not a moron.


Well really it’s the middle. The Democrat media/party leadership run administration has already had a half dozen major legal failures.

It’ll be nice when we get representatives in place who put America and its citizens first again.


pop the champagne baby


I live among covid cultists. It will be interesting overhearing conversations for the next few days.


so glad i didnt give into getting this mcfranklinvax. i dont care what the law is about it, give me the death penalty before i let u inject me with ur mystery juice


I fully support this ruling, but you sound kind of paranoid about the vaccine. Science says the benefits vastly outweigh the negatives and its far from a "mystery juice." But you know what? You do you and if you get sick, that's on you. Do us a favor and don't how up to the ER with pulmonary problems.


Science says

This reads like religion.

What exactly do you mean by this? The reality I see, is that the shots don't work as advertised, and maybe lessen symptoms(we can't know for sure without long term studies). They cause some really fucked up side effects and can even kill you.

So who/what is this "science" you are referring to?


I hope not because I'm not religious. I'm referring to all and any information I've read from doctors, scientists, the CDC and other reliable sources. And certainly not what I've read on Twitter, Facebook or any other pseudoscience sources.

The shots certainly do work as advertised. Certainly you don't think the vaccine was supposed to make us immune, did you? We can obviously still contract the virus, however any breakthrough case will be asymptomatic or mild and serious illness or hospitalization is highly unlikely.

As for the side effects, the chances are extraordinary low. Citing this as a reason not to get one is like saying you won't swim in the ocean because you might get attacked by a shark. My point is that severe side effects or death is a statistical anomaly.

I honestly don't give a crap if you get vaccinated or not, but keep in mind healthy people are dying from refusing a very simple and safe preventative. Do you honestly not trust the vaccine or is this a Political defiance sort of decision?


my own family doctor didnt take this mcfranklinvax. only "scientists" are fake news propagandists and big tech oligarchs who i know hate my guts telling me to take this shit. the actual scientist who invented this shit was censored from twitter and now fake news wants to censor joe rogan just for taking to the guy. all this chinese communist censorship the elite are doing is just reassuring me i made the right decision by staying as far away from this mcfranklinvax as i can


This is either performance art or you are completely lost. What a load of absolute paranoid horseshit.

Good luck.


i might be paranoid as shit but i am not lost bud. the sheep walking to the slaughterhouse look at the runaway sheep in the forest as "lost" but that one walkin his own way is actually found. being paranoid as shit has always worked for me and helped me stay above the traps of society and conformity. everyone called me crazy when i invested all my savings into bitcoin when it was still in the hundreds of dollars and yea i was crazy, crazy right. now all those same people who called me dumb are working shitty jobs waking up early and i am retired in my mid twenties traveling this great nation in a van. while they focus on being a good little worker bee i get to focus on eating right and working out. just because i am being paranoid doesnt mean i am wrong bud, paranoia is a natural and healthy emotion to have in this sick cruel world we live in. u have to listen to the paranoia in your head because u are feelin it for a reason. it is a survival mechanism. like Ricky from the trailerpark says "its survival of the fitness boys" if u really are serious about surviving this chinese bioweapon virus i suggest u change ur diet and start working out more instead of listening to the fake news propagandists and falling victim into becoming a big pharma guinea pig. no science bitch can save a fatty mcbumballattie regardless of how many doses of the mcfranklinvax they inject into them


How were you financially able to retire in your 20's? Did you just decide to drop out of society or did you strike it rich?


by being paranoid and not trusting the government and mainstream banking system is how i got rich. if i wasn't paranoid i would have never went all in on bitcoin back when it was still underground and not mainstream


Well if you're telling the truth, good for you. I'm a firm believer in crypto for longtime growth, although I only got into it a few years ago. So far its treated me pretty well.

I'm curious though, if you have wealth, why not buy a house? Sure, I love to travel, too, but I'd also want roots and a place to call my own.


i own a house in my ghetto hometown for the past view years. looking for a second property in Florida right now. i like having a house but i dont like having it trap me inside and try to not stay in one place for too long. i feel like i am expanding and growing as a person when i am in new places. the first year i had my home i spend too much time in it and while during self reflection decided to rough it out more and have more adventures


Also in the same day that voter cheating bill got trashed.

But folks, don't go to sleep and think everything is okay. These people just change it up, put it under a different name and never stop trying, I'll give them that.


"I want everybody to remember that the Supreme Court has said the government doesn't have the authority to make people wear a mask when it later says it *does* have the authority to force women to give birth against their will."


It's really simple. Either come to work or outing with a mask, get vaxxed, show a proof of negative test, or COVID survivor..


Most places are requiring all of it... for a cold. I can't wait till cases flatline and how they justify all of it after the fact.

I'm sure a new virus will just happen to come along...somehow.


Finally, they waited to the last minute of course. A few people I work with were forced out. They should be back now.


Of coarse, they wanted to force as many people to get the shot as possible. Because force is what you use when there is nothing nefarious behind the shot and it works really well and is safe.


Joe Biden is an embarrassment to the United States and I’m glad that his fascist, unconstitutional mandates were rejected. The motherfucker should be in prison.


worst embarrassment ever, I thought this Scotus ruling would get more press, but it was just a blip in the mainstream news.

the Supreme Court literally saved us from forced injections, meh, now its no big deal...
