MovieChat Forums > Politics > What happens when you perform worse in 4...

What happens when you perform worse in 46 states, and 200 counties than your 2 Democrat predecessors?

Magically only performing better in 4 communist controlled Democrat party cities of 4 key swing states is not the logical or legal path to victory in a presidential election. No matter how much the Chinese communist run Democrat party media says it.


Math doesn't lie.
Trump won.


Bet you never passed an advanced math class in your life. Go knit me an Afghan. If you can't do that your probably a waste of oxygen on this planet.


You just attacked the person, not the argument
Typical communist tactic.

We see through it. Always have.


I'm an independent. When the person talks about the math and they have no idea what the math shows, they deserve it.


No, you are not discussing the argument at hand.
If they have no idea what the math's shows, then SHOW YOUR POSITION to why that is so

But you have not, and you are just personally attacking the guy, to shut down the conversation.

I cant see any math's in this anyway, in this thread.
However its fair to say NormaAndNorman was speaking generally

And generally speaking, there are statistical impossibilities.
If you disagree, please show us why

Otherwise its just a personal attack, to shut down conversation.
A typical communist tactic.


There is some statistics in the Texas challenge, but it is horrendously wrong, for the reasons explained by Prof. Justin Grimmer of Stanford. See


Thanks for providing something to discuss,

I was reading it, expecting an analytical analysis however what was provided was sociological assumption testing, or how should I say it, their main point or argument was based around the assumptions used to complete their modeling

But there is no way to prove THEIR assumptions are right

So to be as fair as possible, neither/both model or assumption matrix's prove anything either way

This however does not have any bearing on the objectiveness of seeing those 130,000 votes appear at 4-5AM or whatever time it was, when no one was counting the polls and it was closed due to a water main break! That then turned out it was a broken toilet, that turns out with CCTV the votes were still being counted.


You attack people and not the argument all the time. Take your half ass white knighting somewhere else.


Fuck off, I address their arguments, then tell them what I think of them

edit - and since YOU did not make any arguments... well what do I have to work with exactly?


Fuck off as well you useless cunt. Half ass Fascist white knight.
Why would I even bother to attack an argument that is based on a false premise to begin with?


Did you send him money to find “the hoax”?


You Dems keep using this money subject,is the only subject you have. But the truth is many people all over the world dont believe that Sleepy Joe won regulary and hope in a Trump victory,without sending one dollar one to him


Yr cheap


You are not talking about the topic at hand.
Typical communist tactic

If you had your way, this conversation would lead into sports, something completely away from politics
You would, you would fucking love it if you could have that power the second someone starts talking objective truths, as in maths and science


Trump won the election. There is zero doubt NONE.

Welcome to The Banana Republic of America.


Zero doubt! He won by a landslide. Everyone knows it.


If this is true, why would there not be evidence that can hold up in court?


People are being threatened.


That doesn’t matter when it comes to lawyers in a courtroom. They have no valid evidence to provide to even get to the point where someone might testify. They can’t even get a judge to grant them a case.


Sounds like a lot of chicanery is and was going on. Dems vow no investigation of this election for fraud and collusion.


Disgrace of an ackbar. Thinks he is part of the Empire.


Biden has issued Order 66. The Republic is over, now begins the reign of the Empire.

Ackbars must unite to defeat the villainous traitor called Joe Biden.


Many felt the same way about Trump in '16.


The courts are telling Trump to go away, democracy is telling Trump to go away, and even Melania is tired of Trump's shtick, and at every turn Trump keeps saying:

Trumptroopers need their Lord Trump.


Yup, this is the end of democracy. Long live Joke Biden.


Democracy has prevailed by kicking out the tyrant. Trumpers in tears.


I've noticed Fox News 'commentators' Mark Levin etc consoling themselves with this hilariously convoluted stupidity, They say because Biden did not perform LIKE Obama and Hillary with his electorate, he COULDN'T have won. SOOOO effing STUPID! How about Biden pulled from the brain dead 'deplorables'? There, there is your answer, mystery solved! Your own kin voted for Biden to a sufficient degree that TRUMP lost! You should be glad he didn't get the same percentage of black and brown voters as Obama and Hillary. That's only because he was trying to appeal to racists! If you are STILL confused, let's abolish the affirmative Action ELECTORAL COLLEGE. The LAST BASTION of white Minority Rule in America. Then you'll understand ONE MAN, ONE VOTE ...idiots!




The Texas lawsuit includes staggeringly dumb statistical arguments that make exactly these kinds of idiotic assumptions (e.g., that Biden votes have the same demographic shape as Clinton's, or that Biden's and Trump's voters are statistically indistinguishable, and so on) and from them deduce that there's something very improbable about Biden's win. Conservative Judges in particular *hate* being jerked around by bogus math and stats, hence, no kidding around, the Texas lawsuit is in for a real lashing if it ever gets as far as a SCOTUS hearing. But probably it won't even get that far.


The Rep threshold for logical argument and facts is VERY LOW. Say ANYTHING that sounds vaguely pro Trump and they support it 1000%. Can't think for themselves.


You win BIG. It's the electoral college and it's not a logical way to decide an election. We're stuck with it since it'll take a constitutional amendment to get rid of it. 48 of the states are winner-take-all and it only takes six or seven states to get the winner to 270 electoral college votes. Counties are irrelevant except for the two states that allocate their electoral college votes. I'd still like to see every state allocate their votes to each candidate so everybody's vote counts BUT the small population states still have more electoral votes per person than the larger population states.


It is Affirmative Action for white people, no more no less! They will eventually become more and more of a minority population and the GOP a minority party....IF...they insist on making everybody else's vote mean LESS than theirs. There is no longer an ideological divide but, according to the GOP, an US vs THEM divide; 'those black, brown and OTHER people are out to get you' was virtually Trump's SINGULAR message this Nov. It didn't work then, it won't work again. It MIGHT work only if the message ISN'T as blatant! The constitutional amendment will happen but by the time 2/3rds of the states summon the courage to do it, it will already be too late for the minority population. Republicans who genuinely believe in small govt. free enterprise etc need to rescue their party from insisting on 'minority rule' otherwise, their 'good' ideas will go down with the party.


Well going by what BLM do, all they do is riot and burn shit down, so good thing those white people have affirmative action so the whole country doesn't burn down - to take your logic/world view that doesn't exist

But I know what I just said is bullshit, because 80% of black people don't even support BLM
Its just woke white people, that feel sorry about being white because they belong to a cult


I see the electoral college as affirmative action for small states. I don't think race has anything to do with it. Even smaller blue states like Delaware and Vermont benefit from the electoral college. Based on my research, it takes 3/4 of the states to ratify a constitutional amendment and I don't think the small states would want to diminish their voting power.

While most Republicans are white, many people of different races agree with their positions on abortion, gun rights, LOWER TAXES and limited government. Even black rappers like 50 Cent and Lil Wayne endorsed Trump since they didn't want to pay higher taxes. The Republican message of lower taxes will always appeal to many BUT I don't see how anybody can talk about lowering taxes when the US national debt is $27TRILLION.


Yes, small Blue states also benefit by the EC but there are more small red ones than blue ones. Also the point is that the large blue states get disenfranchised! AND the large population blue states have large mostly minority populations so it VERY MUCH has to do with RACE! Why are you guys aways SO EAGER to deny RACISM? IT EXISTS! ITS HERE! My point is that when there IS a 2/3rd majority, and with demographics trends it WILL happen eventually, it will be too late to salvage the small red states population and there might not be ANY large red states left!

Not EVERY non white is Liberal, many are conservative BUT Trump did not run on the conservative positions you listed. He barely mentioned them, He ran sayin "darkie is coming to get you" "Our suburbs, our suburbs!" You can't deny THAT!I can tell you this much: MOST non white people don't think like LilWayne or 50 cent EVEN IF they are culturally conservative!


I still contend that the electoral college has nothing to do with race. The votes of many people do not count due to the winner-take-all methodof determining electoral college votes but that happens to people of ALL races. North Dakota is 87% white and all of its votes were awarded to Trump in the recent election even though he won with 66% of the total votes. That means that 34% of the votes were not counted in the election
and a majority of those votes would have been cast by white people. Similarly, Biden won all of California's electoral votes by winning with 64% of the total votes. The remaining 36% of the votes were not counted and that would include a diverse mix of all races.

Overturning the electoral college will require a constitutional amendment passed by 2/3 of both houses of congress AND ratification by 3/4 of the states. It could happen but I still think it's a long shot.

I deny that Trump ever campaigned by saying that darkie is coming to get you. I challenge you to find a link from a reputable source where Trump said darkie is coming to get you. Trump let Kanye West put his feet up on the resolute desk. Per the links below, Trump did run on gun rights, lower taxes and abortion since those are key Republican issues. The Mother Jones article explains Trump's suburbs strategy and I considered voting for Trump based on the suburbs argument. Biden wants to have some government bureacrat look over population data and decide the ethnic mix of a community. I say that is government overreach and the federal government should not decide if I need poor or minority neighbors. Biden wanted to withhold transportation funds from communities
that did not have high enough minority populations or adequate affordable housing. Most people don't want a large low-income housing project built near their house since that would depress property values.


is not the logical or legal path to victory in a presidential election.

That assessment is nonsensical.

Trump's 1-55 in court for a reason. Soon to be 1-56 when SCOTUS tosses this desperate nonsense from Texas et al.

"The merits are so outrageous in these claims that even the most avid Trump judges on the federal bench are laughing them out of court," says Rebecca Green, co-director of the election law program at William & Mary Law School. "I don’t see any reason why his judges on the Supreme Court wouldn’t be forced into that same position.”

"This is the most litigated election in history. And yet in all that litigation, neither the state nor the federal courts have found any evidence of fraud or even major irregularities, let alone enough to call into question Biden’s certified victory margins in these states," says Rick Pildes, an election law expert at New York University School of Law.

"The Supreme Court is not going to somehow swoop in at the midnight hour, declare the entire legal system to have been wrong about all this, and throw the election into chaos."

Do yourself a favor and stop listening to the Conman in Chief and those who lie to you for profit.


It says you have a weak Democratic party running against the worst Republican candidate since 1932.


soon you will learn how Trump is destroying our democracy the fact that congress no longer follows the will of the people will lead to an amendment that prohibits voting at all just a shame like other countries


I see the lemmings are having issues with statistical facts again. Such a shame.

Stick to hate night tv for your news lemmings. Reality is above your pay grade.
