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Yang dropped out of race

Another One Bites The Dust!


Yang was a whoodat from the git-go. No appreciable voter base..


LOL amazing news for Bernie :)

a small bump for Bernie. while the corporate shills Pete, klob, Biden and Bloomberg keep knife fighting in an alley


Nobody is going to vote for a communist. Even 15% of Bernie's supporters voted for Trump in 2016 which shows where their loyalties are. Most young people who support him won't vote even if he wins the nomination.

Any of the four moderates are electable in the swing states which prefer moderate Democrats.



1. you don't know the difference between communism and mixed market economies

2. no people switched to trump because like Bernie, Trump was talking about how bad free trade deals and neoliberalism is. LOL.

damn you are dumb man.

you failed high school right?


I know the difference between communism, socialism, capitalism, democratic socialism (Bernie) and socialist democracy as I'm sure you do. It's irrelevant! The problem is that most Americans have a negative image about socialism. Older Americans identify it with communism. Older Americans are the ones who vote in droves.

Nevertheless, 15% of Bernie supporters voted for autocrat Trump helping him to win! Do you prefer illiberalism and autocracy?

I'm smart enough to know a commie nominee will lose the election for the Democrats.

The presidential outcome is decided in 10-15 swing states which tend to be conservative. Even the Democrats who are tired of Trump, and Republican women who have abandoned him are ready to vote for a viable MODERATE Democrat.

You're as bad as the Trumpists who can't see past their blind loyalty to a populist with dumb ideas.


hahaha another embarrassing comment


I guess the komrade kommunist kanuck doesn't like the komrade socialist. Either way, pray continue! I'm enjoying this. 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤣🤣🤣🤣😁😁😁


Simpleton Sandy strikes again! No response to the OP's comment. Just following me around like a creep and making childish comments.

One again, living up to your name, Simpleton!


When it comes to you komrade, simpleton is all that is required or the logic must be dumb down so that you can comprehend it. Anyway, pray continue.😁😁😁


This is coming from the guy who said the Nazis were left wing socialist til I buried him with facts and he fled. That was you right? so hard to keep track of you contards


No, I didn't say that, but tell me what facts you "buried" this person with. You're not too smart, so I'm curious to see what "facts" you presented.


Oh right you were the kid who went full retard

""Banks aren't making profit off of student debt. The government is. That's where all the student loans are coming from. Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....."
HHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH thanks for resurfacing


Rekt already? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


when you don't even know simple things like that private banks and institutions give student loans. no one can talk with you. you don't live in reality because you don't even understand basic agreed on facts


Insecure, eh? Not too smart, are you, eh? Rekt, eh? What else is new, eh? 😁😁😁🤪🤪🤪


insecure? cause live in reality? hah I guarantee your family is embarrassed by you


What are you babbling about, eh? You couldn't show me any "facts" about that other poster, eh. You have to hold on to something, which was already resolved, eh. It's only obvious you're insecure with your limited intelligence, eh. Don't worry. Everybody already knows, eh. What else is new, eh? 😁😁😁


""Banks aren't making profit off of student debt. The government is. That's where all the student loans are coming from. Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....."

im still waiting for a response to this you pleb.

do you have en explanation for your embarrassment or are you just going to keep looking borderline retarded?


We finished that convo ALREADY. Duuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... Selective memory, eh?
You only remember what you want and ignore the rest, eh? Willful Ignorance, eh? Not too smart, are you eh?🤪🤪🤪


No. what happened is YET AGAIN, you tried to move the goalposts and say "well if its so lucrative why don't all the big banks do student loans!!""

you got embarrassed. and tried to change the subject

that's what rats do when they are cornered. you pathetic rat


Why don't you just go back and REREAD the entire convo again then, eh? It's all there for your selective memory to be restored, eh? You know, these solutions to your selective memory and your insecurity are simple, eh? Don't be so willfully Ignorant, eh? 🤪🤪🤪


Yes all it was was you goal post moving.

-You said manufacturing will leave if taxes were higher-\
-I said other business can't pack up and leave because they have to maintain physical storefronts
-you said "ha got you manufacturing will leave you make no sense!"
-I had to clarify for you I said other business... you dropped that then moved on to other topics because YET AGAIn you got embarrassed.

hahahaha remember when you said "I double dare you" lol.

I am talking to an autistic kid right?


I guess you can't accept being rekt, eh? Insecure eh?

Why would you say "other businesses" when I said manufacturing? Isn't that an example of "moving the goal posts????" Not too smart, eh?

I don't even know what you're babbling about now. You're insecurity is acute, eh? Perhaps you should speak to a counselor, eh? Too many pucks hit you in the head, eh? Ice is hard, eh? 🤪🤪🤪


lol yes you are insecure. that's wy you've repeated it about 15 times now.

I said other business excuse there are many businesses affected by taxes.. and manufacturing makes up 10% of the US economy lol

see you'd know these basic facts if you did even the basic research

""Banks aren't making profit off of student debt. The government is. That's where all the student loans are coming from. Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....."


And you say I move goal posts??? 🤪🤪🤪

So what are you saying? 10% is a small number? It's okay that 10% of the US economy leaves? For the sake of the argument, lets assume this. Now how is Bernie going to recoup the 10% loss of tax revenues? How is he going to recoup the the income tax loss from the unemployment this is going to cause? How is he going to pay for the increase entitlements to these out of work workers? Cause and effect idiot. Let's hear an answer.

Again, if I said manufacturing, why would you bring up McDonald's? You didn't know the difference, did you or are you just stupid? Both, eh?

You should do yourself a favor and shut up. You're making yourself look stupider by the second. Just FYI, eh?🤪🤪🤪🤪


""Banks aren't making profit off of student debt. The government is. That's where all the student loans are coming from. Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....." sooo embarrassing man

you've already taken the dumbest comment award on here lol


Rekt eh? Again, eh? What else is new, eh? 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪


are you into public embarrassment and humiliation?

I agree I did rek you. Not like I even have to. you constantly punch yourself in the face then look proud like you won the fight.

its embarrassing

"Banks aren't making profit off of student debt. The government is. That's where all the student loans are coming from. Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....."




I see you have no intelligent response.


okay ill unman and embarrass you then..

first you say "Nobody is going to vote for a communist."

then you say "I know the difference between communism, socialism, capitalism, democratic socialism (Bernie) and socialist democracy as I'm sure you do."

so which is it? I can't read your mind. maybe actually post coherent clear thoughts rather then having to clarify it later and looking like an idiot

"Nevertheless, 15% of Bernie supporters voted for autocrat Trump helping him to win! Do you prefer illiberalism and autocracy?"

how do you think people perceive the Clintons? or Bush's? to them most of the former presidents and nominees are elite, autocrats. How much did Hillary talk about fixing or ending NAFTA and the TPP? The midwest has seen their jobs disappear and trump (whether he was lying or nt) spoke to these blue collar workers. This is the same draw that Bernie has (and statistics show it) among independents and republicans and blue collar midwest voters. He says he will bring back the jobs. he says the free trade deals screwed them over. he's been saying this for decades. Trump simply adopted a republican version of this and what happened? HE WON.

"The presidential outcome is decided in 10-15 swing states which tend to be conservative. Even the Democrats who are tired of Trump, and Republican women who have abandoned him are ready to vote for a viable MODERATE Democrat. "

you are just making this up in your head man. show me the stats? why are Biden and Buttigieg getting beat in their white, affluent older voter homelands of Iowa and New Hampshire?

Hahahahaha actually I live in reality. I let the facts influence my opinion. not the other way around. You keep talking about how thinks should be and you want them to. based on literally nothing other than your totally wrong analysis of Trumps popularity.


You may need Reading is Fundamental if you can't comprehend my post. Or is this voluntary ignorance on your part? I clearly stated older Americans perceive Bernie as a commie. Bernie has a branding problem that Trump will exploit.

"This is the same draw that Bernie has (and statistics show it) among independents and republicans and blue collar midwest voters."

Nope. Bernie is popular among younger voters (18-30) who have a dismal voting record - peak vote was 18.1% in 1988 with Dukakis vs Bush election. And most Trump voters are not Bernie supporters. You know nothing about demographics.

"he's been saying this for decades."
Yet, Bernie lost in 2016 so he clearly had no support to even win a 2016 nomination.

"Trump simply adopted a republican version of this"
Trump never supported socialism!

Democrats won a blue wave in 2018 by running candidates who matched the regions' values where they ran. If the region was conservative than they ran a moderate candidate who reflected the values and culture of that region instead of a progressive purity test. Progressives are only 1/12 Americans - 8% of the electorate - a small minority. They just have big mouths.

Elections are won by expanding your base which Trump has failed to do. Democrats can expand their base to include disaffected Obama/Trump voters, Republican women and independents with a moderate candidate. Both Republican and Democratic moderates or centrists tend to win most presidential elections.

Representation in Iowa and NH was disproportionately young and the turnout was anemic. I already said they supported Bernie. Who cares? They don't vote.

Republicans have been beating democratic candidates for years until recently. There are Republican strategists who are discussing how they did it and what needs to be done and have teamed up with Democratic strategists because they know Trump is a threat to democracy.


Lol. blames a lack of clarity on my reading ability. Ill explain it slow since you clearly aren't the sharpest tool kid.

your first post simply said

"Nobody is going to vote for a communist." No followup of "even if he isnt, the American people believe this. yet again. I can't read minds. I can't discern things you mean if you didn't say them or even imply them. if I write "nobody will vote for nazi like trump". anyone would be reasoned to understand I believe that about trump

LATER in a SEPARATE POST you clarified ""I know the difference between communism, socialism, capitalism, democratic socialism (Bernie) and socialist democracy as I'm sure you do.""

so again you fucking peasant. please don't blame your horrible writing on my reading comprehension.

" I clearly stated older Americans perceive Bernie as a commie". Yes. in a second spot after I called you out on it.

"And most Trump voters are not Bernie supporters. You know nothing about demographics."

I never said they were. and you lectured me about reading comprehension hahahhahahahahah.

""he's been saying this for decades."
Yet, Bernie lost in 2016 so he clearly had no support to even win a 2016 nomination."

He closed a 60 point gap lead down to 8 against the most well funded, organized and establishment helped organization in America. the Clintons. LOL you are an idiot.

"Democrats won a blue wave in 2018 by running candidates who matched the regions' values where they ran. If the region was conservative than they ran a moderate candidate who reflected the values and culture of that region instead of a progressive purity test. Progressives are only 1/12 Americans - 8% of the electorate - a small minority. They just have big mouths."

that's why when polled a majority of Americans agree with their policy. What is Bernie and Wrren polling at nationally?

how is Bernie polling against trump right now? it ranges from a 3-9 point lead in a head to head. But ya only 8% of american


You're proving how out of touch with reality you are. Trump and his supporters have repeatedly referred to Bernie as a socialist and commie. That's common knowledge.

"He closed a 60 point gap lead down to 8 against the most well funded, organized and establishment helped organization in America. the Clintons."

Who cares. He lost. Trump spent less money than Hillary yet he won. Your excuse is tired.

"What is Bernie and Wrren polling at nationally?"

This proves your ignorance! The election isn't a national race. The national polls are irrelevant. NY and CA will vote blue no matter who runs. Kansas and Louisiana will vote red no matter who runs. Done deal!

The race is among the 10-15 swing states only. Those are the only polls that count.


You admitted before 15% of Bernies people voted for Trump. Its a coalition not a monolith of robots.

ive spoke to many die hard trumpists. who peddle the common lies like he's clearing the swamp and doesn't take rich donors money. then surprise me when they tell me they want universal healthcare.

""He closed a 60 point gap lead down to 8 against the most well funded, organized and establishment helped organization in America. the Clintons."

Who cares. He lost. Trump spent less money than Hillary yet he won. Your excuse is tired."

its reality. which you seem to hate when its contrary to your feelings lol. Ya trump got literally over a billion in free coverage.

"This proves your ignorance! The election isn't a national race. The national polls are irrelevant. NY and CA will vote blue no matter who runs. Kansas and Louisiana will vote red no matter who runs. Done deal!

The race is among the 10-15 swing states only. Those are the only polls that count."

and bernie has a lot of the appeal that trump does. Claims to want to end corruption. claims to want to bring jobs back. claims to want to fight the big money and corporations.

notice how you re almost entirely feelings driven?


"Its a coalition not a monolith of robots."

Is that the excuse for voting in a deranged corrupt Putin-loving autocrat? Trump is taking away your health care. Enjoy!

"Ya trump got literally over a billion in free coverage."

More pitiful excuses! If Bernie couldn't handle Trump's media saavy in 2016 when he was only a candidate, then he won't be able to handle it now with the weight of the presidency and hundreds of millions in funds.

"Claims to want to end corruption. claims to want to bring jobs back. claims to want to fight the big money and corporations. "

You're kidding right?
Trump is corrupt, bought few jobs back, takes millions of dollars form corrupt lobbyists, foreign governments and corporations. Many of his appointees are former lobbyists like the coal lobbyist who is ow running the EPA.

The same poll that predicted a Hillary win? LOL!


"Is that the excuse for voting in a deranged corrupt Putin-loving autocrat? Trump is taking away your health care. Enjoy!"

No its reality. you seem to putting your own feelings and emotions into it way too much. I never voted trump, I never would. This doesn't mean I have to put reality aside in favor of these made-up ideas that tens of millions of voters are all identical.

"More pitiful excuses! If Bernie couldn't handle Trump's media saavy in 2016 when he was only a candidate, then he won't be able to handle it now with the weight of the presidency and hundreds of millions in funds. "

again. Reality > your made-up opinion based off nothing. LOL you are jumping around moving the goalpost constantly as your opinion gets destroyed as false.

"You're kidding right?
Trump is corrupt, bought few jobs back, takes millions of dollars form corrupt lobbyists, foreign governments and corporations. Many of his appointees are former lobbyists like the coal lobbyist who is ow running the EPA."

Do you know what "claims" means? holy crap man. you failed high school right? im not saying trump did do anything he said. or intended to. im saying he "CLAIMED TO"

so yes when TRUMP CLAIMS drain the swamp and stop the insider corruption. and Hillary didn't even claim she would do that. a large segment said "what do we have to lose. I know voting for Hilary won't change it because she won't even CLAIM to do it. ill take my gamble with Trump.

Yes and Hilary did win. THE POPULAR VOTE. who was on the ground in the midwest doing gigs and warning her? Bernie Sanders.

I feel like im talking to a mentally challenged 13 year old


"Reality > your made-up opinion based off nothing. "

Bernie lost in 2016. That's a fact, jack!

"so yes when TRUMP CLAIMS drain the swamp and stop the insider corruption. and Hillary didn't even claim she would do that."

It's called lying, fool. In case you're not up to speed, Trump is a pathological liar.

"who was on the ground in the midwest doing gigs and warning her? Bernie Sanders."

He still lost. Nobody wants a commie!


"Bernie lost in 2016. That's a fact, jack!"

yes and? that wasn't the topic? it was about how strong he was despite the DNC and media trying to destroy him. you just don't like that so you are focusing in on that lol.

"It's called lying, fool. In case you're not up to speed, Trump is a pathological liar."

I literally said he was a liar. THE POINT IS he at least talked about it. Hilary didn't. many people "hmmm trump is probably lying but at least he's talking bout corruption and the bad trade deals. Hilary isnt at all. ill take my chances with trump"

are you really that fucking dumb you haven't understood that the last two times I explained it?

"He still lost. Nobody wants a commie!"

hahahahaha he was on the ground campaigning for SHillary you retard. who was too damn stupid to campaign there.

hahahah go back to grade 10 you loser. there are 16 year kids who know more about politics than you


"yes and? that wasn't the topic? it was about how strong he was despite the DNC and media trying to destroy him."

And you think Trump won't try to destroy him? Your crying about how Hillary's campaign didn't play fair - boohoo - is laughable. He was weak! He lost! Trump will have that crybaby for lunch.

" ill take my chances with trump""

Exactly! Another Bernie supporter who'd rather support someone 100% against Bernie's agenda because - boohoo - he didn't get his way. I don't even believe you're registered, crybaby.

Bernie campaigning? Too little, too late.


"And you think Trump won't try to destroy him? Your crying about how Hillary's campaign didn't play fair - boohoo - is laughable. He was weak! He lost! Trump will have that crybaby for lunch."

having the entire media against you. having the DNC against you. having them feed her questions and hold debates on nights no one will watch and many other shady thingsand STILL CLOSING a 60 point gap. that proves he is more than strong and capable. Thats unheard of

"Exactly! Another Bernie supporter who'd rather support someone 100% against Bernie's agenda because - boohoo - he didn't get his way. I don't even believe you're registered, crybaby."

I was giving the perspectives of many Americans. it factually happened as you aw with the election and numbers. Im sorry reality triggers you. This is that emotional instability I talk about constantly with you. if I said that apple over there is red you'd scream "I hate red!!!!!! its the color of republicans!! why are you saying apples red!"

I describe objective reality that "trump got many people who took a chance on him" and you scream id rather trump win lol.

you are an idiot kid

"Bernie campaigning? Too little, too late."

he lost and immediately began campaigning for her and did far more events than she did for Obama. Bernie did it EVEN BEFORE in hilarious case whereshe herself went to the convention and fought til the bitter end vs Obama. but consistent isnt your strong suit is it?

im embossed for you. I can't believe anyone is so stupid and such a fragile snowflake. talking about voter turnout and how trump won support literally triggers you. talking about how those that voted for Trump weren't a monolithic bloc triggered you.

People like YOU are why trump won. you underestimate the opponent because you are in such a bubble and put so much emotion into everything reality gets blurred.


When you get embarrassed. run away lol


Don't sweat this guy, he's been anti-Bernie forever[can you say Big Pharma?]...A Biden fan no doubt freaking out his candidate appears to be going down in flames!
~~~We're from Vermont;We do what we want...Frikkin' Roight!~~~


Jesus this guy Johnson. He just injects everything with his feelings and emotions. Reads what he wants from my comments to get maximally offended. create straw mans from it I never said just to enrage himself more. moves the goalposts constantly when he gets cornered on an issue

and then misunderstands basic words like claims to get even more offended.


s are progressive or support progressive policy. LOL

"Representation in Iowa and NH was disproportionately young and the turnout was anemic. I already said they supported Bernie. Who cares? They don't vote."

Bernie won the vast plurality of both women and people of color in those states.

"Republicans have been beating democratic candidates for years until recently. There are Republican strategists who are discussing how they did it and what needs to be done and have teamed up with Democratic strategists because they know Trump is a threat to democracy."

hahahahahah okay kid.

this is more opinion crap you keep pushing


Which free handout are you expecting from Bernie?


Its called spending priority. you've never heard of that before? lol


100 billion in corporate subsidies is a good start

cutting down military spending through base closures and just general better practices is another.


You didn't answer my question. Which free handout are you expecting?


Its called spending priorities. nothing is free I thought a cuckservative would know that

-universal healthcare and affordable education is a solid start.

look I know you can only parrot Fox News or democratic corporatist talking points but try nd think for yourself.


So the freebies you want are healthcare and college.

"look I know you can only parrot Fox News talking points but try nd think for yourself."

You're as bad as the Trumpoids. They're mindless cultists to Trump and you're a mindless cultist to Bernie. I have a news flash for you. Most Americans are moderate especially in those 10-15 swing states. If voting for the moderate Democrat means Trump is kicked out of office and Moscow Mitch and his sycophant Senate become the minority party then I'm going to support the moderate Democrat.

You're too stupid to understand you get nothing if Trump is reelected which he will be because suburbanites, farmers and unemployed coal miners aren't going to vote for a commie. And you'll lose plenty because that POS is targeting Obamacare, soc. sec., medicare, 2-3 more picks for Supreme Court, agencies that protect us like the EPA, and another round of tax cuts for billionaires.

Obama didn't broadcast his intentions. He played centrist and then got in to make progressive changes like gay marriage and Obamacare.

Moderate Democrats run my state and there is some free college and almost universal heath care. You have to play it smart!

Dummy, play some freaking poker! Stop broadcasting your hand! Get in the best way you can and then make progressive changes.


hahhahahahhah more dumb nothings from keel lol.

you didn't anything at all this entire post.


"you didn't anything at all this entire post."

Too much weed?


"Most Americans are moderate especially in those 10-15 swing states. "

that's why Hilarybeat trump right? oh wait she lost

"if Trump is reelected which he will be because suburbanites, farmers and unemployed coal miners aren't going to vote for a commie. "

lol you mean all those people bernie is targeting with a jobs program and assistance for small farmers lol while all the corporate dems are talking about that right? ohh wait they aren't. its Hilary all over again. deja vu all over again.

please tell me which democrats is polling best against trump?

il give you a hint. it starts with BURN and ends with IEEEEEE

"Obama didn't broadcast his intentions. He played centrist and then got in to make progressive changes like gay marriage and Obamacare.

REPUBLICANS backed off gay marriage. during Romneys time many prominent republicans told the party to back off it because they themselves had gay kids and family LOL. And then wowww Obama backed something that had 65% support. how brave!! what a progressive champion!!


Hillary ran an incompetent campaign. Of course, she lost!

Unlike you, small farmers and unemployed coal miners don't want a handout. They want to be able to work. They already rejected Hillary's jobs program and assistance which were similar to Bernie's.

Obama didn't run on something that would scare most voters. Notice the nosedive Warren took when she spelled-out her national insurance plan which is similar to Bernie's.

I warned a Warren supporter on my job that her plan would be poison. I've been vindicated!

You're out-of-touch with swing state voters. They're not progressives. Most Democrats are not progressives even in NY or CA.


"just following me around like a creep and making childish comments. "

hahaha you reported my comment like the emabrassmeent you are.

I commented to the OP. and YOU commented at me. how is this me following you? are you on medication>?


"Simpleton Sandy strikes again! No response to the OP's comment. Just following me around like a creep and making childish comments.

One again, living up to your name, Simpleton!"

You need to take a break! You're clearly confused unless your alter ego is Simpleton Sandy.


I wrote "LOL amazing news for Bernie :)

a small bump for Bernie. while the corporate shills Pete, klob, Biden and Bloomberg keep knife fighting in an alley"

in response to the original poster NORMAANDNORMAN.

to which YOU wrote on MY comment

"Nobody is going to vote for a communist. Even 15% of Bernie's supporters voted for Trump in 2016 which shows where their loyalties are. Most young people who support him won't vote even if he wins the nomination.

in your world. if a girl walks home and runs into her house. and a creepy guy follows her and breaks in. She is the stalker lol


No more $1,000/month to anyone. You'd think the poor would rise up to the occasion for this since they outnumber everyone else. This is why they'll always stay poor. :P

Dave Chappelle gonna have to endorse someone else dawww.


What percentage of the poor even knew Yang was offering it though? Probably not that many.


Sadly most likely true. Probably too busy raising kids, working, paying bills, no time for election or tv, maybe some news. I can see why half the population don't vote at all. Maybe the majority of the poor are on the other end of the spectrum, the non-voters.


Bennet is out too. Biden’s in fifth place, that’s pathetic.


But I still want my "free" $1,000 every month.


For how much we pay for military flyovers for sporting events, I'd like to think there might be some largesse for the rest of us. But no, let's have military parades to inspire the homeless older citizens to volunteer for the armed services. That's a good use of tax payers money.
I swear, the amount of $$ that routinely goes to waste on the military while our own citizens are without shelter is deplorable.


Perhaps you can donate your time at a local homeless shelter in the meantime? I'm sure there are many like you that feel the same way. Perhaps you all can donate your time and even a little bit of coin too?


I've worked for non-profits and I'm barely surviving myself.
But that's not the point. Our government thinks nothing of throwing $$ at the military while so many citizens are in bad straits. Why not help them instead of constantly feeding the maw of militarism? It's a perversion of priorities.


I've worked for non-profits too. As noble as that sounds, it doesn't mean anything as it's no different than any other job. You think a janitor working for a non-profit is any different than a janitor working for a corporation?

Perhaps if you changed your mindset and know that government money is not your money, then maybe you'll try to improve your life yourself, rather than believing you're owed something for nothing.


Yang is too far ahead of his time. We aren't there yet. When all the low-end jobs are run by machines then the lower class will get their UBI, and the capitalist class will be competing with each other for a percentage of it.


His math was bad. No way to pay for it.


Tulsi's still in!


Putin's pawn?


Here's what Tulsi's spending:

Here's what the other Representative from Hawaii's spending:

Drain the Swamp!

You keep using that word - I do not think it means what you think it means.


I never use that term.
Tulsi is probably getting her money from Russians and Republicans.


I know you didn't say Drain the Swamp. But for the people who do say it, Tulsi is Exhibit 1 on Swamp.

Someone's throwing good money down the toilet.


Not if she runs as a spoiler to take votes away from the democratic candidate in a tight race against Trump.


God, I hope not - but I wouldn't put it past her. Though I don't think she would have enough votes to do any real damage.


Biden should leave along with Hillary also.


I knew he wouldn't make it. Now if we can get Bloomberg and Steyer to shut up with the fake political ads, then we're golden.


Bloomberg's ads are great, smart and true which explains why he's moving up the polls so fast. They're short and get to the point.

This is my favorite.

My 2nd favorite.

Also good

Unlike that fake billionaire, Trump, who was handed millions by his rich father before repeatedly declaring bankruptcy, Bloomberg is a real multi-billionaire who started off middle-class and worked his way up. His ideas created economic stability and jobs in NYC and he was able to get rid of a great deal of racial tension that Koch and Giuliani had created.

You Trumpites don't know the REAL DEAL when he's standing before you. Trump is a washed-up phony which is why he needs to steal taxpayers money who will never help the economy because he doesn't know anything. That's why so many farmers are suffering now.
