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Iran State TV places $80M bounty on the head of Donald T-rump

Yes, this is what's happening in our country right now...a President who is facing an upcoming impeachment trial may not live to see the trial, because a foreign government has an $80 M bounty on his head - a $1 reward for each of it's 80 M citizens.

Yes, this is our America now. #BeBest


Is this like a fatwa?


Not sure - I'm sure we will find out more in days to come.


And you just can't wait for it to happen, can you!


Allow me to sign up for Cash app! LOL!


still reported...going on 2 months


Melania Trump, alongside President Trump and their son Barron, strutted off Air Force One in a light grey cashmere coat by Loro Piana featuring a cream and beige geometric chevron pattern. The coat was paired with a custom white knitted tea-length dress by Hervé Pierre.


Fake news until is comes from a more reputable web site.

I am a news junkie, I have never heard of 'raw story'

I also find it hard to believe that the 80 year old Ayatollah Khemenei, head of Iran would make that statement, which would lead to it's countries destruction and the loss of many,many lives.



Those are all full of shit also.

"Batboy lives!!"- Weekly World News

Reputable sources people

Has BBC reported it? Even Fox news?


FOX News? That's who you're turning to as a reputable source - FOX News ?

You've got to be kidding me.


I really don't think you BELIEVE this story...if you do, you have a serious problem identifing REAL news with click-bait.


Wait, what?

I don't get what is unbelievable about an Iranian news channel broadcasting that someone put a bounty on Trump's head.



I'm not sure I agree. I mean--I wouldn't give two shits if he suddenly keeled over tomorrow, given how unhealthy and old he is but an assassination would be more dangerous than him sticking around. Why? Because then he becomes a martyr.

Do you REALLY want Donald Trump to carry that label? Do you REALLY want his crazy base to be galvanized like that?

Our best outcome is for that festering turdpile to either die of natural causes or get voted out in November. The very LAST thing we need is Donald Trump becoming a martyr.


I'm truly ambivalent about this bounty on his head - I neither condone nor condemn. But I do agree with you - his lunatic base will make him a martyr.


Precisely. They'll use it as a "war on liberals" excuse as well as try to push for the repubs to carpet bomb the Middle East or something.

It would be a disaster.

People REALLY need to take this into account when they say they don't care if Donald is assassinated. It would get the ball rolling on some VERY nasty shit the likes of which we haven't seen.


Pence, however, must be peeing his pants with joy: impeachment and a bounty on his head ? At the same time ? He must see this as a winning Bingo card in his hands.


Pence is a strange one. One does get the impression, however, that Pence is hoping for Donald to fail. Biding his time.


Biding his time, indeed.


Do you want Pence to be President because you a.) think he will be a better President that Trump or b.) think he will be much easier to defeat in a general election.


I'm truly ambivalent about this bounty on his head - I neither condone nor condemn.

Really? You don't condemn an effort to assassinate the President of the United States?



There were Americans that were happy when JFK was killed. Politics are ugly.


I don't know of any so there couldn't have been many. When left winger Oswald killed JFK both US political parties were horrified and mourned him.

1. Most people (traditionally at least) oppose murder generally.

2. Assassinating a US President is an attack on the entire nation, not just one man. A President dying used to be viewed as a tragedy that transcends partisan politics.


So since you don't know of any there couldn't have been many? The world was very small back then. Your TV had 3 channels. No internet. There could have been lots of things happening that you were unaware of.


I've read and heard lots of testimonials from rank and file Republicans back then talking about how shocking and tragic it was. Do you have proof of Americans celebrating or stating their happiness, basically exhibiting the disgusting behavior of Democrats on this thread toward Trump, or did you just make that up?


You need to calm down with the anti-left rhetoric if you want a conversation. Seriously you sound unhinged.


He is unhinged.


Apparently. He was alive when JFK was killed so we may be dealing with dementia.


You sound very ignorant. Americans came together to mourn the JFK assassination. He represented hope for the future and people were horrified about what happened. His wife and children were very popular and their loss as well as the country's was very painful. People rose above any partisan nonsense.

Most people around at the time remember what they were doing when they heard the news because it was so shocking. I was only 2 and it's still fresh in my memory. My cartoons were interrupted with the news and my much older brother was explaining to me what was going on. Days later, my parents watched the funeral on TV. Many Americans like my parents bought a painting of JFK to hang on their walls where it stayed for years. I saw a similar painting hanging up decades later at my job.

BTW, there were three national stations, ABC, CBS and NBC, but most Americans had local and public stations also.

And no, I don't have dementia. Ageism isn't cool.


Contrary to BuckSwope and Doggiedaddy's idiotic claims, the JFK assassination was well before my time (if anything my earlier post even indicated I was relying on historical/testimonial evidence), but everything I've heard and seen agrees completely with what you just said. The only caveat would be that JFK actually wasn't that popular when he was killed, and yet the country came together to mourn him anyway, driving home the essential point even more. His posthumous popularity surged and he achieved a semi-mythical status, with people across the political spectrum finding things (sometimes retroactively) to like about what he did.


"JFK actually wasn't that popular"

He and his immediate family as well as the Kennedy clan were very popular which is why people reacted the way they did when he was killed.

The assassination helped immortalize him but that would've likely happened anyway because of the Cuba Missile Crisis and how he handled it, being a Kennedy, first Irish Catholic president, first televised debate, glamorous wife, representing the younger generation and their hopes for the future, civil rights movement, great speeches and inspiring the first men on the moon.


Kennedy started with high approval ratings but they generally fell as his presidency went on, from an early peak of 83% in early 1961 (despite a razor close election) down to the mid 50s by late 1963, the bump following the Cuban Missile Crisis having faded.

My point was that he was a regular president with his share of criticism from various quarters, but his popularity surged after he was assassinated.


From your own link:

"President John F. Kennedy enjoyed very high public approval ratings compared with most modern presidents.

Over the whole of his presidency, Kennedy averaged a 70.1 percent approval rating, comfortably the highest of any post-World War II president. By comparison, the average for all presidents between 1938 and 2012 is 54 percent."

That's basically what I wrote. Nothing regular about that! Even a "low" of mid-50s is still very high and what other presidents maintained on average. He was extremely popular as were the Kennedys in general. They were considered America's royalty by most Americans.

You're completely underestimating the charisma, charm, personality and glamour that Jackie and John Kennedy represented.

John Kennedy Jr.'s death did a lot to diminish the spotlight on the family since he was considered the heir apparent and had similar qualities as his father re: charisma, looks and charm, etc.

Politicians are always criticized. After all, we live in a democracy where it's allowed. I heard my father strongly criticize JFK once, but that didn't stop him from having two paintings of him on the wall, one alone and the other with Robert.


But here are the very next lines in the source:

"That high overall average, though, is deceptive. As Kennedy’s presidency went on, the approval rating trends were heading steadily downward. By September 1963, JFK’s approval rating was at the lowest point of his presidency, while his disapproval rating was at its highest. By the time his presidency was brought to an abrupt end, the trends in the poll numbers suggested challenges for Kennedy as he looked ahead to the 1964 election.

Counterintuitively, the highest point of Kennedy’s approval ratings came in the wake of the his most serious foreign policy stumble: the Bay of Pigs. Despite the embarrassing admissions the White House was forced to make about American involvement in the botched invasion, Kennedy received a bounce in the wake of that episode.

Aside from that spike, though, Kennedy’s approval rating was falling. He had assumed the presidency a mostly unknown quantity, which was reflected in the relatively high “no opinion” rate at the start of his term. Over the course of the year, many of those undecideds formed an opinion. And many of those formed a negative opinion."

I'm not discounting JFK and Jackie had some positive traits, including charisma in the eyes of many. I'm just saying the fact that Americans across the board came together to mourn the slain President says something about the country too, not just the victim.


Kennedy received a bounce because many Americans are anti-communist and wanted Castro toppled.

I reiterate that the lowest point for Kennedy was still pretty high which proves he was very popular. Assuming what would happen in the future is meaningless and irrelevant since it's just speculation.
If you do have a crystal ball, I'd prefer the winning Powerball numbers for this weekend.

"JFK stands out among presidents, in part because he was a cultural phenomenon in his time and because he remains popular today. Asked how Kennedy will go down in history, 74% of Americans today said Kennedy will be remembered as an outstanding or above average president, the highest rating among the 11 most recent presidents."

"says something about the country too"
Americans at that time shared experiences more as a nation. Walter Cronkite news at 6pm on CBS, Ed Sullivan show on Sunday nights, top shows like Gunsmoke and 60 Minutes, moon landing years later... There were still very deep divisions which were highlighted especially during the mid 60s.


High on average but then so was George Bush 41, who according to the earlier source also had one of the highest average approval ratings of all time at over 60%, and might have ranked as the highest of all time if he had resigned or been assassinated at the same point Kennedy was. He was a one termer. What I noted was JFK's sustained downward trajectory.

Your Pew quote is actually citing a 2013 Gallup poll that concedes this point about that decline: "Whether this downward trajectory would have continued had he not been assassinated is a point of speculation, but the trends suggest this might have been the case."

This trajectory was undeniably reversed by his assassination. JFK became significantly more popular after he was killed than he had been in his final year or by some measures even his skewed overall approval average. In fact that same 2013 Gallup poll you cited found that JFK is more popular among young people born decades after he died than those who lived during his presidency, the oldest demographic rating him the lowest though still highly, underscoring the reality that posthumous media/entertainment glorifications and "Camelot" mythologizing have a lot to do with it.

"The image of the nation's youngest elected president is most popular with the youngest Americans -- those aged 18 to 29 -- although they were born decades after he served."

You're right that the country had more shared experiences in many respects (though pre-internet/cable it was also more decentralized because there was less media, allowing for more regional subcultural variations; on the other hand technology has also led to an atomization that makes it more likely for people to be strangers in their own neighborhoods than used to be the case).

What it also had was a supermajority consensus supporting traditional values. Most people of both parties were patriotic. They viewed events like JFK's assassination as a tragedy for the nation. Partisan politics fell by the wayside. The notion of Americans celebrating the death of the President just because he belonged to the opposing party was unthinkable.


"He is unhinged."

Look who's talking!!!!!!


LOL! What "rhetoric"? I just asked if you had any proof of any Americans exhibiting happiness over JFK's assassination as you claimed. Apparently not.


What rhetoric? Read your posts leading up to this.


😄 My posts are among the few sane, reasonable ones on this thread.


The only thing accurate in your response above is the laughing emoji.


Says the unhinged guy who admitted a few posts up you wouldn't condemn the assassination of a US President.


Is this guy for real? I've read about such creatures but never came across one in the wild. Crikey!!!!


He's for real - and thankfully on the 'republican' team, if you couldn't guess. They really attract the worst of the worst.


Unfortunately I think you are right Doggiedaddy. I can't wait until he is out of the White House, but I'm not sure it wouldn't be wise for Iran to assassinate Trump. Best to have the Senate impeach him!


The senate doesn't impeach. The house impeaches and they already have done so. The trial AFTER impeachment happens in the senate.


What’s funny is everyone knows he’s been impeached except the T-rumptards on this forum.


The "he's not impeached" crowd are probably paid trolls. I'm not joking.


Thanks for clearing that up!


Glad I could help educate. That's part of my job here.


I'm not sure I agree. I mean--I wouldn't give two shits if he suddenly keeled over tomorrow, given how unhealthy and old he is but an assassination would be more dangerous than him sticking around. Why? Because then he becomes a martyr.

I DISAGREE about his becoming a MARTYR.

Look at SARAH PALIN. Back when she ran for VP she was just as POPULAR and had just as BIG of a FOLLOWING as the SCAM MAN has, but they DUMPED her like a HOT POTATO as soon as she wasn't RUNNING for office anymore.

Then WALMART also DUMPED her BOOKS that they couldn't sell anymore into a BIG PILE on the BARGAIN RATE table.

Since The SCAM MAN is just another VERSION of that other BRAIN DEAD WOMAN ... who also had NO CLUE what she was saying or doing ... (which was also demonstrated so well by that HBO DOCUMENTARY about her called GAME CHANGE) … I PREDICT his PATH once he's OUT of the OVAL OFFICE will end up the SAME WAY as PALIN's (with his going back to being a NOBODY that NO ONE gives a HOOT about again).

In other words, If someone from IRAN did away with him, his FANS might make a FEW MOANS and GROANS about it at first, but they'll RAPIDLY FORGET ABOUT HIM, and be looking for the NEXT NARCISSIST that comes along to worship (the same way as they DUMPED that other IDIOT PALIN who no one gives a DAMN about anymore).

And IF a DEMOCRAT WINS the ELECTION in NOVEMBER, that also means we only have about 10 more MONTHS left to go to see if this PREDICTION is right or not.

So HANG in there and let's see what happens.

Shall we???



I'm not sure I agree. I mean--I wouldn't give two shits if he suddenly keeled over tomorrow, given how unhealthy and old he is

Unfortunately, if he did die of poor health, they'd find some way to blame Iran for it.


That's what makes Donald so fcking stupid: he supposedly only rats fast food because he's worried someone in the White House will poison him. So, he thinks he's safer eating cheap fast food where any number of unknown Joe Blows could be preparing his food? What if on if the burger flippers hates him? At least White House staff can be monitored. He's a moron.


Being that this news makes you tee-hee like a fairy only shows how Un-American you are. Then again, what else is new?🤪🤪🤪


Still struggling with comprehension, I see. It's a new year, and you return to school on the short bus today - I'm hoping your new special ed teacher will be better than the last one. You may actually learn something with comprehension this time.


Ignorant much? Then again, what else is new? The only thing you post is Orange Man Bad. ANYTHING that fits that criteria regardless if it's pro or anti American makes you tee-hee like a fairy. Understand now? Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....🤪🤪🤪🤪


Simpleton Sandy, you're defending a wannabe tyrant who is planning war crimes against innocent civilians. You're the one who is unAmerican since you prefer to worship an evil autocrat rather than defend and uphold American values.


Sandman is an admitted troll who said he's just here "for the lulz" so I wouldn't take a single damn thing that moron says with any sort of seriousness.

As for the other Trumpers--many of them seem to just be itching for a war. I genuinely believe that, if Trump somehow managed to grant the "green light", most of his base would start hunting us anti-Trump people down.

Have you read the Trump comments on sites like Yahoo and other places? Some of them are deeply insane. Many of them seem to want us dead.


Aren't you projecting given the multiple Democrats on this very thread openly supporting or wishing for the Republican president's death, including you?


I've reported you to the admins for libel. I didn't wish death on Trump in this thread, liar. Saying I wouldn't care if he keeled over and wishing it are two very different things. I'm sick of your libelous posts here. Reported.


dteam6: "Our best outcome is for that festering turdpile to either die of natural causes or get voted out in November."

You included the President dying under "best outcome". You're a liar and a coward who would be abusing the report function. You also falsely made that absurd "libel" charge on the NRA thing on the other thread, fleeing after I posted and linked to your own quote saying exactly what I said you did.

You may not like being held accountable for your own insane and stupid rhetoric or political extremism, but that's not a good road for you to go down.


Again, I never wished death on Donald Trump. What I wrote there is not a death wish. It's merely a statement of fact.

If you continue to falsely accuse me I will report you again.


I said multiple Democrats were "supporting or wishing" for Trump's death, "including you". Listing "that festering turd" (as you called the President) dying under "best outcome" is an opinionated statement of support, not a "fact". You certainly have no "libel" case.

Again, abusing the report function to try to silence criticism wouldn't be a good strategy for you.


Reported again.

I have clarified my position and you, for the second day in a row, are continuing to make false accusations and twisting the truth.

The mods can decide. You are not one of them.


You also lied about yesterday as my link proves.

Do you deny that your stated position is that it's preferable that Trump die rather than live and remain president?


Ignorance is Strength, innit Fredo? What else is new? Just because you're ignorant doesn't mean the truth doesn't exist.

So then you also believe that there should be no retaliation or repercussions for attacking an American embassy, yes? As what Ricky Gervais said about James Cordon at the Golden Globes, it applies to you as well.

If you're scared to be an American, then move to Venezuela. Problem solved, Fredo. 🤪🤪🤪


Uphold American values? Do you believe in Freedom of Speech? If so, why do you defend Anti-Fa, SPLC and the ACLU? Do you believe in separation of power of government? If so, why didn't you bitch about Obama that bypassed the legislative branch and enacted policy all on his own? Hypocrite much? What else is new komrade?🤪🤪🤪


You sound like a manbaby when you repeatedly cry about anti-Fa.

You and your cult leader Trump are supporting former KGB spy Putin therefore the komrade suits you, Simpleton Sandy. Wear it proud!


And you sound like an Anti-Fa coward hiding behind a mask causing mayhem blinded by indoctrination and ignorant to the truth. But then again, what else is new? Being that you have no rebuttal only proves your indoctrination and where you sympathies lie. Socialist much? Anti-American much? Unconstitutional much?🤪🤪🤪


I hope your family has an intervention for you soon, Simpleton Sandy.


The hollow concerns of an Anti-Fa coward brings as much security as a broken screen door. Pray continue komrade.🤪🤪🤪


You're the fascist who is so afraid of Anti-Fa that you obsess about them on this site, Simpleton Sandy.


And you're the socialist komrade that defends them while they trample on citizens 1st Amendment rights while you preach to uphold constitutional rights like the willful hypocrite that you are. 🤪🤪🤪


Obviously, you have no understanding of what the 1st amendment is. I challenge you to define it!

You also have no idea what socialism is. I challenge you to define it, also! If you can't, you only justify your name Simpleton Sandy. It will prove you're MINDLESSLY REPEATING what your cult leader tells you without any understanding.

You're still the one who supports a former KGB spy Putin, therefore the komrade suits you, Simpleton Sandy. Wear it proud!


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

If the govt can make no law than infringes on freedom of speech, then by default NO CITIZEN can infringe upon ANOTHER CITIZEN the same rights. And yet as a Anti-Fa sympathizer, you are IGNORANT to that simple fact. Dunce much? Ignorant much?

1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

The key words is GOVERNMENTAL OWNERSHIP. Now tell me if things run by the government are more or less corrupt? Tell me if govt distribution is more or less productive and efficient?

2a: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property

The key words are NO PRIVATE PROPERTY. Would you prefer living in a commune, rather than a home of your own? Would you spend your own money to maintain the upkeep of it if you didn't own it? How long would it take for the govt to get around to fix up your commune when it has millions of others across the nation to maintain, pray tell?

b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state


Why is that everyone owns, cars, computers, cell phones, microwave ovens? Because of socialism or capitalism, pray tell?

3: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

The USSR FAILED to reach the stage of communism, but that was its goal, yes? It was a socialistic state for less than a 100 years and then it FAILED. D'oh! Ignorant much? Dunce much? What else is new?🤪🤪🤪


"If the govt can make no law than infringes on freedom of speech, then by default NO CITIZEN can infringe upon ANOTHER CITIZEN the same rights."

Here's the link to moviechat's standards:

I'd like to witness your breaking as many of moviechat's rules of conduct in the name of freedom of speech. I want to see how fast they ban you. I suggest you start a new subject with a title declaring your intention of breaking moviechat's standards as well as their terms and conditions.

Let's see if the 1st amendment applies outside of government.

We both know your definition is for communism - not socialism. Socialism has BOTH private and public property ownership. ALL countries are socialist including the U.S.. As a matter of fact, YOU are benefiting from socialism: public school education, public transportation, highways roads and bridges, vaccines, post office, state zoos, social security, public street lights, traffic lights, fire department, dams, court system, public beaches, garbage collection, public museums, NASA, public hospitals, prisons and jails, internet development, weather reports, snow removal, police department, military, etc.

Which of the above socialist programs don't you support? That makes you not just a hypocrite, but a stupid hypocrite because you're not aware of how much you use socialist institutions in your everyday life.

As for communism, I remind you again that your Trump is a close friend with former KGB spy Putin who was a communist and is now an autocrat. He destroyed democracy in Russia. You're the one who supports Fascism and Fascist hate groups which is contrary to democracy and American values and ideals. And you support Putin which is unAmerican. You are unAmerican and still Simpleton Sandy!


1. You're an idiot, but then again, what else is new? Are these rules set by the govt or by moviechat, pray tell? You do know the difference, yes? Apparently not, but you should. Dunce much? Obviously. 🤪🤪🤪

2. Clearly you don't know what socialism or communism is.

Basic education is guaranteed in the Constitution. Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....

Public Transportation is infrastructure. Who built the NY Subway, pray tell? A Private corporation. The reason why it's so bad now, is because the city took it over. Also, public transportation is paid for by LOCAL TAXES, not Federal funds. If the local city demands it, then the local board votes to have it. That's not socialism, dunce.

Interstates are Federal funded, but have you seen any upgrades to them? I haven't in my area and they are way past due as they are in need of major repairs. Why not? No funds as it all goes to ENTITLEMENTS. Again, that's not socialism. That's infrastructure in order to UNITE THE STATES.

Vaccines? Govt funds go into to research them to along with PRIVATE CORPORATIONS. Where do you think those funds go to? And yet you bitch and moan about the drug companies making so much money.

Post Office? That should've been closed down a long time ago as it loses billions of dollars every year.

State Zoos? Paid for by the STATE. Not Federal funds and they AREN'T FREE. How is that Socialism, pray tell?

SSN? A Ponzi scheme that is doomed to fail. Enacted by a dem. Don't like it.

Public street lights? Paid for by LOCAL PROPERTY TAXES. How is that socialism, pray tell? That's city infrastructure.

Garbage collection? Private company. Duuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....

You do know that USA is a sovereign country, yes? The job of the govt of a sovereign country is to PROTECT AND ENFORCE ITS BORDERS AND PROTECT THE CITIZENS. That's why we have a govt funded military.

You're not stupid, you're fucking stupid, komrade.🤪🤪🤪


Simpleton Sandy comment:
"Are these rules set by the govt or by moviechat, pray tell?"

Simpleton Sandy prior comment:
"If the govt can make no law than infringes on freedom of speech, then by default NO CITIZEN can infringe upon ANOTHER CITIZEN the same rights."

Simpleton Sandy is too simple and stupid to know he just contradicted himself. Once again, he earns his nickname.

Nothing named was private. All government aka public aka SOCIALIST. You like to run off at the mouth, but you're using socialist programs, institutions and technology, hypocrite.

"So you think the United States is a “capitalist” country? Think again.

Some sectors of the economy deliver goods and services in the competitive markets of a capitalist system. But large sectors of our economy deliver goods and services through government and private nonprofits more like a socialist system.

There are capitalist models for highways. In the past we had privately owned, bridges and roadways. Today there a few of these privately owned things hanging around but by and large we get around on socialist roads. In the old days fire departments were private and they would only fight a fire at your house if you were their customer. But now we have socialist fire departments, paid for by the public. Maybe that’s why their trucks are red?

There are customer owned and controlled co-ops everywhere. From local food stores to huge electric utilities, the co-op movement is alive and well and co-ops are hardly “capitalist” economic entities.

We also have regulations which allow private for-profit organizations to exist but limit profit and prevent capitalist competition; big utility companies which provide electricity, natural gas and telephone lines are the obvious example."


He's a special kind of stupid. He proves it every time he comes on this forum.


And yet I rekt you on a daily basis. That really tells you something about your "intelligence" level, doesn't it? 😁😁😁😁😁


He is doubling-down on his stupidity.


First of all, reading your post only proves just how stupid you truly are. Then again, I shouldn't have been surprised. The shamelessness still surprises me.

Is moviechat infringing upon my rights of free speech, yes or no? Is moviechat the speech police outside of these forums, yes or no? How can you be that dim to not be able to differentiate the freedom we have as a human and the guidelines of a business?

I don't know where you live, but my trash collection, my natural gas and my electricity is all run by PRIVATE COMPANIES. My internet is also ran by a PRIVATE COMPANY and my cellphone too! Even if you live in a city where the utilities are ran by the city, it's still not owned by the Feds. It's LOCAL. Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....

Is Uber and Lyft public transportation? Are they public or private, pray tell? Is Greyhound and Amtrak public transportation? Are they public or private, pray tell?

What do my property taxes pay for, pray tell? Schools in my district, fire, police, roads, courts, etc. What does the gas tax pay for? It's supposed to be for roads, but the dems throw into the black hole called the general fund so nothing is every done.

So you've proven nothing other than ignorance and the rental space in your skull so let me ask you the question that will answer everything. What is the role of government in a capitalistic society, pray tell?


It's obvious you went to a defunded public school. More socialism.

Continue to double-down on your stupidity, Simpleton Sandy!



Hell, you are about as un-American as they come. If you are the standard, then all of us are happy to be considered un-American, especially if it's by you, you pompous ass.



If you sincerely think Trump is the answer to America's problems, then you are the problem.



Who doesn't want $80m? No American takers? You could be a millionaire and benefit from the tax cuts XD. Heck, even Osama Bin Laden was only worth $25 million. Just one guy who doesn't give 2 shits about you and your stagnant wage and you could be living near the top.



I wonder if Melania is considering it?


She'll have plenty of cash when the fat bastard kicks it. Plus she won't have to put up with him climbing on top of her.


With his tiny mushroom dick! LOL


Ewwwwwwwwwwwww! I forgot about that! Yuck!


LOL, thanks to Stormy Daniels.


The Iranian government didn't place a $80 million dollar bounty on Trump's head. It was just a guy delivering the eulogy. It sounds like his figure of speech was taken seriously. The figure represented the 80 million Iranians.

“We are 80 million Iranians,” the man is quoted as saying. “If each one of us puts aside one American dollar, we will have 80 million American dollars, and we will reward anyone who brings us [Trump]’s head with that amount.”
