blue1981's Replies

1. The Force Awakens 2. Rogue One 3. The Rise of Skywalker He needs to make Deuce Bigelow 3 and since Adam Sandler produced the first two movies they can make it for Netflix. The world wasn't as morally corrupt as it is today. Likely not but depends on the offense I guess. These people having the creative freedom to tell the stories they want and cast who they see fit. Oh the horror. That I didn't know but okay. It's cool they left the old Tri-star Logo at the beginning of the movie. It's what happens when unchecked leftists run the state into the ground. Sadly California is the model the Democrats want for the rest of the country. It's a very nice packaging and slipcover. Vinegar Syndrome's run was limited with its rights so any chance it could get released again might be through Sony. He always delivers the red pills to the masses. In other words creativity and artistic freedom in Hollywood is dead. It's on Vudu, Amazon, and Apple Tv. I paid $34.99 for the 4k/bluray combo. I posted about it on the RAD page here. Vinegar Syndrome is more nitche in getting obscure cult movies. I was kind of surprised they got the rights to Rad as I think it would have sold more through Shout Factory. I preordered in March and got my copy around the beginning of June. Talia Shire talks pretty fondly about the movie on the commentary. I do know its available through streaming services. I don't trust a Bill Gates vaccine when he's made comments in the past about depopulation. A tech nerd doesn't care and knows nothing about modern medicine. The whole point of the movie is that racism is stupid. You don't need a disclaimer to tell you that. If I think of myself as a sports fan it mostly comes from hometown pride. I don't worship athletes, I just have a few t-shirts and watch a few games here and there. With athletes now thinking its their job to lecture fans about politics I question how much sports I'll be watching the rest of the year. That's not fun to me and goes against the point of sports fandom which is meant to bring people together. Such a threat is treason and proves liberals don't believe in democracy. ALF is free to watch on VUDU if you want some decorating ideas. I wonder what protestors think about the woman in need who called the cops on Jacob Blake?