blue1981's Replies

I don't think anyone cares about the Twilight movies or The Hunger Games anymore. Those movies were so bad. Scott Mendelson is an asshole who's notorious for many stupid hot takes on the movie business. Will the $200 million movie go away for a while? I'd say probably so. I think Hollywood getting back to making smaller budgeted movies is a good thing. Movie theaters will be around after the threat of COVID is gone. It just might take a while for things to be back to normal. Does your appearance matter on the job? Invasion USA is awesome. Lots of insufferable virtue signaling tonight on Facebook tonight over RBG. Little did people know she's been nothing but a corpse on the bench these last few years due to her having pancreatic cancer. If elected I expect Trump will pick a strong conservative woman for her spot. I don't trust any vaccine with Bill Gates's name attached to it. I'm trying to think of the timetable of the Spanish Flu in 1918 and that lasted about a year and a half. But still the plane explosion is one of the best and its all done with practical effects. I have the series set on bluray, but one of my local theaters always shows Halloween on Halloween night and its such a blast getting to see it on the big screen. I think Billy Dee playing Harvey Dent was more of an afterthought because too many people were pissed at Michael Keaton being Batman. It's going to be hard but something has to be done to stop schools and higher education who have indoctrinated students for decades with their America Hating BS. The short answer to your question is we live in a gynocentric society now. It's stupid, embarassing, and has made most men into pathetic lapdogs for women to order around and do anything they want for them. #Metoo only made things worse in that showing any attraction towards a woman could be seen as predatory. I've been single since 2004 and I will never be put in any situation where my life could be destroyed just for giving into weakness in pursuing a woman. John Wick spoke to my soul. We lack real masculine movies right now and John Wick is one of the few movies to portray gender dynamics properly. Do you mean Marla Hooch? I only remember her having a dad that played a part in the movie. It'll expose him as the front candidate for the radical left and he clearly wouldn't finish four years as President due to his failing mental health. Otis, Milo, Milton, Nancy, and Carol. George Soros Yeah I'll bet the globalists collude with China on COVID. He was such a good actor. It's a shame his last movie was Street Fighter. It's scary to me he could be president but I hope the public is smart enough to see he either has dementia or Alzheimer's.