blue1981's Replies

Blade reboot with an R rating separate from the MCU, and recast the lead. I'm only saying that as Snipes is older now and he got a complete story arc over three movies. Wasn’t TFA BO total over $2 billion dollars. It’s still a letdown if your making less money DISNEY. Doubling down on why everyone hates Disney's Star Wars, Good for him, hopefully Kathleen Kennedy will get fired quicker. Its frightening that Disney is in charge of Indiana Jones. There's your answer. But If Steven Spielberg comes back he won't put up with Kathleen Kennedy's SJW bullshit. I’m watching this right now, and it’s a complete ripoff of Very Bad Things. It still feels toned from a pretty pitch black comedy that VBT was to begin with, plus all these girls boyfriends are written as the most insulting wimp girly men I’ve seen on film. He was in Hatchet 3 a few years ago, all youtube videos I have seen on a possible new Gremlins movie said He would comeback to play Billy. I think it would be a hell of a lot of fun to see The Gremlins in today's world. Some CGi would still probably be used, but I think a majority of it should be practical effects. Maybe once for a matinee price. I have a hard time giving Disney any money at all at this point. I saw TFA once in theaters, and will never watch it again. Saw Rogue one twice, than saw The Last Jedi for free. I haven't bought a single bluray from them either. but got the Rogue Digital code from my brother for free. Even if The Last Jedi still made a ton of money, it still made a lot less money than The Force Awakens. Even Disney is not that stupid to know that is a problem. Johnson's trilogy could still be cancelled, Episode 9 is the only Star Wars movie that is officially going forward at the moment. But we know the SJW crowd only doubles down when the backlash begins to happen. Disney could step in to make changes very soon. Yeah the black chick with the fro counts for the diversity quota checklist. I'm scared to death for the Obi Wan movie. Emilia Clark will be the true lead of the movie. Mark my words, this will happen. Every guy in it was a fucking moron or complete asshole. I was worried about my safety when i saw Straight Outta of Compton, and had no problems. I guess it depends where you see it in your town. I thought the movie looked good, but I'll probably avoid now since making it a success now seems like an SJW cause. I wasn't expecting any good reviews, I saw the first two for free, and the second one was unbearably boring. I'm just curious, I might go to a matinee to watch the finale. That's being generous, I would give her a 3. The only movie I can tolerate is Rogue One, and I would says its the least offensive in the Anti-White, Anti-Male, Globalist propaganda machine she has turned Star Wars into. I don't trust her that Solo can be any good, as I'm sure Emila Clarke will be there only to cut down Han's Alpha Male Character. Go watch Red Letter Media's Nerd Crew Star Wars videos on youtube. It may be a flashy trailer, but just because the Star Wars name is on it doesn't guarantee it will be good. Her character will be pointless, I guarantee it, only there to destroy Han's alpha male character and reign in his toxic masculinity. Yes its true, its a direct shot at Collider, Screen Junkies, John Campea, and countless other critics that act as if they are paid off to endlessly praise the shitty cash grab movies that Hollywood puts out when the viewing public sees through how much they suck. Fire Kathleen Kennedy and the SJW story group that have put their agenda over good storytelling. Put someone in charge who cares and has a clear vision for the movies and doesn't hate the fans the way she does.