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Biden & Harris Say They Won’t Trust A Trump Vaccine!

Just what in the hell is a Trump vaccine? What an idiotic position to take! A Trump vaccine? These two will do and say anything to get elected even if it means making people fearful to take the vaccine! God save us from the village idiots like these two! 🙏🏻🙏🏻



Way to go, Dems: Instill fear into a public that desperately needs a vaccine.

Public servants, or serving themselves?

And, they accuse Trump of dividing. 🙄



So NOW Trump is a mad scientist, hard at work in his dungeon/lab creating a secret formula to cure the virus?

Good grief! With everything the left accuses him of doing, it's surprising he finds all that time to golf!


I don’t get the flu shot as I’m super sensitive to meds. I’m seriously debating whether to take the “Trump” 😉 vaccine. I sure would like to know what he’s conjured up in his mind in the development of his vaccine in that secret lab of his.

I’m being facetious, Matilda, Adam, dream6, yatso, brux, et al. 😏🙅🏼‍♀️

Just remember Biden’s words:”If you don’t vote for ain’t Black!”


kspkap- I don't get the flu shot either. But that's because I don't trust it. My ex-husband is a physician and he'd give me one every year. And I usually got sick. It was just a few days of nausea and all those awful symptoms, but who needs it?

Since I got divorced I haven't had a shot in fourteen years and I haven't had the flu. I've had jobs working closely with the public and I've had about three colds and two of those annoying "stomach bugs" in all those years. I've worked with people coughing, hacking and sneezing all over me. I guess I just have a good immune system, so I avoid vaccines when I can.
If a vaccine is developed, I volunteer all the Trump haters to be the first guinea pigs!


”If a vaccine is developed, I volunteer all the Trump haters to be the first guinea pigs!”

You nailed it! Guess who is going to get the blame if there are a few getting ill? “It’s Trump’s fault! It was the Trump vaccine which killed my boy! BTW, is there anything or anyone left we can Burn, Loot, Murder!” AKA...BLM with assistance from Antifa!

Just remember Biden’s words:”If you don’t vote for ain’t Black!”


The only people I know who actually want it are scared-stiff lefties.

A healthy immune system is key. What's been going on with people wearing diapers on their faces keeps their immune system weak (among other things). People are bound to get sick easier by living in a bubble and then trying to go back to normal living.
How do babies build an immune system? By being exposed!

It's so ridiculous! You don't quarantine the healthy. You don't mask the healthy.
This is all about CONTROL.



The Democrat party has become the biggest joke in American history. An unaccomplished geezer with dementia so bad he can’t even form sentences. And a bimbo who acquired power because she blew her boss.



Well if you have been to the border or a airport you will see the size of pungent people and know that they will believe anything that there leaders tell them.


Trump is not the one making it, as everyone knows. They're just afraid it'll get Trump more votes. Everyone knows it.

I don't know why we need a vaccine for something most can fight off themselves, not to mention the controversial "Hydroxychlororquine" DOES work (although it's not something anyone/everyone can take so it would be up to the doctor).

Physicians all over the world have been using a combination of Hydroxychloroquine plus Azithromycin, reporting excellent statistics of viral clearing from the body in 3-5 days after starting treatment. Doctors have noted the treatment works much better if started in the early stages of infection. Unfortunately, results have not been as promising when patients who were already critical were started on the treatment.

Azithromycin (Z-pak) is an antibiotic, useful in treating lung infections and pneumonia. Like Hydroxychloroquine, it concentrates in lung tissues. Azithromycin is an unusual antibiotic because it also possesses anti-viral activity. Additionally, its anti-inflammatory effects protect patients from the cytokine storms which result in severe lung inflammation.

Adding Zinc to the Covid-19 treatment protocol makes sense as Zinc has been shown to reduce viral penetration into healthy cells and reduces viral replication inside infected cells.

But they don't want this and have scared half of America from going this route. They don't want it because it's cheap and effective, which would cause for the economy to have opened almost as soon as it was shut down. That means Biden would have zero chance instead of whatever chance he currently has.
That's what this is really about and now they're politicizing the vaccine. One half of America wouldn't take anyway.

Half of the people don't even get the flu shot, which, as it turns out is more deadly than COVID!


”Trump is not the one making it, as everyone knows.

Don’t believe that for a second! There are dimwits who will take the word of two escapees who have escaped from their villages!

Just remember Biden’s words:”If you don’t vote for ain’t Black!”


Haha! They sure are programmed, aren't they?


I don't trust a Bill Gates vaccine when he's made comments in the past about depopulation. A tech nerd doesn't care and knows nothing about modern medicine.


Trump's vaccine men in white sheets will come to our doors, hold us down, and inject us. I for one will go down kicking and screaming!


They would have to hold me down too...and I'll not only kick and scream, I'll bite, then shoot.


Hells Bells! They’ll carry you away inclosed in a straight jacket...then drop you into the village from which you escaped! 🤪🥴🤯

Just remember Biden’s words:”If you don’t vote for ain’t Black!”


But what if Fauci promotes it, then they are really in a pickle because he's their bureaucratic god. Luckily Fauci never produced an AIDS vaccine which everyone was forced to take.


This is guy who has sat behind a desk for the past 20 years. You are correct in calling him Lord Fauci. There have been so many doctors across the world who have been treating patients with success using combined drugs we already have!

Read NormaAndNorman’s post in this thread. There have been videos posted on Facebook & Twitter with doctors giving confirmation to this post. The videos have been removed. There have been videos about the dangers of wearing a mask. Also removed! Some doctors have been terminated due to going against the narrative of the alt left Dems! Biden & Harris are striking fear into people about a vaccine while Trump is still POTUS. They don’t care if people die!

Just remember Biden’s words:”If you don’t vote for ain’t Black!”


This is what I mean by I'm sick of everything being political. Why is Trump's name even being brought up?

He's not the doctor or scientist creating the vaccines and medicines. This isn't about Trump or the elections! This is about saving lives and restoring life back to as normal as possible and nothing more!


Because very carefully, I’m scripting this in bold text, Biden and Harris pulled Trump’s name into the mix! There are numerous articles about their comments regarding the vaccine and tying it to Trump!
