blue1981's Replies

I don't understand why this is the most active board of The Karate Kid movies? This movie gave a conclusion but the first two movies are much more highly regarded. If you want to talk about Cobra Kai go to that board. I love Paul Joseph Watson, thankfully he hasn't kicked off of youtube. As far as the video goes the New York City of the 70s and early 80s has made a comeback. :( I enjoyed Nick Sandman's speech. It's an interesting story and I hope he can become a prominent voice for young conservatives. I watched the sequel in movie theaters and hated it mostly for being a bad movie. That was gross but I still stayed and watched the whole movie. I saw walkouts in both The Hills have Eyes and The Last House on the Left remakes. When Best Picture Nominees where released in the summer I'd say Saving Private Ryan fit your description in 1998. I think it was one of the highest grossing movies that year and should have won Best Picture. Andrew Lincoln and Carey Elwes seem good at it. I grew up with dogs and had this discussion with my Sister. I love cats. They are a ton of fun, pretty low maintenance, and very easy to take care of. As far as not being masculine I like doing a lot of things that go outside the masculine normal and feel more well rounded that way. There is still plenty of R rated movies made they are just rare in the Summer. I put him in the same category as Clarence Bodiker in Robocop. Smart, calculating, and pure evil. They're asking for trouble and people are going to get killed. I wish they would do that here in Kansas. We are a very red state but ocassionally a left of center candidate runs and wins and she lied about the numbers to get her face diaper mandate and won't let us finish the reopening phases or reopen the schools. I'm not living like a paranoid germaphobe the rest of my life and she bases her decisions on the dipshit COVID Kens and Karens. Screenings start on August 31st. I'll go watch it on a night off for me. I'll plan on seeing it. I read the news saying that Warner Bros. is planning a non traditional release and it will likely play for months before it goes to streaming or physical media. The theaters will make money off of it and Warner Bros. goal might just be to break even. It won't get made. #releasethegreencut I'm still hoping Ilhan Omar gets deported on Immigration fraud. Batman '89, its a comic book come to life. The full movie Skyscraper was better than Snapdragon or Barb Wire.