blue1981's Replies

It's not that loud and if you are ten houses away from it I'd say the sound would be more faded away. But I would say the blow back to political correctness means The Man Show could catch on if given a chance. I don't like her baby talking voice. I think I used a blonde dye and it turned my brown hair orange. It grew out and i looked like I had the frosted tips. I don't think it was that bad as I feel like my clothes I still have could be called from the 2000s and I still wear them today. Cargo Shorts are the only thing that were popular in 2000s and are seen as repulsive now. I tried frosted tips around '01 or '02 but never again after that. I thought 90s fashion was worse but I still have flannel shirts in my closet. I hope not. I think the 3rd movie kind of ended it. It wouldn't be the same without Ryan Dunn. I think I've seen her in various reunion appearances with the cast. I'll agree on those points. I guess if she had one or two small tattoos that wouldn't bother me but any woman who covers herself in ink is disgusting to me. I was 7 in the summer of 1989 and I didn't get to see it until the fall at the $1 theater. My Mom was afraid to take me at first because she saw on the news it was too violent. I'm 38 and don't have any tattoos. I thought about getting one in my early 20s but never went through with it. I figured I would hate the way they look on me as I got older so I don't regret not getting any at all. They look awful on women and that's biggest travesty of the tattoo craze. It's hard to find any women who don't have any today. Jerry co created the show so he deserves to make more money than the rest of the cast. The rest of the cast is still set for life living off of the residuals so I don't think you have anything to worry about. It's already been around for a few years and all these articles act like its brand new. How stupid are these people? Can I get you your coffee Mr. Spielberg? I never thought the brand was discontinued, Disney just stopped making adult or smaller budgeted movies. My Chic Fil-A order is the Spicy Chicken Deluxe combo with Diet lemonade and Chic Fil-A & Buffalo Sauce. I think it's because of a number of factors. Easy access to online porn, not many actresses who will get naked on screen, and feminists in higher positions in Hollywood who won't allow it. Interesting thought, if elected I always thought he wouldn't make it through one term. It's hard to care when the movies are dog shit. Kind of sad he didn't realize this while making the movies. It’s all tied to George Soros and the Deep State. These people profit from the chaos.