MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why is the US so obsessed with sports? T...

Why is the US so obsessed with sports? They are boring as fuck.

I will never understand that, so many things are far more interesting and entertaining. With such limited free time I find it absolutely mind boggling how much of it people spend watching and discussing sports.

Now don’t get me wrong, I enjoy PLAYING some sports, but that’s not the source of the majority of this country’s interest in them. People are literally obsessed with watching, studying and discussing sports. They worship athletes. Drives me insane, and instantly separates me from a good chunk of the population in a major way. No matter how much I have in common with someone, they always seem to be obsessed with at least one sport.


It's called a break from reality, MovieBuff. Instead of hearing about bad news all the time, just escape into the wonderful world of sports.


Why not movies?? So much more interesting and entertaining


Ok then, here you go. Caught the tail end of this recently and plan to watch it in its entirety when I get the opportunity.

Of course, if you should happen to watch'll have nothing left to bitch about.


I say sports are vapid and movies are far more stimulating and your solution is a movie about SPORTS?! Those are almost as bad as sports! I have yet to see one that isn’t a paint by numbers feel good shmaltz fest or “tragic hero” tale.


It's the true story behind the movie that got my attention, whiner !

I should have known that a movie about incredible courage and overcoming overwhelming odds is beyond your comprehension because you love to wallow in your self-induced misery, no matter what. You're a pathetic lost cause, a provocateur and attention whore.


Incredible courage and overcoming overwhelming odds, how unique! You just described literally every brainless cookie cutter sports movie. Self induced misery? I am actually pretty happy, it’s people and life who bring me down.


Fine, I'll mention a movie that doesn't involve sports then. You remind me of Percy Wetmore from The Green Mile. How's that?

An incorrigible complainer such as yourself couldn't possibly be "pretty happy".


Variety. I love movies and watch them every day, but I can't do without my sports either.


Movies are good too, but why only look for movies for entertainment. The real question is why do u care what other people enjoy?

Quit worrying about what other people like.


I don’t care what other people do, I care that I can’t escape sports and that’s it’s literally all anyone wants to talk about.


Maybe u need new friends?


I don't understand why you don't understand why people like sports. I get it. I was on an anti-sports kick once, but realized, it's not just the US, but the whole world! Sorry, but people in general like sports so if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!


We are on a movie chat page. It's expected u will find large swaths of people that don't find anything other then the arts annoying.


I’m not on an “anti sports” kick. I have no agenda. It is objectively ridiculous how obsessed people are with sports when they are just not that interesting.


Really? I found there more obsessed with politics lol. Seriously, the last I knew, you would go into a McDonald's and on the television screens, they would have either CNN or Fox news networks on. Then their cartoons namely "King Of The Hill" constantly makes political references. And you talk to Americans and most will start talking politics fast. I was in Cancum, Mexico once and said to a friend who wasn't American, if we meet an American/s, if they don't steer the topic of conversation to politics in under a minute I'll buy you drinks all night. He bet me a drink if I was wrong. Well, we met three Americans soon afterwards and it only took maybe 30 seconds before they started discussing Obama and how the USA voted him in for a second term lol. So yes I won the bet.


And some people thinking fishing is boring as fuck, but you and I enjoy it. See how that works? You really need to stop overthinking every little thing that pops in your mind.


I never was a big sports fan. Spending hours watching a game, not my thing. But I love sports movies which makes me understand die-hard sports fans.

Most sports films follow a pattern: broken down team, underdogs, losing streak, then along comes a coach or manager who breathes new life into the team and they start to win games. By the end of the film they win or get really close to winning the big championship. In real life this sequence plays out not within a few hours but years, decades even. Just ask any Red Sox fan.


if it weren't for black people their sports would suck


America is a melting pot of cultures and backgrounds. Tom Brady and Michael Jordan are largely considered the goats of their sports but one is white one is black.


Yeah Tom Brady is a unicorn, sports are dominated by blacks


Golf? Hockey? Tennis? Should I go on?


Same in Australia. I don't get it either.


If I think of myself as a sports fan it mostly comes from hometown pride. I don't worship athletes, I just have a few t-shirts and watch a few games here and there. With athletes now thinking its their job to lecture fans about politics I question how much sports I'll be watching the rest of the year. That's not fun to me and goes against the point of sports fandom which is meant to bring people together.
