MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I want a 1980s room

I want a 1980s room

It would have cheap, dark-colored woodgrain paneling on the walls, a thick tan carpet, a 27" RCA or Zenith console TV with RCA inputs from the mid 1980s, a mid-1980s JVC Hi-Fi stereo VCR, an Atari 2600 "Heavy Sixer," a late 1970s or early 1980s Pioneer or Onkyo component stereo system, a shelf full of VHS tapes, records, cassettes, and Atari cartridges, and a black Western Electric model 500 phone sitting on an end table next to the couch.

To make it perfect I'd need to set up a modern PC in a different room connected to a low-powered VHF transmitter. Then edit together a night's worth of programming. For example, for a Thursday night, a Star Trek episode at 7; Magnum, P.I. at 8; Simon & Simon at 9, etc., complete with 1980s commercials. Then I could tune the TV into the broadcast.

What I really want is a time machine, but a 1980s room is as close as I could get.


ALF is free to watch on VUDU if you want some decorating ideas.
