blue1981's Replies

I actually like the second movie more as I've gotten older. It's so fucked up. I think I remember on the commentary Roland Emmerich said he wanted that scene to be about Adam Baldwin's soul being drained out of him as he torched the church. I'm surprised it took him this long to review it. It was on tv but I always thought the women of How I met Your Mother were feminine. I grew up with the Original Trilogy and do like the prequels. I stopped caring the moment Disney decided my fandom was a problem because I'm a white male. I started drinking coffee regularly when I worked night shift. After that I realized I was starting to turn into my Dad. I was there in 1999. It took me a few times to fully grasp what was going on with the movie. I don't think there was any real build up for it except its notable for being released right before The Phantom Menace. I can give some stuff a chance but I refuse to watch any Hollywood awards shows now because they are too political and the ratings continue to decline. I just got home from seeing it in theaters after not watching it for many years. It felt like a fairy tale on the big screen. I wouldn't call it dangerous or scary but it had it s dark moments and seeing the horse die was always hard. I'll agree kids need movies like Neverending Story today. I don't know why that movie is hated. I love it. I cried when Patrick Swayze died. What bothers me is that people on social media act like this was sudden or a surprise. She had Pancreatic Cancer and has been nothing but a rotting corpse the last few years. I have a fondness for these classics since it was the first time I saw any boobs. Movie theaters need new movies to make money. I still hope to see it in theaters maybe this week. Whatever money Warner Bros. loses on Tenet I hope they can make it up with Wonder Woman. I don't think anyone cares about the Resident Evil movies anymore. Since the media made a huge deal with feminist writer Phoebe Waller Bridge being brought in to write the screenplay its probably a good indication its going to be bad. After this movie bombs Bond can go away for a while until they find the right people to reinvent the franchise. Since the media made a huge deal with feminist writer Phoebe Waller Bridge being brought in to write the screenplay its probably a good indication its going to be bad. After this movie bombs Bond can go away for a while until they find the right people to reinvent the franchise. Since the media made a huge deal with feminist writer Phoebe Waller Bridge being brought in to write the screenplay its probably a good indication its going to be bad. After this movie bombs Bond can go away for a while until they find the right people to reinvent the franchise. Its popularity has lived on and I think there has been talks of a fifth movie. I saw the third movie on TNT when I was at the gym a few nights ago.