MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Would you be friends with someone who ha...

Would you be friends with someone who has done time in prison?

I've known a few in my time.

One for repetitive drink driving (5 year sentence.)
One for petty theft.
One for armed robbery, assault to an airline hostess, drug dealing.
One for armed robbery, assault, drug offences.

All of them were sketchy in their own way, but all characters. I guess I liked how they were interesting.

The guy who assaulted an airline hostess had a nice girlfriend who even got him an apartment in her name (given that anyone who would run his name would say NO WAY).

So one night they had a fight in his brand new apartment and he smashed up the place, breaking the mirrored sliding doors in the bedroom.

This is why you don't get too close!


Depends on so many things, but yes.


well , women love a bastard eh?
Moviebuff wouldnt have done that cos he's such a great catch who'se never been to prison and doesent smash rooms up that someone else has vouched wont get smashed up


Likely not but depends on the offense I guess.



I like to think that people should have second chances, so in general if somebody had worked hard to clean up their life then I wouldn't care. It's a different matter if they were convicted of a sexual offense, though.


What if they were 18 and had a 15 year old girlfriend? And now they're 35 and have lead an exemplary life?


If they were in prison for murder, sex crimes or arson, no


Me and Nelson were buddies, yeah.


Just remember that cops arrest innocent people every day and some go to prison.


While innocent people get arrested, that is usually weeded out in the system. The innocent people in jail are a tiny minority.


Like the A-Team?


I love it when a plan comes together.
