MovieChat Forums > Padeen > Replies

Padeen's Replies

Could be, but here is someone with the same issue saying he doesn't think thats the problem. I'm 100% sure its not dirty. My vision is perfect and I even showed my father when he was over and he said "I would have never have seen it unless you pointed it out." Here it is being discussed on another forum. I'm really hoping its not a defect. "There are no beautiful people at the zoo. Zoo's are full of overweight families." LOL. I agree zoo's are horrible. If an animal can't be released back into the wild, they should live out their lives at an animal sanctuary where they aren't gawked at by humans all day. Same here - the leaders were entirely made up of the parents and it was a great experience. I admit we were a bunch of wild knuckleheads who didn't take the whole thing very seriously, but we had a great time on camping trips and different outings. Concerning the 92,000 accusations, there have been a lot of ambulance chasers trying to get people to testify as part of a class action suit, so I wouldn't be surprised to hear many are in it for the $$$. You know, even though I disagreed with you about lifestyle choices concerning food, you certainly did prove Artisan wrong and he/she is handling it like a child. Raising animals absolutely, without a doubt, uses more water than the agriculture industry. Where are you from? I'm not aware of any country that has a 100% grass fed beef cattle industry...How much do you pay per pound? I kind of disagree. If done right, you can get every nutrient except B12, which can be easily supplemented. And before you say that's unnatural, nowadays most animals are given B12 injections anyways because they don't feed on their natural diet of grass, but instead corn and soy. I spent 8 months on a plant based diet and entered almost everything I consumed into a nutrition tracker. It was an interesting time and I can see the health attributes of the lifestlye, but I simply prefer to eat meat and be an omnivore. Its unrealistic to expect everyone to be vegan. I've been down that road and simply feel healthier as an omnivore. And if people are going to eat meat, hunting is a better alternative over meat from feed lot animals. And I acknowledged that this animal was needlessly killed by a poacher. I'm talking about hunting in general. Its not killed needlessly. Moose if a popular animal that is hunted for meat. And even though moose are not endangered, it is still tightly regulated. In my opinion, hunting wild game is by far more ethical than buying meat from the grocery store, which is sourced from factory farms. Those animals live a miserable existence, are raised on corn and soy and are often given antbiotics and hormones. With that said, whoever killed that white moose is a jerk and should be prosecuted for killing a protected animal and for wanton waste. These were definitely not hunters, but instead it seems like a poacher killed it for fun. Those are police. I mean, the majority come from the US, but I'm sure the cartels have other sources as well. The AK pattern rifle is probably the most common in the entire world and many different countries produce them. Friend of mine has one from Romania. I assume you have to wear one when buying food at the grocery store or market? Indeed, but I have never recognized the illegality of this plant, so fuck em'. "ANNETTE...SHE WORE A BACK BRACE,A BIG CUMBERSOME ONE." The Aluminum Monster? I agree there's a lot of work to be done, but with legalization, we can have dispensaries, home growing and carry up to an oz without a fine. In my State, smoking in public is a $100 fine, similar to drinking in public. I'm fine with these rules to be honest. It better than being arrested or worrying about my door being kicked in for growing. That's history. I'm more focused on cannabis Prohibition. Over half the States have either medical or recreational, 68% of Americans support Federal Legalization and our neighbors to the north have completely legalized it already. Why is our Government so inept? Not really exotic, but I never let a fish head go to waste. When I catch striper, I'll roast the head and use all the meat for fish cakes. You'd be surprised how much good meat is on it. In Japan, yellowfin tuna head is very common and can serve a group of people. I've also eaten perrywinkles and sea urchins, but again, not terrible exotic. And lastly, I've had eel a few times, which is very oily and similar in flavor to mackerel. This chick is berserk! She once tried to convince be Michael Swifts "Gay Manifesto" was real, when in truth is a piece of satire lol. Then you must be very young because as someone else mentioned, he's been a prominent public figure for many decades. They have an extremely high rate of gun ownership, but little violence. I'll always think of Pluto as a planet. And ya, he's a good dude.