MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What's the best thing about living in Sw...

What's the best thing about living in Switzerland?

Well, the flag is a big plus.



Basel -- beautiful city.

At the time, I didn't even know it was where LSD was created.


Interesting. I did not know that. Thanks.



They have an extremely high rate of gun ownership, but little violence.


Every citizen is required to be armed for national defense. And of course there's little violence cause everyone is packin' heat!

Contrast that to the idiocy of putting up GUN FREE ZONE signs. I don't know about you, but if I'm thinking of shooting some people, that's where I'm going, cause I know that they're all unarmed!



You're sidestepping the glaringly obvious elephant in the room question.

How do the Swiss manage not to be shootin the shit out of each other all the time like Americans?


Swiss chocolate.





The Alps! The lakes! The lucious greenness of the grass in summer!

On the downside, there's the avalanche blocking forest over every town and the highways that are covered so the avalanches don't close them down every single winter. That's something you don't see back home in California.


forests are not downsides!


When seen from a distance, which is how I saw them, manmade avalanche-blocking forests are just a bit more unsettling than a regular wild forest!

Nice go know they're there, of course, I'm all for prevention but not everyone in the US agrees with me, to put it politely.


Chances are you’re quite well off if you live there. One of the wealthiest per capita countries. Also beautiful views everywhere, great skiing, yummy chocolates, and cute cows with soothing sounding bells around their necks.

Only bummer - landlocked, no beaches.


But it has some large bodies of water: Lake Constance, Lake Geneva and Lake Maggiore.


Who's on first?



Don’t forget the cheese! We stopped at a small mountainsde farm and it was amazing, so strong.


Yummm, Raclette!!!

I love beautiful lakes surrounded by mountains but different from ocean/beach beauty with rolling waves, sand, warmth, marine life.


Joining the Swiss navy!!!


🀣 one of the many stops we made on my tour through Europe last year. Without question the natural beauty of the landscape, it is truly something out of a fairytale. Pristine snow capped peaks with tranquil blue lakes at the bottom, a sight to behold. Other than that not a whole lot going on there, and easily the most expensive country I visited.


Thanks for the info. Hope to visit it next year.



the cheese.


