

He's been a fairly prominent public figure since the mid-80s at least.


I wasn't born until the very early 90s. I did recall seeing him in that one clip from Home Alone 2 lost in New York but didn't know it was him.


Then you must be very young because as someone else mentioned, he's been a prominent public figure for many decades.


He's been in the public eye since the eighties, even had a pretty huge TV show on NBC in the 2000s. I'm guessing you're either young, or you just don't pay attention to these type of things.


As I said in previous posts, I've possible came across him on tv a few times (Home Alone for instance).

But aside from maybe Princess Diana and her family, I couldn't really care less about celebrity heiress who inherent money from their parents.

Actors and singers are completely different as I actually enjoy music, movies, and tv shows.


Your a pro. Take it to the politics board.


And who the hell are you???


Apparently a very dumb kid.


Politics board...that's where this Trump stuff belongs


90% of your posts are in politics, yet you suddenly post about Trump in General. 🤔


Every once in a while someone sneaks in a political comment.

That's one of the primary reasons I come here - generally politics are ignored.
