MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Sacred white ‘spirit moose’ killed by hu...

Sacred white ‘spirit moose’ killed by hunters, outraging indigenous population



Gorgeous animal.


More perplexing is why the need to protect one but not protect them all? Killing is killing.


i think the moose population in general is not endangered.


I simply don't believe one should kill anything needlessly. For the vast majority of us, we could do just fine while not killing without provocation.


Its not killed needlessly. Moose if a popular animal that is hunted for meat. And even though moose are not endangered, it is still tightly regulated. In my opinion, hunting wild game is by far more ethical than buying meat from the grocery store, which is sourced from factory farms. Those animals live a miserable existence, are raised on corn and soy and are often given antbiotics and hormones. With that said, whoever killed that white moose is a jerk and should be prosecuted for killing a protected animal and for wanton waste. These were definitely not hunters, but instead it seems like a poacher killed it for fun.


Not eating meat at all is even more ethical. These obviously were not harvested for the meat. A needless killing. Is there a logical disconnect here?


Growing vegetables, grains etc requires more water than growing meat. Veganism is not what it is made out to be.


This is total nonsense. So utterly illogical.,irrigate%20the%20crops%20which%20will%20become%20their%20feed.


awwwww poor baby, can't handle the truth. Need a bowl of lentils?


I've proven you wrong. Is that the best you can do?


You haven't proven anything.


I've proven that it takes more water to produce meat than vegetables. You've been proven wrong. Is this hard for you to understand?


You haven't proven anything. You still don't get it do you? Ok, I will spell it out for you.

1/ I will not click on anything you post as I do not like or trust you.
2/ You went full on attack mode for no reason and then got pissed off that I responded in kind.
3/ You come across as a zealot who would believe anything that is fed to you by your masters. You would support baby seal clubbing if they told you to.
4/ You have no sense of humour and seem to enjoy being a nasty piece of work.
5/ You have no idea the impact of growing vegetables etc has had on the environment and communities around the world and even if I posted information you would just bleat and attack me and then call for more information. Because, honestly, that is the sort of boorish person you come across as.

I am not here to debate veganism with you. In case you haven't noticed it is a movie site and although very poorly moderated, it is about movies and films.


It seems that you've described your zealotry when you tried to pin it on me. Have a nice life.


You know, even though I disagreed with you about lifestyle choices concerning food, you certainly did prove Artisan wrong and he/she is handling it like a child. Raising animals absolutely, without a doubt, uses more water than the agriculture industry.


Not from what I have read. Nor am I acting like a child, I cannot help it if I have a sense of humour and find it amusing that it is going over estcst's head. Nor can I help it that they do not like what I am saying and decided to get bitchy over it and I responded in kind.


I call Bullshit.
That really sounds like some desparete shit made up by meat eaters (like myself) to feel less guilty abouit eating meat. How could it be true when you have to grow vegetables to feed to the meat?

Watch now as that choice of words triggers meat eaters and they protest they dont feel guilty , which isnt at all the point of this post.


Artisan, there are lots of arguments on both sides - truth and lies....but animals need a heck of a lot of water!
Modern agriculture and livestock farming is not efficient at all - for example many crops AND animals are grown and kept in places and environments they’re not suited for and in amounts where they need HUGE amounts of water pumped to them.
Growing vegetables, grains etc responsibly (especially) is far better for water conservation etc than raising livestock. Crops can and often are watered by nature, especially in smaller scale systems, whereas livestock are usually watered by mains (or drilled) water.
It’s also much more efficient to eat the vegetables and crops directly; livestock use up more water because not only do they need to drink, but the feed they need to be fed was once a crop, that needed water too.


Of course there is but esctst or whatever the fuck their name is came off as such a bitch for no reason that I just couldn't be fucked with them. I responded in the manner they came at me with.


‘I am not here to debate veganism with you. In case you haven't noticed it is a movie site and although very poorly moderated, it is about movies and films.’

^^ This ^^

Although, the GD board is open season for bullshit / zealots / cretins / trolls etc etc unfortunately. We all have to wade through it.


Its unrealistic to expect everyone to be vegan. I've been down that road and simply feel healthier as an omnivore. And if people are going to eat meat, hunting is a better alternative over meat from feed lot animals.

And I acknowledged that this animal was needlessly killed by a poacher. I'm talking about hunting in general.


Do what you want but at least be honest about it.


Veganism is very bad for your health. It has been proven over and over again.


There are studies that show good and bad about most, if not all diets (apart from perhaps the Mediterranean diet which keeps being top of the best ways to eat it seems).
For example eating too much processed meats or red meat increases the risk of some cancers and some meats are higher in saturated fats and thus increase cholesterol.

It depends on which studies you choose to believe and promote.

Lots of studies that show one outcome or another are often observational, rather than experimental or carried out over a long enough a study may not be accurate enough to prove anything solidly. The results may not be robust enough to conclusively justify telling the public to do this or that.

It also depends on the individual people consuming these foods/living this way; I do think that some people do not thrive on specific eating regimes whereas others do.


I wouldn't believe anything pushed by Leftard's.


Hmm....fair enough, I myself wouldn’t believe anything pushed by close-minded, ignorant, illogical, misguided, misinformed, gullible idiots.


So we agree. You don't believe Leftard's either.


I kind of disagree. If done right, you can get every nutrient except B12, which can be easily supplemented. And before you say that's unnatural, nowadays most animals are given B12 injections anyways because they don't feed on their natural diet of grass, but instead corn and soy.

I spent 8 months on a plant based diet and entered almost everything I consumed into a nutrition tracker. It was an interesting time and I can see the health attributes of the lifestlye, but I simply prefer to eat meat and be an omnivore.


I'm not American so our beef still graze on grass and proper stuff here. I know in America they do all sorts of weird shit to their food though.


Where are you from? I'm not aware of any country that has a 100% grass fed beef cattle industry...How much do you pay per pound?


Australia. We do have grain fed as well but even they spend most of their lives eating grass.

It really depends on what type of beef you want, I had to convert pounds to kilograms. My source tells me a a pound is just under half a kilogram, mentioning that as a reference point for yourself.

For a really good cut of steak like eye fillet it would cost around $30 per pound/$60 or so a kg.

Brisket is around $7 a pound/$14 per kg.

Mince/ground beef $11 per pound.

T bone $12 per pound.

Prices in Australian money. We pay more but then we also get paid more as well than USA.


I’ve heard food is very expensive in Australia....although as you say it’s good if you get paid more. It’s all comparative and is very interesting.
I wonder if animal feed is relatively expensive too?

Where I am, in mainly beef and dairy country, the animals are outside most if not all the year round, eating the fresh lush grass on the rolling hills....however they get supplemented in Autumn and Winter with home made silage and local straw. They have those little tubs of cattle cake too I’ve seen in the fields for extra nutrition, although I’m not really sure why they need that - it smells really good though! That’s for beef at least at the farm next door.....I see some mega dairy farms nearby that have their cows inside more, hence the big buildings, being fed.....silage again I guess, but maybe some manufactured pelleted feed too.


I think you need to look into the effects of veganism on the human body. It is not healthy.


The onus is on you. Just shouting out whatever you're thinking doesn't make it true.


And yet you seem to think it does providing you are the one saying it.


I never said any such thing. Thanks for playing.


Oh bullshit. Look, I am not here to tolerate idiots ok? Welcome to my ignore list.


Hunting wild game may be more ethical in that it lets prey animals live free and not be confined to farms, but the downside is that the hunting of wild animals can't meet humanity's massive demand for meat. The only place in the world where there's a mass hunting industry and no farming is the fishing industry, and the oceans are being emptied out at an alarming rate. Hunting is only sustainable if it's regulated and limited, and I wish to God someone would limit mid-oceanic fishing before it's too late.

So yeah, I don't have much of an ethical problem with hunting wild deer legally and according to game laws, we've killed off so many of their natural predators that if humans didn't hunt North American deer for fun then the populations would explode and have a bad impact on forest ecosystems. That said, I still think hunting is gross.


Hunting is not needless
Ethical hunters are safe and follow State guidelines to gather meat

Hunting is also fine sport

Or we can all just plow our cars into a Whitetail on the way to work some morning...the populations get thinned to safe levels due to hunting
The Deer jump out into the road in some places


Quick simple question about hunting ,
How do you get a dear (or a moose) from the middle of the woods back to your vehicle?
they look heavy!


Moose and Elk are quartered in the field (we don't have those here but that's what I've heard)

We use a plastic kids sled and rope to drag out Whitetails but they do sell wheeled carts (we do things the cheap way😉)


Take it up with the Creator. The Earth is a giant slaughterhouse, get used to it.


Exactly. If we weren't supposed to eat animals than why are they made of meat?


Really? Are you trolling or is that really what you think?!


They are made of meat. It is fact.


In that thread of thinking....So are human cannibalism is ok then?


Sure. Although I don't like people enough to want to eat them.


Yuck yeah...I wouldn’t want to either lol


" If we weren't supposed to eat animals than why are they made of meat? "

You could say the same about "other people"


That is a stupid shame, especially since plenty of signs warned against it according to the article

Regular Deer firearm season begins here on Saturday, I plan on following all the rules


As I wrote above, it was a beautiful animal, but now I'm having second thoughts about its white privilege!


Worshipping a chocolate moose would make a lot more sense to me.


I hear the white ones are "bullied"


This is a sensitive and complex topic for most.

This one is related to yours:


When people do not realize that they have gone too far:
