MovieChat Forums > Padeen > Replies

Padeen's Replies

Do you have any little hole in the wall Mexican joints in your town? Thats where I find the best tacos. Ya, outdoors is where my best experiences were, but one time my friend and I went to go see the Matrix 3 and the projector broke. Naturally everyone left, but we stayed and thought it was hilarious lol. Eventually an usher comes in and starts yelling at us to leave. Its been so long since I've seen it, but were their any other survivors of their little floating community? My guess is they would build a suitable community and search for other survivors to bring back. I recently read that Neil Degrasse Tyson got a lot of hate mail from kids for his part in declassifying Pluto as a planet lol. I haven't done lsd in over a decade, but a have a few doses tucked away for a future occasion. What kind of settings did you prefer? We used to enjoy going into woods or by the ocean. So no pistachios? I just bought a pound today. Could have fooled me. You'd have to be delusional to believe that and this is coming from someone who voted for him. Tell you what. How about a gentlemens bet of $1,000 USD PayPal that Biden will take the White House? On your honor and anyone who reads this will be a witness. What do ya say? I'm pretty liberal when it comes to drug use, but having having life destroying drugs like meth and heroin available to the masses will never happen. These substances can't be used recreational in a responsible manner like alcohol can. Take just a little too much heroin and you're dead. Ever met a tweaker? Meth is some fucked up shit. If you want drugs, go buy some on the Dark Web. I think we should decriminalize all drugs, but not legalize. No one should go to jail for possession, but we can't start selling heroin and meth at the corner store. Well, there haven't been grizzly bears in Colorado since the 1950's, but I guess the best explanation is he brought the gun himself. I still see it as a minor plot hole though. Again, I'm looking at this from a policy standpoint concerning insurance. Alcohol isn't allowed on the premises during the off season, but a shotgun is? It was funny and whoever played Borats daughter better get an award lol. Fucking hilarious. Good luck. I understand how frustrating this can be. Did you rent a dumpster? Tough love is an important approach here. I've been on boats hundreds of times and the only time I got seasick was on a cruise ship in high seas. It was the very slow motion aspect that made me ill. No vomiting, just a queasy feeling that sent me to my bunk for the rest of the night. Cover up red eyes. Yes, why would you want to father a child with someone you just met or are just having a fling with? Thats irresponsible, not to mention you're at risk for stds. "And seriously though, is there really much point in having sex if you're gonna use a condom?" Did you miss sex ed in high school or something? Unless you're in a committed relationship, wear a damn condom. Or not. I really don't care, but you'd be stupid not too. This is extremely simple.....If you're not ready to be a father, wear a damn condom. I don't care if the girl says shes on birth control. Saying "fuck it" is a great way to destroy your life in more ways than one. I still can't decide whether he's trolling or just a miserable person. If you're reading, MB, perhaps start more positive threads instead of complaining all the time about mundane things like waiting in the drive though line. I live on the ocean as well and love basking in the sun. I did a lot of fishing this year, so I unfortunately have a racoon tan from my sunglasses. Seasons over now and the cold is on its way.