MovieChat Forums > Padeen > Replies

Padeen's Replies

It was 1959 in the Soviet Union. There was no LSD. It wasn't even widely available in the US at this point, besides be studied by and experimented with by a small group of people. Most people didn't even know what it was. And it has a young Peter Boyle! There's a missing nuclear bomb off the coast of Georgia. Seems like that could be some pretty good source material for a movie... Its been a while since I've seen that, but wasn't the bomb found in the desert and then sold to terrorists? Reminds me a little of "The Peacemaker." Yeah, I hear ya, but when I watched it last night, it seemed Captain Bligh recruited his own officers and I'm assuming the Doctor already had the reputation of a drunkard. Not exactly the kind of person you'd want to bring on a multi year voyage. Apparently he was a real person. I think a bigger threat is a crude nuclear device or dirty bomb made by terrorists. One year I requested a fresh baked loaf of sourdough bread for my birthday. I've never had a sweet tooth. If you want something a little lighter, I suggest trying an Italian bakery and get a cake with a simple cream topping, not frosting. I highly doubt it. This was 1950's Russia and they were all experienced winter hikers. The Dyatlov Pass Incident. Because I don't believe in conspiracy theories and if I were a betting man, I'd say he's got nothing. Trump is welcome to continue with these antics, but its only making him look like a fool. Frankly, its embarrassing for our country. Young enough where I don't remember it. I'm thinking early elementary school. According to my parents, as a little kid, I wanted to be a doughnut maker so I could give free donuts to all of my friends and family. Sadly, I never became a doughnut maker... Its just that every lawsuit so far has been thrown out. Its a pipe dream to think they have some kind of hail marry evidence thats going to get him in the White House. Its simply not going to happen. Biden won and the only people who won't except it are the die hards. Today, for the first time, Trump finally acknowledged he would leave if the electoral college votes for Biden - which is definitely going to happen. I'm not crazy about the guy, but I'm also not crazy... Glad he was pardoned, but you're not one of those people who seriously think Trump will be serving a second term, are you? From a Seinfeld episode. yeah, they're usually aggressive little bastards, but with the cold weather and lack of food, they are very lethargic and easy to kill with a fly swatter. I can picture you get into a fight with Marty the Robot for blocking the aisle lol Whoops, its actually an LG. My bad. It will be interesting for sure to hear what they have to say. I haven't had the best luck with tvs. Looks like a yellowjacket (type of hornet.) With the cold weather, they are try to find a warm place. We have one in the wall here and I kid you not, was finding upwards of a dozen a day inside. Once the freeze comes and they all die, I'm going to caulk to entrance. Not yet. I just noticed it the other day and am trying to find a solution before I contact them.