How woke will this be?

I’ve read posts on this board where people are crying that Dr. Strange’s love interest is marrying a “black guy”.

Concerning if proven true.

Does Disney not realise that children watch these films?


"Imagine if they kiss each other?!?!"


She must prefer the better lovers.


I dont think it will be so much woke. This time Disney needs to make some money to take back the money they lost because of the lockdowns and because Black Widow,Shang-Chi and Eternals didnt do so great. So they are using the "Spiderman: No Way Home" method and bringing back any character of the non-MCU movies they can to use the nostalgia factor like NWH did. Also,they will play with the multiverse factor to show some absurd stuff like Tom Cruise as Iron Man and John Krasinski as Mr Fantastic. So it wont be very woke,it will be more a fanservice movie,like NWH. And that is not a bad thing at all. They will bring back the wokeness for Black Panther 2,Thor 4 and The Marvels.


Doctor Strange 2 has been banned in Egypt, UAE, and Iraq over LGBTQ+ content, as refused release in China.


Heh. Because they are against gays,but honestly,putting a gay character is just standard nowadays for western world. Not really "woke" imho


Probably not very woke. Although if you think interracial couples are auto-woke then you, sir, are trapped in the woke tornado just like someone with TDS.

Probably the only woke moment will be when they show America Chavez, the hispanic lesbian character whose comic sells zero copies but gets a longer run than other well written comics. Including her is stupid. No one likes the character and she is new. Why waste film on a virtually brand new character that has tested about as poorly as possible? There is a reason but it sure ain't money.


I heard she can do everything strange can do. But better, and without training.


she can do everything strange can do. But better, and without training.

Just came back from seeing it and that not true.

Perhaps you said it poke Anibus but it is simply not true.


Unsure if serious.


Serious in that she can't do everything Strange can do and Mitzibishi's wording made it seem, to me at least, that he *may* have been saying it to get a rise out of you.

As far as her being a lesbian the only thing they show is she has two moms but her own sexual orientation is not hinted at as far as I can tell


Does Disney not realise that children watch these films?

children should decide if that's for them or not stop trying to censor films cuz you simply don't like it Movies Should be Everyone, Everyone deserves a seat at the Table Parasite & Coda Best Pictures are proof Inclusivity is here to stay

also Conversion therapy is Inhumane and Unethical


What personal rule of capitalization do you subscribe to?

Not siding with OP but, can you think of anything that could be in a movie that you would not want children to "decide if that's for them?"


if i had a kid hypothetically i would allow him/her/they to see films

-No Excessive Violence

-No Excessive swearing

-No Sex or Nudity, passionate kissing is okay between Straight and LGBTQIA+ is fine as well implied sex



... but shouldn't children decide if violence and swearing are for them or not?

"checkmate?" What is going on in your head?


please get of the DeathSantis bigotry train and say gay


More indecipherable babbling from MC's number one illiterate.


If that’s woke, I don’t know how you’re going to respond to the fact that there’s a gay Latina teenage superhero in this movie.


I've watched the movie. ZERO woke/PC/SJW/etc. And I'm a pretty anti-woke/PC/SJW person.

The most woke this movie is, is Doctor Strange and maybe Wong trying to get American Chavez to give in to her powers since she is holding back and doesn't want to use/accept her powers.

The whole thing of Rachel McAdams' husband being black, don't really look deep into stuff/read between the lines. Plus it's only in the movie for the first 5-10 minutes. Then we never see Rachel McAdams and her husband again for the rest of movie (no, she isn't killed off). Strange does team up with a Rachel McAdams from a different universe though.

If I have my info correct, American Chavez is supposed to be a LGBTQ+ character (in the comics). In the movie though, her sexual orientation is never brought up/discussed. So another example that this movie isn't all that woke/PC/SJW filled. Unless I missed something.

I'd say this is once of the least woke/PC/SJW MCU movies in a while, and when it comes to movies altogether.


Then we never see Rachel McAdams and her husband again for the rest of movie (no, she isn't killed off)

Are you sure?


"Rachel McAdams and her husband" is key :)


Unless I missed something.

I do not consider this "woke" because it is not called out in anyway as being right or wrong by any character in the film but America's parents are both women. Again, no one makes any deal out of it (which to me is wokeish).


It's not very woke as some other Disney stuff.
