All the nudity

This is probably the most graphic mainstream television show I have ever seen ...DlCKS Galore. I'd be shocked if It was shocking...I think I have watched way too much porn because I am super desensitized too graphic nudity on screen.


I have watched way too much porn because I am super desensitized too graphic nudity on screen.

That's the whole point.

They've overlapped porn with mainstream media consumption, so the coomer generation will be more accepting of experimenting and joining the alphabet soup.


yeah, right, because seeing penis on the screen turns you gay, Putin.


He didn’t mean people will become gay. He just mean more willing to accept and experiment with the alternative gender ideology


"experimenting and joining" same shit. Do you also believe in conversion therapy?


“Conversion therapy” Slow your roll there mr.

Just because someone doesn’t agree with you doesn’t mean you need get all butt hurt


" you need get all butt hurt"

Maybe he likes it ...


pretty sure Tell Me You Love Me by HBO has much more nudity


I fucking miss that show! Total bummer it wasn't rebooted for another season. They left a lot of loose ends.


I remember tell me you love me...a really good show. But I am just past episode 5 of season 1 of Euphoria, and it makes tell me you love me look like sex in the city.


Haven't seen this, but Sense8 was pretty over the top sexually.


So you haven't watched game of thrones?


Did game of thrones show non-stop dick? And no I didn't see game of thrones.


No, no male full frontal. But it's being called "boobs and dragons" for a reason.


It’s just a penis. Every man has one.


Some men have problem seeing a penis in a movie or TV show, but watch porn all day for hours on end. I don't get that. Someone please explain.


There is a specific genre of porn for those men, that is girl on girl porn.


Those men must be lacking down there. That is why they freak out.


I think compare with pron actors most men are lacking, so I don't really think that is the reason.


I was talking about the guys who freak out watching Euphoria with their girlfriends. They probably get self conscious while watching with them. When watching porn, they don't care since they are alone.


That is your theory, and clearly your prejudice.

I don't know why you hate those people, but that is really something for you to work on.


Thank you Dr. fc31. I never used the word hate. I just think it is immature to freak out about seeing someones penis. It's all so silly. I can't even believe I have to respond to such childishness.


Yeah it's kind of gay actually watching another man's dick. watching porn is pretty much been cuckolded. The best way to do it is watch lesbian porn, it is the least cucked version of porn but cuck shit nonetheless and should be avoided


It's only gay if you like what you are seeing. If you don't care, it is straight. Guys who freak out could have something to hide.


as a straight man the only penis u can look at an not care about is ur own. a foreign penis is unnatural to see and is followed by the feeling of disgust. freaking out is an overstatement u choose to use but isnt actually what happens. no straight man freaks out over seeing another man dick they just get grossed out by it and want to avoid that kind of content in the future since it is gay and not entertaining. nobody freaks out and goes crazy when they see a penis they just complain about it since it is gay shit. i can watch a mexican cartel torture video and the worst part about is it that the dude getting his face peeled off is naked sometimes and that is grossest part of the whole thing not the actual gore. ewww dicks are gay, it is natural feeling to be repulsed by them


You need to watch Snow White and Bambi then. Being grossed out by anatomy is really going overboard. It's like some guys try so hard to prove they are straight. It's something about Americans, because in Europe nudity isn't so shocking to most people.


penises are just scary and gross looking


Or Spartacus? Spartacus had a TON of swinging dicks.


Most of the dicks are fake, so it's even less of a thing.


need to see Hunter's penis


Game of Thrones had much more nudity, but no one complained because it was mostly naked women. When it is men, for some reason certain guys freak out. These are the same guys who watch porn day after day. It doesn't make sense.


Probably because male frontal nudity is so rare in mainstream film and television still.


Typically when you have full frontal female nudity, you still don't see actual genitalia. Just the pubic hair or mound (if shaved).

If you have frontal male nudity, then it's all on display.


it's true the pussy looks so nice from that angle


Even if you're watching porn you kind of block out the man from the scene anyways only focus on the woman. Having a dick on screen is just gay nobody wants to see that shit. when I was a young teen and started watching porn I couldn't even watch normal porn only watch lesbian stuff because it wouldn't make me disgusted seeing plastic dicks but a real one would make me sick


Dicks and no vegana???


That is weird. If your going to show tons of penis why wouldn't they show vagina?


You need a lesson in anatomy if you have to ask.


You need a lesson in logic if you don't understand.

Of course we don't talk about close ups of vaginas but rather: is the same amount of full frontal nudity for both sexes/genders?

I can't believe I have to explain basic things like "context".


If you are at a nude beach, you see penis all over the place, but won't see vagina. Can't believe you need a course in how the world works.


I guess that

1) you've never been to a nude beach.
2) you are too dumb to understand that you don't have to always take words literally.
3) even though I explained to you that in the context the idea was "full frontal nudity" and not literally vaginas you still were too dumb to understand.
4) nice job.
5) bye
