MovieChat Forums > Bridgerton (2020) Discussion > The usual white supremacist suspects pre...

The usual white supremacist suspects predictably losing their minds. LOL!

Such whiny little bitches. LOL! And here I thought SJWs were supposed to be the petulant crybaby hypocrites.


OP is a racist little bitch. Keep whining.


I disagree. He actually has a point.

The British Civilization was one of the peaks of humanity. Now, if you dare to suggest that the people who built it were white... logically, that means you're a white supremacist.

Let's see it logically: 'white supremacism' states that white people or white culture are better. To avoid being a white supremacist, you must support that every ethnic group is as good as others.

However, you're gonna find a problem here: you will find yourself defending things like "blacks are as good as others even though they only build shitholes". That's not reasonable. If you don't want to be a white supremacist, and at the same time you want to be reasonable, you must support that British Civilization was actually built by blacks, muslims, pakis, and all that. Of course, as a consequence, period dramas must be racially diverse to be considered historically accurate. Only white supremacist would say that the British population was white in the XVIIth, XVIIIth and XIXth centuries!


When the so called white supremacists point out racism in others somehow it makes the "white supremacists" even more racist???

You fuckers are insane. IN FUCKING SANE.


I wonder if they review bombed the ratings on IMDB and RT.


Why would anyone care? If the series continues, it will not be because of high or low ratings. It will depend solely upon how much money the series is expected to make.


"And here I thought SJWs were supposed to be the petulant crybaby hypocrites"

You just proved their point.


"OP is a racist little bitch. Keep whining."

Calling out white supremacists for being crybabies ≠ "racist" = white supremacist shithead logic


Logic? You didn't even reply to the right person.


OP has no argument, thus results to insults from the get go. Sad really.


OP is a sockpuppet troll.


Yeah, not even funny, I hate the boring ones.


The point is how easy it is to get white supremacist crybabies to expose themselves.


You don't have to be a white supremacist to point out that Netflix are absolutely obsessed with putting BMWF couples in as many of their productions as possible.


No, but even assuming that premise were true & not just in paranoid white supremacist propaganda, the hissy fit over it is still 100% in line with degenerate white supremacist angst.


What are they whining about?


Diversity, as usual.


The irony of people who mindlessly agree with the notion that the appearance of diversity resulting from globalisation and multi-culturalism is a good thing don't seem to be able to follow it through to it's logical conclusion. Which is the eventual blending together of all humanity until there is no diversity left. Diversity relies on different peoples keeping apart not coming together.


globalisation... multiculturalism... human unity... how horrible.


I've said it before: if all countries become diverse, what separates one country's culture from another?


The culture will be the same just with more diverse people in that said culture. It also is depending on certain people that come from other countries with different cultures that try to change again that said culture they have entered in.


We would have to hope that people who are evoking form different countries adapt to the cultures of their new land. Unfortunately, people think that's racist.


What the fuck does the "LOL!" in the title mean? We're laughing AT you, not with you.

Anyone who calls rational people "white supremacist" should be banned for trolling!
