Super Diverse and Inclusive

It was about balanced out but if you look closely, POC get the limelight. ie: Ian Malcolm giving a lecture in front of students before the camera pans to some of the students faces. It focused ONLY on POC students (Black & Asian), none of the Whites got a close up.

I think there was a few more instances but that was the only one that stuck out to me. Black characters do I think get the same amount of screen time as the Whites but there is hardly any Asian screen time let alone Hispanics.

The inclusion aspect happens at the end where all the dinos just joined their respective genus pods. You got Parasaurolophus's running along with horses, Pteranodon's with birds, Mosasaurus with humpback whales, and Nasutoceratops with elephants.


Who cares? Only racists would be bothered by diversity.


Damn, that must mean Disney is really racist.




haha, great stuff...... and look at The Argentinian, the fucker is so stupid he don't even get it.


Strange how films have become soapboxes for political ideology, particularly identity politics. I do believe inclusiveness and wokeness is meticulously doled out and accounted for by film executives, which is hilarious.

Not to say I don’t believe in equality and representation at all, but I do think it’s interesting how much attention it all gets.


It's become a very boring and tired cliché.


No one cares about diversity, we are annoyed however when it is constantly pointed out to us and thrown in our faces as if we need to be enlightened that there are people out there who don’t have white skin (which we already know). Also woke people HATE diversity, that is diversity of opinion, they think everyone should think like them which is a pretty bigoted worldview.


Exactly. I personally don't care for it unless they throw it in your face or intentionally as if you let you know, "hey, we're diverse" or "oh look, we got POC here, let me zoom in on them and them only".


Why does it bother you if poc get a zoom in? Serious question. I mean, we have TONS of films where white faces are zoomed in all the time, yet nobody says a single thing. #shrug

Showing diversity doesn't mean there's some "agenda". To me showing diversity should be normalized because, guess what?? This country is diverse. Our WORLD is diverse.


The problem in this film is that you instantly know that evil black characters will turn out to be good, which spoils the suspense, and we didn’t need to know the black pilot was a lesbian - it was distractingly forced diversity that we don’t need in a dinosaur film.

Non-whites also have diversity armour so we know they won’t get killed, and legacy white male heroes will now be cucked and useless while the stronk vomen handle most of the action. It’s all so predictable, dull, and insulting to the intelligence of any audience member with a brain.


The issue is usually pretending to be diverse when you arent. Diversity is diversity of worldviews and opinions. Diversity does not mean black actors.


They definitely were aware in this film that bringing back the old cast alongside Pratt, Howard and clone girl meant 6 white main characters. That’s just not diverse enough for a film in 2022 so they needed two new black main characters.

8 main characters was far too many in this film and that’s not including the villains or the characters from Fallen Kingdom that briefly return. It was just such an absolute mess, this isn’t a TV show where you can have this many characters this is a summer blockbuster action film that was 40 minutes too long.


The Asian black-market lady. I think she will be the new villain in the next series. The vet girl from the last movie is Hispanic.


Soyona Santos? She was controlling the Atrociraptor with the red laser light. I dunno if there is gonna be another movie after World Dominion. Seems like they've resolved the issue... Unless they somehow use that stupid Barbosa can again to reboot it...


I would think all that Wu did is out to the world for other countries to follow and increase.


I can't help but feel that some things appeal to some races and ethnicities than others. Dinosaurs are a rather white hobby.


Blacks were overrepresented. No need for Mamoudou Athie to be in this. Jeff Goldblum could easily have absorbed his character.


You know, I went to the theater and had a good time watching it. I really don't care if there two additional black characters and one that very sexy. This whole movie was filled with Eye Candy.


It was quite noticeably woke. As someone pointed out earlier on this post, they made sure to hit the quotas for POC compared to white people and it led to too many main characters in the film. This was one of many problems. I mean the script for this film really was dreadful and I get the impression they were so busy ticking boxes they neglected some of the more important aspects.
