MovieChat Forums > The King's Man (2021) Discussion > Doesn't look like there's much comedy in...

Doesn't look like there's much comedy in this

Just pointing it out.


I'm cool with that.


There wasn't much comedy. The fun/naughty/irrevereant vibe of the first one was almost entirely absent.


Huh, that's a bit disappointing. Why even bother with this prequel then.


After watching it, that's the question I have.

Even the actual Kingsman stuff (the only real purpose of making a prequel) wasn't built up / revealed over the course of the film - it was shoehorned in over the last two minutes.

It was literally as annoying as when they tried to remind you you'd been watching a James Bond film in the last couple of minutes of the total abomination which is Skyfall. Ironically also featuring Ralph Fiennes...


I know kingsman was originally a comic, but is this an original story? Is this one of those....random script floats around Hollywood and they retool it to fit an existing franchise? lol

And lmao at the Skywall reference.

Yeah I still haven't watch it and with your reinforcement right now, I'm thinking I really won't unless it just happens to be played in front of me, as much as I like these actors.


Yeah, and it needed it. Pretty unfortunate entry.


Except for the ludicrous Rasputin scene.


It needed more of that. Over the top is what these movies are.


I dunno, the Rasputin scene was too weird.

I’m surprised Fiennes and a host of good actors signed on for this. They must have thought Vaughn could pull off the magic of the first film. He sure didn’t. The comedy was rare and pretty ‘off’ when it appeared, and the story was a mess. Only the last 30 mins actually worked when the film settled on a ‘mission’ for the heroes.


Not much comedy at all. Overall not great but not bad either.


I actually thought the scene where the King's Men were fighting Rasputin was pretty funny, especially with him dancing Russian style on top of the table while trying to kill everybody around him. That was fckg insane, lol. I still haven't seen the first Kingsmen movie, and only saw half of the second one, but this one was pretty okay. I liked the fact that it was a period film, and I liked the side characters played by Gemma Arterton and Djmon Hounsou---they were great, too, and a nice touch to the film.


🤯 WHAT! Call in sick to work today and watch the first Kingsman this minute. It's fantastic!


Yeah that was funny bordering on farcical


Not at all. They played this one way too serious to the point it felt like it had no connection to the first two films. The only part of it that felt like a Kingsman movie was the dinner scene.


You hit the nail on the head. It was missing too much of what makes Kingsman great.
