Rate it outta 10

How much did you enjoy it or how disappointing was it?

For me, it's a 7.5. Weak story. Unnecessary human plots. Especially the 2 kids & the conspiracy nut. Glad it was short & didn't drag like the last one though. Definitely a plus in that department.

The action was on point for me. Really enjoyed the monster brawl. I genuinely geeked out so freaking hard. Especially at the final fight.

Would definitely rewatch.


For me it is an 8. Story is not strong but the monster fights are epic.


The human characters were worthless. Sign language was stupid.
I am not impressed with CGI alone. Without story, it is pointless.
The ONLY thing I liked was the Mechagodzilla design.
I grew up watching TOHO Godzilla movies. None of the "Monsterverse" movies understand the character of Godzilla.


Without story? It had WAY more story than I was expecting.


Yeah, way more shitty story than it needed, too.


Not enough sensical story for me.
Some kind of conspiracy. Something about a hollow earth. Kong knows sign language. A magic giant axe for some reason. Maglev tunnel to Hong Kong. Fight. GZ loses. Kong saves the day.

I'm with the tech boss. Humans NEED giant robots to protect them from uncontrollable, unpredictable kaiju.


Yeah there were a lot of stupid parts that didn't need to be, or were done in ways that were nonsensical, overwrought, or overdone.

The 2014 movie still had the best and most sensible plot to follow.

Even if they were going with the whole Hollow Earth crap, why didn't they just have a fleet of those vehicles go into the Hollow Earth and retrieve multiple tubes of the radiation? This way it would have made more sense how Mechagodzilla got powered up, as opposed to... downloading the energy (lol?)

They should have slowed things way down, too.

Instead of having some brand name actors filling up most of the screen time, they should have spread out the roles among more science and fleet officers.

Also the Apex company should have had an actual high-level engineer betray/whistleblow and in a more sensible manner. Heck, if a former employee/zealot rigged the place to blow or became a suicide bomber to shut the whole thing down would have made more sense than spilling coffee in one of the control panel vents.

Giving the movie a more realistic tone and realistic characterizations would have helped a ton.


You wrote "Giving the movie a more realistic tone and realistic characterizations would have helped a ton." And how is that possible when making a movie about giant monsters?


They did it with Godzilla 2014.

The movie was far more grounded than the sequels that came after.

The tone was weightier and grittier.

Just because it's giant monsters doesn't mean they have to camp up the entire thing with slapstick comedy and ridiculous subplots.

The realism is oftentimes what helps draw people into the world, which is why The Dark Knight Trilogy is one of the most highly rated out there despite being completely fictional and unrealistic according to our real world standards.

Also, the more grounded, political-nature of Captain America sequels, The Winter Soldier and Civil War, is what helped them become critically acclaimed. This is despite the fact that they're still super hero films.

Just because the subject matter is fantastical or supernatural doesn't mean it can't be treated with a grounded sense of realism with cost and consequences to the action and scenarios.


Oh my! Are you now trying to tell me that the Captain America sequels are realism types of movies?

Troll, troll, troll your boat, gently down the stream...


Nope, never said that. I said the Captain America sequels are MORE GROUNDED in political espionage compared to other super hero films, and because it's more grounded than some other super hero films, it allowed them to garner a wider audience and better acclaim than just being cookie-cutter good guy vs bad guy films.


In the Winter Soldier, it is very clear who the god guys and bad guys are. How did it confuse you? Captain America, Black Widow, Nick Fury and The Falcon are the good guys. The bad guys were the winter soldier, and Alexander Pierce along with Hydra.


Fury and Black Widow aren't good, they're grey, since they were working counter-ops against their own government. You could argue that them working against their own government was to prevent the greater threat of Hydra, but on the surface it wasn't so clear. And had they been caught they would have been tried for treason.


Dude, Nick Fury and Black Widow are good guys in the MCU. Not grey


That's not how they were depicted in Winter Soldier and Civil War, especially from Cap's point of view in Winter Soldier, where he didn't know who he could trust.


I don't think the dvd to watch doesn't come out for 3 months. They may release it early to make up for other movies releasing on cablle at the same time.


6/10. I thought the first 2/3's was a lot of fun and the ocean battle was great. The last 1/3 was a bit too rushed and the city battles were all right but a bit mundane compared to the ocean setpiece. I actually thought it would have been more interesting and unique if they fought in Hollow Earth.


I agree with this but I give 5/10. It was much better than KotM but not as good as Skull Island and Zilla 2014.

I don't care about the drama. It is only ever worth anything when it is advancing plot and even then often garbage. I just want good fights. The characters in this did advance the plot but in some ways I didn't like. I liked that Ghidorah's head was linked in as a means of the plot attracting Godzilla's ire. I liked how the hollow Earth looked and that they took away the ridiculous "fast travel" power it gave in KotM. I did not like the giant throne nor did I like the giant axe. Also hated the child connection to Kong (hijacked their own Jane Goodall angle and poorly at that). At least we didn't have to hear her voice. Hated how Kong could understand complex abstract words through signing.

First few fights were great even though that stupid axe was part of it. I loved when Mecha Godzilla shows up and starts whoopin' ass. But ... it was one of those one sided non-fights in which Godzilla is just getting beat up. Not really a fight at all. Even when the team-up beat-down happens, it is the same thing. Ramming MechaG's head through some buildings was lame and obviously an established zero damage effect. Godzilla doesn't breath weapon MechaG for a good hit ...nope. Instead he charges up Kong's axe? WTF? I hated the last fight so much.

This was a King Kong movie. Not a Godzilla movie. I always like this new Kong and was even sorta OK with him knowing rudimentary signing. They did some good things in this movie but managed to overdo them in some ways and make bad ideas out of good ideas.

They made Godzilla a chump. Not cool.


Ehh, to be fair, Godzilla only lost to Mechagodzilla because of Kong.

1. Kong wasted Godzilla's time fighting him in Hong Kong when Godzilla was supposed to be killing Mechagodzilla (fight would have turned out very differently without Mechagodzilla getting Hollow Earth booster pack).

2. Kong gave Mechagodzilla (inadvertently) his cash shop boost, which is what allowed Mecha to get the advantage on Godzilla.

3. Godzilla was already partially wounded and somewhat wearied from his battle with Kong just hours earlier.

If you remove Kong from the equation, Godzilla stomps Mechagodzilla easily.


But what we got was simply MechaG beating on Godzilla for a few minutes. Not a fight. It looked cool, sure. If only we got to see them trade blows and actually fight. Their engagement was basically a training sequence vs a punching bag. The reasons for it don't make it better.


That's true.

But without Kong's interference it was pretty obvious Godzilla would have won the fight against Mechagodzilla.


I'm glad you agree that it was 5/10


5 I guess. Was a 6/10 straight after I watched it, but the more I thought about it the more lacklustre it seemed.



did not want the team up fight, at all. wanted a third fight. ruined the last 3rd of the movie for me. until then it was awesome.


5. it would be strong 7 if not for parts with annoying asf trio: strangefings+fatdeadpool+barney.


Like I said in my post, those 3 were totally unnecessary. At least the other human group served a purpose.

Eleven, fat kid & nutjob were annoying, cringe & completely unnecessary.


They serve as the witnesses to the big corporate conspiracy.



Sound design
Decent CGI
Cool fight scenes

Human characters are garbage
Turn your brain off or else it'll suck really bad
