



The dudes aren't exactly out of her league... She could probably do much better in real life...



I guess it depends on how successful the band is...


Really? Saoirse is very attractive.


I feel the same way. What the hell is the op talking about?

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Huh? She’s very pretty.



Such a stupid thread. She's an intelligent, attractive, outgoing young girl who attracts a closeted gay guy,
and a nerdy guy in the band. Then she gets hit on when she's in college, drunk at a party.

How is that EVERY GUY????



Am I forgetting something (I saw the movie yesterday), or is it just three guys? And the gay guy really
doesn't count as his TRUE sexuality isn't in this. Also, the film doesn't cover every single event in the
character's life, for heaven's sake. She could've liked three boys in a row we - as an audience - never
see. She also could've lusted after someone else in college we don't see. In other words, we never
see Lady Bird sitting on the toilet, but we can just assume she does. Just as know there must've been times
when she was ignored or rejected.

For me, the situations work. It's not like dozens upon dozens of guys were lusting after her. She was
pretty enough - and straightforward enough - to attract two straight guys and a closet case. And the
guy in the rock band was unique and quirky enough to "get her."


Jenna is made up to be the stereotypical high school bimbo and it’s why they cast that actress with big tits and made her wear a short skirt.

Saorise Ronin has a great figure. She could easily be the hot girl if she was meant to play her, but they have her a boring haircut, pink hair and an affected wardrobe to minimize her appearance.

The real lie in this movie is that the edgy girl from the broke family is really pretty. In reality this girl is more likely to be overweight or have a bad complexion or some other issue that makes her unattractive and a kind of outsider.


She’s very attractive, but even if she weren't, high school boys will fuck anything. They’re called “practice girls”.


She's not bad looking; everybody can't be a model, and every guy doesn't find models that interesting. But her personality is not exactly pleasant much of the time.


Read: I like another type of girl (probably with humongous boobs) and imagine everyone else thinks the same way.

Yes, in all fairness you're asking if anyone feels that way, but in the same breath say that you find it "unrealistic" that she would 'get the guy'.

To me, she's pretty, cute, feminine, and I would definitely pick her, were I near her age.

At first, I thought "she's kind old to play a high-schooler", but I think she did great during the first several acts of the film, plus really appreciated how she matured-up during the last few acts. That could be why she was chosen, because she could not only still pass as a teen, but was also going to look perfect for an older college aged young woman, with a few years of hard knocks in her.



Um ... yeah ...

Girls aren't the best judge of a woman's attractiveness.

(Or perfume ...
Or dresses ...
Or ... )


Come one. Girls get it easier. Really, even slightly fat and pimpled girls get boys relatively easier than average boys. As long as a girl is not hideously obese or has toxic personality I think most would get a boyfriend in a wink.
