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A big headache- All Comic Book Movies look the same

I was dragged to see this against my will, and it just looked like one big PlayStation game. I realized watching it that Iron Man aside (Downey, Jr), there isn't one original character that has any charm or depth. And the visual effects are all cartoony and boring. I think Hollywood is lazy now and just wants to make money.

Gone are the days of unique superhero movies, like Batman Returns (1992), Superman (1978) and even Sleepy Hollow (1999), the latter that falls under comic-horror, but won the Art Direction Oscar and features Johnny Depp as sort of an antihero opposite Christina Ricci and super SUPER star Miranda Richardson.

What's even more mind boggling is when "experts" of these trashy sequels get into arguments about DC Comics vs Marvel, like there's any difference. It's all one big green screen. No wonder Logan was the first superhero movie to be an Oscar nominee for writing.

I hate all of this! Hate that talented people like myself don't make it at all unless we know someone, or network. Talentless bimbos with a iPad Pro- they make it. Cause they know the producer, or went to a DreamWorks convention. Bullshit.


Yeah, that wonderful Batman Returns where Tim Burton bastardized the source material so he could satisfy his gothic nature by turning Catwoman into a zombie lady and the Penguin into a sewer mutant.


Now, now, don't act like you know anything. Jason Movie Guy is a Talented People, and he knows good from bad.


I don't care. It was Michelle Pfeiffer in latex. What's not to like?


Maybe I was just born in the right era, but growing up watching the animated series, Tim Burton's batman felt right at home to me.


Sleepy Hollow is a superhero movie?


I've seen all of the MCU films except for Black Panther and if it's something (most of) the characters have it's depth and charm. And yes, it looks cartoony. Because it's a fudging live-action cartoon. It's the whole idea. If you want a "grounded" superhero film, go watch Nolans Batman trilogy.

I mean, those are great films but when I go watch a Marvel film, I want it to be silly, over the top and with bright colours. Just like their books are.

You don't like CBMs? That's totally fine, diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks and all that jazz. But you're still missing the point of these films.


This actually explains a LOT. Thank you for giving me the side of the story regarding Comic book movies. Wanting it to be silly and over the top with flashy colors makes sense. I guess Im too grounded in reality, but this will help me with future movies of this genre.


There are dark and gritty CBMs but Marvel really doesn't do that with the MCU. DCs films are a bit darker in tone but they're still cartoony. You could try V for Vendetta or Watchmen. Watchmen in particular is, for a movie about superheroes, pretty grounded.


Even the earlier Marvel movies like X-Men, Blade, The Punisher, or hell even Raimi's Spiderman movies had more edge to them. More recently, Logan in particular was one of the finest examples of bridging the gap between comic books and cinema. That movie was perfection. Under the MCU they've all turned into psychedelic comedies with old school hard rock. They're like mockeries of their source material. Other than maybe Spiderman Homecoming and Deadpool, which isn't even part of the MCU. Nothing else feels like the comics they were based on.


Start networking! It begins by not looking down on anyone, beginning with yourself.


I’d be down for a fair, unbiased, and open minded discussion. But since the OP plainly isn’t open to such a thing and will keep despising these apparently “video game-looking” CBM’s no matter what... huh, how dare the “talentless” filmmakers of these movies capture the aesthetic of the comics and go as far as constructing them so well that even some of the most snobbish film critics can’t help but praise their technical aspects... then I’ll just say this:

Behold! Another old man yells at cloud post. Oh, goodie! I know, back in yer day people knew quality and stuff, whereas these days Hollywood and all things entertainment/performance arts have gone down the drain. Well, boo-hoo! By any chance, was this film too PC for ya too, bro? Gives me a chuckle whenever grumpy old folks like yourself are supposedly forced to hate-watch modern things you have zero interest in and then whine about it online. LOL


yes , gone are the days of catwoman, batman and robin, superman 4 , id much rather watch the current MCU , a lot more entertaining


I think the MCU in particular started out showcasing different director's styles which was really neat and creative. As they progressed, they kind of got away from that and it started to feel like they were mashing everything together and not completing character arcs. However, some of the more recent ones like AIW and Thor 3(haven't seen BP yet) are really great CBMs. Most of the films are fun action comedies, which is what they are intended to be, but there are certainly some gems and a few that are just bad films. I'm not saying these are Oscar worthy, but some of these, artistically, are very well rounded movies.

I can understand completely if someone doesn't like the genre, but films like Logan, Iron Man, Avengers, Winter Soldier, GOTG, and AIW are really well directed and written movies with a lot of character detail and depth. Some of the other early superhero films like Raimi's Spiderman 1 and 2 and X-Men also fall into that category.

Maybe it's just the tone that you don't like? I'm glad the days of Batman Forever, Batman and Robin, Daredevil, omg Steel, Superman 3 and 4, Spawn, and Catwoman are gone. Although we did get Suicide Squad and another Fantastic Four movie....

You may want to actually check out the Daredevil and Jessica Jones series on Netflix or Arrow (seasons 1 and 2 only) on the CW. I think they are amazing, have a much more realistic tone, very well acted and written, actually provide much more character depth since they are series, and are not nearly as "flashy" as the films.


I would add The Punisher series to that list.


I agree with you @jasonmovieguy good points...

I think an additional factor in how homogeneous these movies are is that they've all become series... So one 'episode' looks like another... That's basically what they are, shows for the big screen instead of being movies...
