MovieChat Forums > Captain Marvel (2019) Discussion > Is Disney forcing the SJW agenda in the ...

Is Disney forcing the SJW agenda in the whole company?

It's not only Captain Marvel. The new short from Pixar, Purl, has gone full woke

Coincidence? Doubling down on purpose after the fall of the Star Wars franchise?


I think people are reading more into Captain Marvel than is actually there.

Somehow, equating what Brie Larson thinks in real life is somehow reflective of how Captain Marvel is being written and made.

Frankly I credit Marvel and Kevin Feige with a bit more intelligence than that.


For their sake they better not. Marvel is their last consistently successful studio. I f Marvel goes down it's not going to be pretty.


If you have some time and have not already seen this, I suggest giving MovieBob's "The Real Marvel Agenda" to get a handle on a perspective of what is really happening:

The same Male crisis that swept through Marvel print publishing is now being directed towards Marvel/Disney films.

Entertaining and informative.


I’m going to say no. The unfortunate fate of Star Wars is fully on Kathleen Kennedy, who runs Lucasfilm. Marvel movies have avoided it to this point and I wouldn’t interpret Larson’s interview comments as evidence that the CM movie will be a sjw fest.


...and her contract was just renewed for three more years which is a troubling sign that Bob Iger values pushing a political agenda even if that means leaving money on the table.


What about Captain Marvel is any way advocating "social justice?" The lead character is female-- is that your barometer? Nothing I've seen or heard in any trailers or press releases suggests that this will be any different from any other MCU films in terms of tone, and like all the rest, it will lack any political slant.


Precisely. It's just more keyboard bellyaching.


Which was what made Black Panther great, if you ask me. The Black Pather turned out never about the struggle of black people or the oppression, racism, or slavery or black power, etc. It's was just a superhero movie where the main characters happened to be black.

I hope this one too: A superhero movie which the main hero happened to be female. Afterall, it worked wonders for, er.. Wonder Woman.


A YES on both points. Hollywood seems bound and determined to shove this gruel down moviegoers mouths. Well I won't show up to eat their serving of SJW nonsense. After Avengers: Endgame, I'm likely done with the MCU if Larson stays in it. Black Panther should have been the next leader of the Avengers or maybe Bucky/Winter Soldier, not "I'm-the-best-most-powerful-show-the-boys-how-its-done" braggard and flake like Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel.

I'd just like for those who think Captain Marvel is representative of a strong woman, to explain how man-hating makes you strong? You don't see that from Black Widow, Maria Hill, Scarlet Witch, Okoye, Gamora or Nebula. They are all great characters and their gender doesn't make them great characters, who they ARE makes them great characters. They are tough, badass fighters, team players and PERSONABLE people. Those are traits of a strong character, be they male OR female. I'd sit through a Black Widow trilogy happily and I sure wish they had given her and Hawkeye at least one stand-alone movie between Avengers: Age of Ultron and Avengers: Infinity War. Missed opportunity there!


What makes you think Captain Marvel is going to hate men, or that there will be any kind of social or political slant to the film? Remember when everyone was up in arms about the upcoming Black Panther film, wondering why Marvel would make a film about black power and racism with an anti-white message, and then we got a colorblind superhero film?

Literally nothing in any of the trailers or build-up has suggested this will be anything other than a fun superhero film, so please at least watch Captain Marvel before you criticize it for misandry.


Umm... there was nothing in any of the Black Panther trailers or marketing about black power, racism or an anti-white message that anyone was up in arms about. There was 0 movie controversy with Black Panther.

You seriously just made that shit up!

Chadwick Boseman was not out there on press junkets saying incendiary things like Brie Larson is and NOBODY was accusing Black Panther of being a movie with an ethnocentric bent.

Marvel did not push an agenda with Black Panther, whereas the directors and main star of Captain Marvel have clearly stated their movie is a form of "activism."

To try and go back in time and create a scenario for Black Panther that didn't happen, in order to cover for Captain Marvel, is lame.


Umm... there was nothing in any of the Black Panther trailers or marketing about black power, racism or an anti-white message that anyone was up in arms about.

You seriously just made that shit up!
Sorry. Filmbuff is absolutely correct and the evidence is on this forum on the Black Panther side of the world.

There was much grousing by some posters claiming they were black and were offended by the racism in the film.

There was blacklash against the song selections in the trailers (Run the Jewels) because it was ghetto rap music and curiously only a few picked up on the absolutely subversive Gil-Scott Heron mix for the second trailer (The Revolution Will Not be televised).

The main grousing was that the movie was TOO political and TOO Black and TOO Anti-White and TOO much messaging.

You see Black Panther's unapologetically Pro-Black and Pro-African themes had many people up in arms because, and it absolutely bothered a very vocal number of posters, that it was NON-inclusive purposefully. (Why didn't it have some whites in Africa, like say South Africa. Why were there blacks in Asgard but not in Wakanda?.) Why was the cast ALL Black? Why is reverse racism okay? Did you miss all of that brouhaha?

Here are a few postings:
As a white man, this movie is VERY offensive Twisted Acrobat A Year Ago
Black Panther: a strongly nationalist character KuKu A year ago
Will flop. World likes white superheroes Intothenight A year ago
Is it even possible for critics to give this a fair review? Coleburg83 A Year ago
IMDb rating plummets to 7.5, biggest Marvel flop ever! Satan2016 A Year Ago

Then on the social media side there were allegedly White posters telling other white posters NOT to go see Black Panther as it wasn't for you and your criticisms are only ruining their fun.

Or How about the "Critics are afraid of giving Black Panther honest reviews because they are afraid of being called racists".

Or the fake postings of white people being beat-up at showings.
Or that BP was an ode to the Alt-Right.

The trailers were full of Afrofuturistic imagery that some posters/viewers didn't know what to make of it and some still to this day continue to say, "Hmph, what was the big deal?"

Some decried the fact that it was based on the Black Panther Party and promoted subversively BLM and rap music. (This was a much heated thread running through non-USA based posters). How do I know? I argued with many, many of them. All this angst came from the trailers and the fact that the cast was All-Black. No person had to raise a black gloved fist in protest because for so many white posters it was automatically implied. None of the cast had to quote Malcom X because it was always implied and it wasn't hidden.

If you didn't get it, "This movie ain't for you". Some posters decried the "We WUZ KANGZ" theme in the trailers as Black brainwashing a denial of their part in slavery.

A rich African Nation? Pfffft, Yeah Right?? Didn't help that Donald Trump made his disparaging comments about Africa. That emboldened a LOT of posters.

Miss a little, you miss a lot. The moderators had to caution some posters to stay on topic as there was this constant thread being brought up about White Genocide in South Africa by Blacks.


Wow, you're really reaching now. So your assertion is that some ignorant, stupid people posted on the Black Panther board back in 2018 and that this somehow equates with what Brie Larson is saying publicly, as the star and face of Captain Marvel?!?

That's not even the same thing that either I or the original poster (kuku) are talking about. We are talking about the MCU via Brie Larson and the directors of Captain Marvel openly saying it's a feminist movie AND that it doesn't matter if white guys like it or not. Those are direct comments from the people who are starring in and directing the freaking movie! How is that the same as some moron posting pointless statements on the Black Panther board? They aren't even the same issue.

Get a better argument!


1. The marketing campaigns for BOTH movies capture the exact same elements.

BP was advertised and marketed as the MCU's and Marvel's first Black Superhero to lead a major film as well as being directed, written, scored and starring an almost entire Black cast. The howls started immediately, "What about Blade", "What about Meteor Man", etc. Black was not and is not a Pejorative for Marvel. Luke Cage was Marvel's first African-American Superhero. Black Panther was Marvel's 1st African Superhero.

Black Panther was and is Marvel's first, and in reality the industry's 1st, Black Superhero, 1966..

Captain Marvel is being marketed as Marvel's and the MCU's first female to lead an MCU film. Captain Marvel is a feminist and a feminist is not a pejorative for them.

2. At no time and in no shape form or fashion has either Marvel/Disney or Brie Larson EVER said:

Brie Larson and the directors of Captain Marvel openly saying it's a feminist movie AND that it doesn't matter if white guys like it or not. Those are direct comments from the people who are starring in and directing the freaking movie!
You won't find that quote anywhere on the internet. You can google it, Netscape it, Alta Vista it until your fingertips bleed but you won't find a quote. That statement doesn't exist anywhere.

Both movies have been unapologetic about who the characters (T'Challa and Carol Danvers) are but the films themselves were never marketed as Anti-White, Anti-Right, Anti-Conservative, Anti-Law&Order, Anti-Male or any such claptrap.

Claptrap is a cool word.

Some people took offense at so-called identity Politics being shoved down their throats. I just chuckled at the silliness of their outrage.

Did you watch the video for The revolution Will not Televised? Wasn't the song and the video brilliant?!


Umm... there was nothing in any of the Black Panther trailers or marketing about black power, racism or an anti-white message that anyone was up in arms about. There was 0 movie controversy with Black Panther.

That's true. Black Panther was strongly pro-black nationalism, but it was not specially anti-white. Black Panther is like a black version from the Wolf Warrior Chinese saga (top box-office movie in China ever), which is strongly pro-Chinese nationalism, but it's not specially anti-white or anti-black.

Of course, if you'd do something similar pro-white nationalism... that would labeled as straight-forward neo-nazi.


But so many posters to that board read Pro-Black Pro-African as Anti-White. Why is he called Black Panther? The movie is just pandering to Blacks.
Is Black Panther a Blaxplotation movie?

Even you throw out the silly non-sensical:

Of course, if you'd do something similar pro-white nationalism... that would labeled as straight-forward neo-nazi.
Why is there a BET?
Why is there an NAACP?
Why isn't there a White History Month?
Aren't HBCU's racists institutions?

Context, historical context matters.

In an attempt to define a make believe nation built on Unobtanium by using Western terms, values, historically based grievances, slights and ideologies to make a point is the height of non-sensical.

Were Atlanteans Pro-Atlanteans and if so that meant they were Anti-Surface Dwellers??!!


Aren't HBCU's racists institutions?

I don't think so.

Of course, provided you had the option to choose a common university, which was not the case. But HBCU's themselves were not racist. Actually, I think it's the opposite of it.


Well, imagine you have some ethnic group that underperforms in comparison with other groups in the country. You can create some kind of 'second class' degrees aimed to that people (HBCU). You have been trained to think that such a thing is bad and racist. Is it?

You could have had 'second class' doctors. Probably salary will be lower, but you are creating a qualified middle class. The kids will grow in a qualified environment, and perhaps they'll be able to become 'first class' doctors. (again, provided they have the chance). You have created an upwards progression.

Now, you say that's racist and you take it down. What happens? You won't have a 'second class' doctor, but as they can't compete with other ethnic groups, you won't have a 'first class' one neither. That case, the kids will grow in an unqualified, even unemployed, environment. That generation won't perform better than the previous one. Then you have frustration, and rage, and impotence. You know, the 80s.

Then you try to solve it with some 'non-racist' method, which is... quotas. That's the same that giving the 'first class' degree with less merits... which is the foundation of prejudice: "oh, you're a black doctor. But... are you because you're good enough, or are you because you were positively discriminated? I don't trust you". So you have guys A hating guys B because suddenly they're in the middle of a way more difficult market, they have been thrown to the wolves and the given way to thrive feels like charity. And then guys B hating guys A because they worked their ass off but couldn't make it because some other guy with worse grades got the place, because you know, quotas and such. Both groups hate each other and blame each other. You know, modern world.


Just for you. Excellent video:

Watch it. Seriously watch the video and listen to the lyrics. Just outstanding.


Amazing lyrics. Amazing music.

I wonder what the hell happened to black music. Back then, Coltrane could had looked the great classical composers in the eyes. Now you just have some glorified hookers and pimps with a micro.


From the 2nd Black Panther Trailer:

Gil Scott Heron
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised:

You will not be able to stay home, brother
You will not be able to plug in, turn on and drop out
You will not be able to lose yourself on skag and skip
Skip out for beer during commercials
Because the revolution will not be televised
The revolution will not be televised
The revolution will not be brought to you by Xerox
In 4 parts without commercial interruption
The revolution will not show you pictures of Nixon
Blowing a bugle and leading a charge by John Mitchell
General Abrams and Spiro Agnew to eat
Hog maws confiscated from a Harlem sanctuary
The revolution will not be televised
The revolution will not be brought to you by the Schaefer Award Theatre and
will not star Natalie Wood and Steve McQueen or Bullwinkle and Julia
The revolution will not give your mouth sex appeal
The revolution will not get rid of the nubs
The revolution will not make you look five pounds
Thinner, because The revolution will not be televised, Brother
There will be no pictures of you and Willie Mays
Pushing that cart down the block on the dead run
Or trying to slide that color television into a stolen ambulance
NBC will not predict the winner at 8:32 or the count from 29 districts
The revolution will not be televised
There will be no pictures of pigs shooting down
Brothers on the instant replay

There will be no pictures of young being
Run out of Harlem on a rail with a brand new process
There will be no slow motion or still life of
Roy Wilkens strolling through Watts in a red, black and
Green liberation jumpsuit that he had been saving
For just the right occasion
Green Acres, The Beverly Hillbillies, and
Hooterville Junction will no longer be so damned relevant
and Women will not care if Dick finally gets down with
Jane on Search for Tomorrow because Black people
will be in the street looking for a brighter day
The revolution will not be televised
There will be no highlights on the eleven o'clock News
and no pictures of hairy armed women Liberationists and
Jackie Onassis blowing her nose
The theme song will not be written by Jim Webb, Francis Scott Key
nor sung by Glen Campbell, Tom Jones, Johnny Cash
Englebert Humperdink, or the Rare Earth
The revolution will not be televised
The revolution will not be right back after a message
About a whitetornado, white lightning, or white people
You will not have to worry about a germ on your Bedroom
a tiger in your tank, or the giant in your toilet bowl
The revolution will not go better with Coke
The revolution will not fight the germs that cause bad breath
The revolution WILL put you in the driver's seat
The revolution will not be televised

WILL not be televised, WILL NOT BE TELEVISED

There will be no re-run brothers

The revolution
Will be live
People don't know what they don't know. Especially when it is hiding in plain sight.


Was that meant to be funny? There is no way you wrote that with a straight face, right? I honestly laughed out loud when I read it, so if humor was your goal, mission accomplished.

If you wrote it in earnest, I wonder if you've spent any time on this board, or reading basically any film sites/ watching any film channels on YouTube, reading film blogs, etc. There was MASSIVE controversy and backlash about Black Panther for months before it came out that continued through its theatrical run and beyond. Go look at the Black Panther board here and you'll see post after post about how racist the film is, how its racist, anti-white message is awful, how wrong it is to have an all-black cast, and that the film is being shoved down our throats by the SJWs.

In truth, there was nothing political or SJW-esque, or racist, about the marketing of Black Panther, and the same is true about the movie, but that didn't matter to those posting.

So far there has been nothing political or SJW-esque, or feminist, about the marketing of Captain Marvel, but that doesn't seem to matter to you.


You tell yourself what you need in order to support the narrative you believe.

Fact: Marvel Studios was not using "black nationalism" as a promotional gimmick for Black Panther. Nor was anyone associated with the Black Panther movie telling people who weren't black, that the movie wasn't for them. It was a solid MCU movie with a good story.
Fact: The female director of Captain Marvel has stated that the movie is an "activism" movie. Brie Larson herself has said she's using her role as a form of "activism."

Those facts are the salient ones in this discussion.


The fact is that neither film is being marketed as anything other than a superhero film. People were up in arms about perceived black nationalism and racism in Black Panther that wasn't there the same way you are up in arms about perceived feminism and activism in Captain Marvel which, to this point anyway, isn't there. Maybe the film will be full of such things, but nothing indicates it will be.


Yes, this is clearly happening. It happened to Star Wars, Ghostbusters, Star Trek Discovery, and video games. It's no coincidence everything guys like is being ruined by SJWs and feminazis.


Disney seems to forget that it exists because of the vision of one racist, anti-Semitic, union-busting white male bastard.


I never believed all that crap about the genius, Walt, but most of the idiots working at Disney seem to and are hell bent on destroying everything he built.


You do know Captain Marvel is a woman in the comics, right? So if they made the character male in the movie, would you be crying about gender swapping? Because I'm sorry, I love the OG Marvel Captain Marvel, but he was never a big seller and has been dead for....36-37 years. Not exactly a huge selling point for a movie.


Nobody said here anything about gender swapping but you. It seems you're confusing Captain Marvel with Doctor Who.

Doctor Who is NOT the same character than Captain Marvel. Neither it's part of the Marvel Universe or has any relation with Doctor Strange, for what matters. Doctor Who is a scifi series from the BBC that suffered a famous gender swapping the last season.

Besides that, don't confuse 'scifi' with 'superhero genre' neither. Sometimes they overlap, and I understand you could confuse them, which probable was the reason why you confused Captain Marvel with Doctor Who, but they're different genres.


I did not confuse anything with Dr., Who since I don't watch Dr. Who.

Captain Marvel WAS a male hero who died and was replaced by a woman....who was replaced by a man....who was replaced by a woman for a hot minute...who was replaced by a man (well, a brainwashed Skrull) who was replaced by another man (well...alternate universe cockroach clone) who was replaced by a woman. They've been gender swapping this character for over 30 years. Disney is just using the current one.

The reason Disney is "pushing an SJW agenda" with this movie is because the character is VERY popular in the comics and they need new stars to replace the departing actors. It just makes some people very upset that the character happens to not be a male. To which I say, get over it. This isn't like The Last Jedi which WAS clearly agenda driven.

Seriously, Dr. Who? Who the hell cares about Dr. Who?


Then you're talking about the 80s, far before the movie cycle and far before Disney owning it. You seem confused.

Now you finally got we're not talking about Doctor Who, then comes the next step: we're not talking about gender swapping or the 80s neither (well, of course, you are, but I'm referring to sane people).

Yeap, there was gender swapping back then, and even before, but that was before the rise of SJWs and before those stories were used as a proxy for some political agenda. The SJW bullshit didn't start until late 90s, though it was not frequent back then, and it didn't fully spread in Hollywood until the last decade.


Disney does not own the characters, Marvel does. Disney owns the movie studio Marvel founded to use the comics characters.

I'm not confused at all. But really....nice try.


That's great. I'm glad finally you have it clear: this is not about Doctor Who, this is not about gender swapping, and this is not about 80s Marvel.

Now that has been established, feel free to make your point :-)
