MovieChat Forums > Thor: Ragnarok (2017) Discussion > Which part made you laugh hardest?

Which part made you laugh hardest?

I don't know for some reason when Thor was in the little ride to meet the Grandmaster as soon as the Willy Wonka music started I lost it.


It is a sitcom for brain dead people


The shark parts


Nothing really. It was formulaic but cute.


For once in your life... DON'T SMASH!
...Big monster!


The whole Dr. Strange part with Thor harassing whatever that thing on the table was and attempting to put it back together, the bookshelf thing and finally when they "transport" to the foyer with Thor tumbling down the stairs!! Hilarious!! Also, when Valkyrie first comes out of her ship and falls off the side into all the garbage :)


Which part made you laugh hardest?

A short brownish chick of indeterminate breed being a Valkyrie.


You are like the guy that hands out toothbrushes for Halloween.


It’s hilarious how someone can watch a movie about Norse Gods and complain about something being unrealistic.


Your non sequitur is dismissed.


It wasn’t a non-sequitur 😆

If anything, the other response you received was a non-sequitur.


"It wasn’t a non-sequitur"

Yes, it was, and there's no hyphen in non sequitur, else I would have used one when I typed it, obviously. Anything that doesn't logically follow from that which preceded it is a non sequitur, and your reply had nothing to do with my post, given that I neither "complained" nor said anything at all about "realistic" or "unrealistic".


Best Comedy in years.
