

Well one thing's for sure, sadly the vacuum repair guy won't be in it, and if he is it'll be footage shot before the actors passing or some sort of CGI/voice morphing.


you can say his name


That would be absolutely daring!


Well - not that. I can't imagine any circumstances where Saul would have turned Walt and Jesse down.

As far a becoming "good" I think the last episode proves that Gene still has a lot of Saul in him just waiting to get out. While I would love to see him back with Kim, I don't see them reuniting and living in a house with a rose covered picket fence. They are both too deeply flawed for anything like that.

As I previously mentioned, I think it's entirely possible that Saul dies at the end of the show.


Saul will go back to albuquerque and fight in court which would be a good show all bt it self.


I hope not. Most of the time it's better to go out on a high note and not beat a story or key characters to death.

I want Jimmy's,/Saul's/Gene's story to end at the conclusion of BCS.


Whatever happens to him, if it's a death it will be hard to top Nacho's and Howard's.


I wonder if they might have Saul back and end with him parked outside Kim's house while she welcomes her husband and small children home and sees she now has an idyllic life of a regular person.


I think you may be right about this - what exactly did Kim say to him during the phone call that got him so upset? Maybe that she got married agin?


Just like I predicted, as Gene transformed back into Saul, he would seek out Jeff for some con. Will be shortlived and they will go down soon as there are only two episodes left. I think Jeff getting his mom the computer is what will do them in as she will recognize the notorious Saul Goodman using her new computer toy. Kim visits Jimmy while he is in jail.


The opening credits are a computer screen. There’s some connection- carol Burnett might bring him down. I wonder if the feds had tracked Kim down. Did she call to inquire about jimmy - or was forced to for the feds to find out if he’s alive. That phone call is the key to the ending. Saul has gone over the edge in recklessness much like Walt at the end…,


They will end the show with Saul falling into the dough-kneading machine at Cinnabon and being served to the customers.
The End.



I think there will be some kind of ending involving Chuck, like Saul does something that leads him to the fate that Chuck always predicted would happen to Jimmy, bringing things full circle.


I think he's going to jail. It all finally comes back to get him.


A great big Chicago Sunroof
