John Boyega slams Disney and claims his Star Wars character was 'sidelined' while 'the nuance' was given to his white co-stars


this is blowing up on twitter now lol


is it ok for film twitter to criticize the TLJ now? Or they blaming Kennedy and JJ now? Boyega even defended JJ, so not sure who John is mad at Disney. Maybe blame Iger.


Not sure if the tide has turned against TLJ yet (i.e. all the big leftie film reviewers)..I guess not..

It appears Boyega is sorta blaming JJ but on the other hand he says its not him (which means its RJ then? Yet RJ gave him quite a big role in TLJ? I guess its because RJ didn't make him the focus in all the Force stuff? Idk).. its funny that he's moaning about Rey and Kylo getting all the nuance and Ridley/Driver being aware of that and on his side about that... but if Finn had been a major Force character too then Rey/Kylo wouldn't have been so prominent which would've which would've affected roles/pay everything .. so I'm sure they'd have been thrilled (also he's kind of saying they are all in agreement on his blaming Disney which I'm sure they happy about being dragged into lol)


It's hard to care when the movies are dog shit. Kind of sad he didn't realize this while making the movies.


"Kind of sad he didn't realize this while making the movies."

And also while he was picking up his pay check.

Too many actors doing these 'spilling the beans' stories years after their involvement with movies. Thandie Newton did the same recently.

In most cases the stories are exaggerated and misquoted just to make an attention grabbing headline. These people are careful not be be subject to libel or lawsuits.

And it all usually goes hand in hand with the trajectory of their careers. Anything to keep their name and photo circulating in the media.


i guess he won't be starring in the finn spinoff tv series then. he was no baby yoda anyway.


Star Wars is racist af. This is news?


It's true that Finn definitely got screwed as a character as many of us have been saying since the dumpster fire TFA was first released but Abrams, Kennedy & Johnson did a terrible job with everything, including Rey and Kylo Ren despite them being more the focus and more nuanced as he says.


He was unheard of before Star Wars , he should be thankful, didn't hear Billy Dee complaining when he was cast in Jedi and Empire.


Billy Dee Williams is a classy actor without a chip on his shoulder.


I wish they gave more film time with Lando. Classy and no complaints and an iconic character even if he didn't have as much scenes as the rest. Instead you get whiny black actors that want to be the top of the world or be in every movie else it's racist movie. Not saying all are like that. To be fair Boyega kinda had a point. They propped him up to be some upcoming star and people at the beginning when TFA happened were speculating he could be a jedi since seeing Mary Sue all flimsy, skinny, bare bones wasn't doing justice.


Nothing to do with race in my opinion, more the fact the writers dug themselves into a hole and in an attempt to get out of it and steer the film towards something they believed the fans would want, his character ended up being overlooked/sidelined.


Mark Hamill was forced to literally milk the goodness from the breast of giant space (cash) cow.

It was an utterly humiliating metaphor, lacking in any nuance, played out by the white skinned actor.



Ha ha 😂


Agreed, hamill had it much worse than boyega
