MovieChat Forums > American Sniper (2015) Discussion > After Clint Eastwood..any Republicans le...

After Clint Eastwood..any Republicans left in Hollywood?

Hollywood is always talking diversity , but they seem to be lacking in one important area, political diversity.

Clint Eastwood and John Wayne are famous actors who are Republicans. I don't see anybody in Hollywood picking up the mantel after Eastwood, now 87 passes. That is a shame because I don't believe movies like this would have been made without Eastwood's star power.

Movies are about different perspectives and points of view. Watching the 2019 Oscars it seemed to me that political groupthink in Hollywood is higher than ever.


I doubt he identifies as a Republican but writer/director John Milius holds a number of very conservative views

They do seem to be a rarity though


James Woods?

here he is visiting Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez trying to help her


George Lucas?


Is that for real? The only time I heard George Lucas endorse any political candidate was in 2008 with Barack Obama who swept celebrity endorsements that year because so many people had a naïve belief that man represented real change. I too made that same mistake that year.


Liev Scrieber
Mel Gibson (I assume)
Tim Allen
Vince Vaughan
There are probably more but they are scared of losing work.


I think Bruce Willis might be.
Ron Silver was.
And don't forget about Chachi.

But yes, a Republican in the entertainment industry is indeed a unicorn. Shame.


Can I ask where you heard Liev Scrieber is a Republican? I never knew that.


Bruce Willis
Sylvester Stallone


Arnold is only a Republican by name.


I'm pulling this number out of my arse but I'd guess that 35 to 40 percent of the voters in Hollywood are REPs and vote that way.


Got off my lazy horse and Googled it::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Donald Trump - 1,145,530 total votes - 26.87 % of votes
Joe Biden - 3,028,885 total votes - 71.04% of votes


I'd bet you're right... they just don't want to get their politics out there for Twitter to blast.


Gary Sinise


Gina Carrano, Chuck Norris, and Adam Sandler.
