MovieChat Forums > Columbo (1971) Discussion > One of the funniest and curious quirks a...

One of the funniest and curious quirks about Columbo...

Was his aversion to guns. In an episode when he was on a cruise he stated he was terrified of them, and in another episode it was revealed he hadn't been to the gun range in 10 years! Dude is a freakin policeman and he's afraid of guns?! LMAO.


Yup, he was the one good cop in LA. Maybe because he was really a New York Jew (Peter Falk) playing an Italian. Jews hate guns, especially in the hands of the Ultraright.


Jews hate guns, especially in the hands of the Ultraright.

Like they're good with UltraLeft ANTIFA & BLM thugs who Burn down city blocks, Loot businesses and Murder innocent police & citizens? Get real.


" snore ... snnxxx .. yawn ... "
Really? You want to keep keep going down that road? Hoeing that tired old row?
Okay, have it your way. OMG ! It's ANTIFA ! They are coming for your children, and Worse !
We've seen ANTIFA uprisings ever since ... over a year ago !
OMG they're taking over ... snxxx ....


The glaring truth hurts, huh? You're just too blinded by LIE-beral idiotology to see it.


Like they're good with UltraLeft ANTIFA & BLM thugs who Burn down city blocks, Loot businesses and Murder innocent police & citizens? Get real.

Ok Mr. Non Sequitur, if you believe that.


Yup, ANTIFA & BLM represent the absolute noblest of intentions & actions. (rolling my eyes)


You mean they represent convenient scapegoats. Even if you were right, however - and I do note that you are not - it is completely irrelevant here, and one can only question your motives for bringing it up at all.


Before the election last year I went to the official BLM site and clicked the donation button out of curiosity and it went straight to the Biden-campaign donation page. You can't make this crap up! Meanwhile the creators of BLM have bought new mansions, but still nothing remotely done about blacks massacring blacks in Chicago and other inner city areas. It's a big con, bruh.


Before the election last year I went to the official BLM site and clicked the donation button out of curiosity and it went straight to the Biden-campaign donation page. You can't make this crap up!

Apparently you can. I went ahead and checked for myself (didn't think I would, did you?), and I was not taken to a Biden-campaign donation page. "Oh, but the election is over." Ok, so you took a screenshot, right? I mean, surely you don't expect me to just take your word for it?

Of course, it would be in BLM's interest to vote Trump the hell out of office. Trump publicly sided against them, preferring instead Proud Boys and other groups of a less savoury sort. Just like if I pointed out that a Proud Boys page has a donation to Trump's fraudulent election fund, you would point out that this doesn't mean it goes both ways. And you'd be right, of course. Proud boys are perfectly free to link to any cause they want. As are BLM.

Meanwhile the creators of BLM have bought new mansions, but still nothing remotely done about blacks massacring blacks in Chicago and other inner city areas. It's a big con, bruh.

Your first mistake is conflating the Antifa - which is so unorganised it isn't even an organisation - with BLM. They are not the same, but happen to be on the same side where racism is concerned. Your second mistake is conflating the protests with the riots. Those are not the same, either. With every large-scale protest, you risk opportunists who will take advantage of the situation to loot or to stir the hornet's nest. They're gate-crashers, and may be from either side of the political divide.


That tiny mustache guy and his cronies were UltraLEFT.
I kinda think that the Jewish people of the world have a thing or two or threee to say about the UltraLEFT regime of that tiny 'stache guy.


At least we agree on one thing: Schicklgruber was the bad guy. We just don't agree on what kind of bad guy. If he was Ultraleft why did try to kill all the leftwingers in Europe? Was he a socialist? Definitely. But it was an extreme rightwing form of socialism. But it doesn't matter what views extremists espouse; they are at heart all the same: evil.
But not everyone on the right believes he was bad, so I'll give you that.


Hitler was on the RIGHT of the political spectrum. He was ANTI left. I'll bet you think he was left because he was socialist. Well, he wasn't socialist. That was just part of the name of the part, a name they adopted before Hitler became leader and which Hitler objected to. There were socialist elements in the NSDAP at first, but Hitler famously got rid of the last of those elements in the Night of the Long Knives in 1934. Since when, there was nothing remotely "left" about the NSDAP.


Not exactly true. Hitler never renounced Socialism. But it was his own extreme right form of National Socialism. He killed the SA off, not because they were socialists, but because they were A. perceived as too extremist with their street violence (this was in 1934 when optics still mattered) and B. were perceived as a threat to his total power as they were independent.
But the thing is these Chump Far Rightees latch onto the Socialism to say he was "left", even though he killed everyone on the left in Europe that he could. His main enemies were the Left (Social Democrats, Socialists, Communists, etc), Jews, Roma, Slavs. And he wiped out as many as he possibly could in Germany and the territory he conquered. However he did have that pact with Stalin to divide up Poland up until Barbarossa.
Bottom line: Hitler and the Nazis were always Extreme Right National Socialists.
That is problematic for those who are apologists for socialism.
But left and right are really defined however you want to define them. And the extreme left and right are pretty much the same: Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Mao. Their real ideology was genocide. So Conald Chump on one level was even worse, because he didn't want to simply kill off part of humanity, but the whole thing except for himself, his family, and his fellow dictators. Through Environmental destruction, Nukes, and Covid, he probably would have succeeded has his Bier Hall Putsch won out.


PLEASE let's NOT take this forum into the gutter of POLITICS! That's (partly) what shutdown the IMDB boards on which this site's foundation is built. It's so unnecessary. You're (not your) never going to change a single opinion by ranting about politics online; you're (ditto) wasting your time.


Sorry. I try to keep my Political discussions to the Politics board but I'm human and I falter Sincerest apologies


Apology Accepted. Oh.. just one more thing: Don't let it happen again, LOL!


Thanks. It's so stupid because this is a Columbo board !
I have no interest having a Political discussion on a Columbo board, but sometimes you see something and react and forget where you are.
I reeeally try HARD not to have my political discussions migrate to other parts of the forum.
Am genuinely embarrassed. Thanks again.


I never knew he was of Jewish descent. I always assumed he was Italian.


He is Italian. Stated in more than a few episodes. Never any mention of any Jew on any episode. Never any mention of race, though the show was pretty close to 99% white.


I’d like to know where the whole, “Jews hate guns,” idea came from.

There are several organizations here in the States, like, that are fervent 2nd Amendment supporters and espouse the right to concealed carry. Their motto is, “nothing says never again like an armed Jew.”

While there may be certain sect of Judaism that would speak out against guns (just as there are in every religion), you can’t lump all of the together, into one broad category. Jews are as varied as any other group!


True, but I'm talking about Peter Falk. As you know he never touched a gun the whole series. That's not an accident. Probably the only police show where the star never does.


MacGyver also had the same aversion, but I guess he was more of a secret agent rather than a detective!


As I recall, on the Jimmy Kimmel show, they used to have his uncle Frank, who was a New York beat cop for decades. He said he had never pulled his gun. So it appears to happen in real life.


Ironic because Columbo's first name was also Frank! [unofficially, at least according to the badge prop, though never called this by name, and probably never even in the script. They just needed a name for the badge.]


The would be unreal.


Again, so much to unpack here.

First, that's the joke - a cop that's afraid of guns! This makes him and endearing character, a lot like MacGyver. A pacifist that respects and properly values human life doesn't need guns, as they would rather die than murder someone.

Second, a gun exists to perform UNLAWFUL act of MURDERING someone. Murder is unlawful regardless of the situation or what you are wearing (uniform, camouflage, badge - it's all trivial compared to taking a human being's life into your hands). Columbo knows this. Why would someone that's supposed to PROTECT people, rights and the LAW carry a tool that can only be used for UNLAWFUL activity? (I know it can technically be used for other things, too, but basically it's a murder-button in your pocket)

Third, his job is not to cause MORE UNLAWFULNESS (= murder, which is what a gun is designed for), his job is to FIGURE OUT WHAT HAPPENED and WHO DID IT and WHY. Columbo's job is not to snipe people or end their lives, but to investigate and explore until the murderer is found, and basically confesses (at least due to holes in their story they can't patch up).

He is BRILLIANT at his job, so he doesn't need to be good at that violent stuff. He can leave that to the young hotheads that excel in the gun range but couldn't solve the case of 'how to open a tuna can'.

Columbo doesn't need a gun. This is a cerebral show, not a dumb action series.


"Why would someone that's supposed to PROTECT people, rights and the LAW carry a tool that can only be used for UNLAWFUL activity?"

You're touched in the head. Shooting someone, or pointing a gun at someone, is not unlawful (nor is it "UNLAWFUL," Captain Caps Lock), if it's done in self-defense or in defense of others. A gun is the most effective means of protecting yourself and other people, obviously, which is why cops and many law-abiding citizens in general, carry them.

Lt. Columbo has "plot armor" of course, but in real life it would be utterly stupid for a homicide detective, especially a diminutive and out-of-shape one like Columbo, to go around unarmed, questioning murderer suspects on a routine basis. It would be one thing if he only interacted with suspects from the safety of an interrogation room in the police station, but he goes to places like their house or remote locations with no backup and no gun, which is extremely foolhardy from a real-world perspective.

For example, at the end of "Any Old Port in a Storm," Columbo goes out to a remote location on the beach where someone he knows to be a murderer (someone who murdered his own half-brother, no less) is throwing away a bunch of bottles of wine. What's to stop him from smashing one of those wine bottles over Columbo's head and throwing him in the ocean? Realistically, multiple cops would have arrived; their guns would have been drawn and they would have ordered him to get on the ground, face-down, before they approached him. Then they would have placed him in handcuffs while he was on the ground, searched him, and escorted him into the back of a cruiser. That's the best method of ensuring everyone's safety.

"Columbo doesn't need a gun. This is a cerebral show, not a dumb action series."

You + an idiot = 2 idiots.
