"It's called capitalism!"

Line from the new trailer.

Will be a just another woke shit show. So tired of this.


But she says that to a nazi, who is, essentially, a socialist.


I'm very doubtful that you can count on modern, woke, lefty scriptwriters in Hollywood even to remember, let alone accurately represent, that the word Nazi is a contraction for Nazionalsozialialistiche Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers' Party), or that fascist government (of which Nazism is a subspecies) is a socialist, planned economy, where nominal ownership of means of production is left in private hands, while still being subject to near-total government regulation and control.


I wouldn't maybe call them socialist, most peasants use socialism to describe the Marxist flavor. Also a lot of people would stuck into other characteristics usually associated with the right wing (but ironically found in the socialist societies as well) so they will use those to insist that nazism/fascism are right wing ...

Maybe just brand fascism and nazism as economically leftist systems.


Only Hollywood has the cognitive dissonance to say that line while using nostalgia to CAPITALIZE on another soulless sequel, because its out of original ideas (and forgot that the villains from the previous movie were communists) -.-


"What can I say, Jonesie? I'm a capitalist... and they pay."


"I like Ike"


Indeed. See Fight Club also.
But it's not dissonance: one of the reasons Capitalism endures is that it's smart enough to produce its own criticism of itself as a system (and therefore control it).


Hopefully it will be cut from the final film. Remember “ I rebel!” From Rogue One? Or “It’ll be perfect…. When it fits a woman” from Batwoman? The lines were cut or altered, so there’s hope.


Wait really, they cut the Batwoman line out?
That's interesting because that horribly dumb line was applauded so much by the main stream media.

Almost like it's just a loud minority pushed by the MSM while the rest wants nothing to do with this constant strong independent women bullshit narrative.

Remember "The force is female"?
Can't make this shit up...


The Batwoman line was altered to “It’ll be perfect….when it fits me.”
Acceptable, but the damage was done.

Force is “female” is too stupid to contemplate.
It’s like saying electricity is “female” or gravity is “male.”


Haha yes, perfectly put.


That is not how capitalism works, capitalism isn't zero sum game, most business build on to create win-win situation.

Her character is stupid.


Speaking even as a leftist, the best system is capitalism with strong government controls/intervention which prevents monopolies.

Yes, adversity/a squeeze in the market does often prompt innovation, but it too often causes hardship and long-term job insecurity, so a balance must be struck, otherwise it *can* lead to a zero-sum game (where people have finite resources, the market is squeezed, and as a result businesses and jobs are under threat, there will be 'winners' and 'losers', and often the more the former thrives, the more the latter suffers).

Also, if the market is controlled by a limited number of corporations, that can be worse than full control via the state (within a *democratic* socialist system, as opposed to a communist/fully socialist one), because at least voters are enfranchised to kick a bad government out of power, but have arguably less power in the case of corporations (commercial boycotts aren't an option in the case of essential services/resources). Plus, whilst I do support capitalism, over the alternative, it is worth bearing in mind that the ultimate goal of capitalism is profit, at the cost of everything else. Capitalism is intrinsically amoral (i.e. it's neither consciously evil nor consciously good, but that means that other considerations, like jobs, employers' rights, quality-of-service, and impact on the environment, society and infrastructure are ignored in favour of the all mighty dollar), hence why stringent government controls are necessary within a capitalist system, which allow businesses to flourish without centralised govt. control, but don't allow them to exploit, overpower and hurt individuals and the governments they elect to protect their rights.


Too bad there is no "like" button ...


because at least voters are enfranchised to kick a bad government out of power, but have arguably less power in the case of corporations (commercial boycotts aren't an option in the case of essential services/resources).

You can't. In most countries there is usually a 2 party system, which is really just a corporate party with 2 factions. Usually you vote for the lesser of 2 evils, at least that is what I do, because there isn't a real choice.

Corporate media made sure there was never going to be a real choice. That is why when Elon Musk wanted to create real free speech on twitter it caused so much panics.

And you are told exactly what you wrote, by the free and independent corporate media.


In most countries there is usually a 2 party system, which is really just a corporate party with 2 factions. Usually you vote for the lesser of 2 evils, at least that is what I do, because there isn't a real choice.

Most businesses is like that:

CPU: Inter or AMD.
GPU: Nvidia or AMD.
OS on desktop: Windows or Mac.
OS on smartphone: Android or iOS.


I think that is because monopoly is not allowed. Liberal democracy is created by capitalists overthrowing monarchy, to avoid power concentrated into the hands of very few people, which could endanger property rights of the rich as a whole.

Too few corporations having too much power is no good to capitalist democracy either, it would become not that different from monarchy.


Perhaps her character is a bit naive or even a bit stupid by design? Maybe they'll give Indy some pushback ( assuming he still "likes Ike" and America) and won't just get browbeat into submission by god-daughter Helena. Being a smug know-it-all 60s brat at loggergeads with Indy's generation would at least be true those times. A female version of Mutt is what they are going for, I suppose. Hopefully the writers respect Indy and he at least gives as good as he gets.

This is likely giving Disney too much credit at this point, but maybe they will do right by Indy.


They are being funded by left wing lunatics. So, there's no stopping them. Just stop buying their products it's that simple.


In the end, I don't really care what 'ism' any social group in history properlly or inaccurately represented or didn't.

Socialism, communism, capitalism, or some completely different system could ALL work absolutely perfectly and create the most harmonious, utopistic happiness for the people of this planet, IF the planet was filled only with good people anyway.

With good people, almost any 'ism' or method would work and be wonderful, because no one would want to do anything evil.

With evil people, almost any 'ism' or system is doomed to failure, because the most evil psychopathic dictators and control freaks will always end up having the handle of power, so to say. Things like corporations are soulless sociopaths that have all the rights of people, but none of the responsibilities, and can suffer no proper consequences (100 million fine is nothing to a modern corporation, for example).

So it's not really about the system, it's about what kind of people we have - the most humane system would rot and turn to evil with evil people corrupting it, and the best possible system will turn evil as well, with evil people controlling it.

Capitalism and Communism are both basically evil systems, both with a 'well-meaning core'. In Capitalism, CAPITAL is more important than people.

In Communism, you have no rights, because community is more important than individual.

It'd be better if there was no 'ism', but this world is so crazy, and its people so evil, ignorant and stupid that I don't know if ANY system would work in the long run. Capitalism has had a pretty good run, relatively speaking, but look at what the corporations are doing, look at what's more important, oil or people's lives when the drones keep murdering children... it's not the system, it's the people behind the system.


"Socialism, communism, capitalism, or some completely different system could ALL work absolutely perfectly and create the most harmonious, utopistic happiness for the people of this planet, IF the planet was filled only with good people anyway."
"...because no one would want to do anything evil."

That is contradicting and illogical in itself, as communism, for example, is inherently evil by design - you said so yourself.
You cannot have good people wanting to run an evil system. If they do - they aren't good.

Sorry, while I see where you're coming from, what you said is oversimplified and makes little sense.
