Aww Come On! How can anyone not say this was funny?

It might just be the 28.7% sativa talking, but that was crazy as shit!


It was hilarious. Almost better than first.


The fuckin fertility dance! WTF!


If it had gone on 20 seconds more I probably wouldn't have been able to get through. I was smiling saying out loud "I can't, I can't." The actress who played the daughter was brilliant.


And the audience clapping, just amazing.


worst scene in the movie, and had nothing to do with political commentary or humor


Our sense of humor must go in opposite directions. I thought it was the funniest scene in the movie. I don't mind about not having anything to do with political commentary personally. I don't watch comedies for a message, I watch them to laugh.


It was funny and whoever played Borats daughter better get an award lol. Fucking hilarious.


Why was it not all in english tho?the first one was mostly english language! there weren't even subtitles! enjoyed it regardless tho!


There are subtitles all over it, what are you talking about?


You clearly downloaded an illegal pirated version of the film as it had English subs.


Republicans have lost their sense of humor since becoming cultists. Everyone loved the first one even when he made fun of Bush voters.


Republicans can take a joke (which is why this movie failed by default) or at very least
Republicans are used to being the butt of the joke (for the last 4 years, at least) They've built up a steely-reserve to such 'mainstream' mockery.
Baron Cohen should have gone for both parties (imagine seeing 'Biden, Pellosi, Cortez.....even Obama getting pranked?) Regardless of your political leanings, the results would have 400% funnier.
Unfortunately, this movie wasn't about 'comedy' was 400% agenda (sadly)


LOL yes you aren't cultists. You really dont remember the Bush years when you called anyone who disagreed with him and the war a traitor, that they hated America, that they hated the troops and didn't respect the president?

and when the Iraq war was shown to be a big lie and a waste of American blood and treasure. You can only admit it now that "your man" is now out of office and the cultish control has ended for Bush, and now is on trump.


(*hint*) I'm not American


Never happened. Remember when Commie protesters spit on returning Vietnam soldiers?


wow you republicans have horrible collective amnesia. maybe trying to hide your shame and embarrassment for what cultish like sheep you are every time you have a president in office.


Well, given Bidens history of "Accidentally" groping underage girls on camera, id say bringing a daughter gift to him would been the most obviuos choice, but alas. Mike "never leave the house without a wife" Pence was a fair target though.


Ya im 100% sober and easily laughed 7 times in the first five minutes.

but I know triggered conservative snowflakes would come here and whine about it.


It was cringeworthy.
And the debutante ball scene should have been edited out.
