MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) Discussion > The middle aged Spidermen were cringe

The middle aged Spidermen were cringe

Sorta like your dad putting on his old wrestling singlet to relive his glory days.

Both of their bodies were unattractive.

Garfield looked like the broken character he was playing. I notice they cut his crying as he caught MJ. It was too much.


Everyone ages, even you.


I age like fine wine.


This site is filled to the brim with unrealistic motherfuckers who thought their ass would age like wine. If you mean it turns to vinegar, it does.


The Wisdom of Marcellus Wallace


Superheroes dont. They just get replaced by new ones.


I think that was the point. Showing Spiderman at different stages of his life.


Yet middle aged batman works fine. Maybe skintight Lycra is a young man's game.


We've seen a middle age Batman. Ben looked great.


Um did you miss my point?


He wasn't meant to look in shape in Spiderman. He was meant to look past his prime. Affleck was meant to look like a man trying to make a comeback.


Why was he suppose to look past his prime? Unlike batman he has super powers and even at his age is younger than other superheros in marvels films. I assumed he was still acting as Spiderman in his universe.

The suit and characters were cg 95% of the time anyway.


Lol - comparing Batman suit to Spider-Man suit.


Obviously most of the muscles on the batman suit are from the suit, but Ben still got ripped.


I wish they could have figured a way to get Nicholas Hammond into the movie somehow. Even if it was only a cameo.


I had to check to see if he was still alive,lol. I'm guessing he'd have loved a cameo. Young people wouldn't know anything about him, even if they saw him.


I just found out, apparently he's retired and living in Australia.


lol, Tobey is in terrific shape, esp for his age


Tobey looks great, only a little too lean, sure if he packed on muscle, he'd give shrimp Iron JR. boy a run for his money.

This movie was seen because of these cameos anyway.


Maybe so but the incandescent Zendaya more than makes up for any shortcomings.


They are still young in human nature as they haven't reached 50 yet. I watched the Nicholas Hammond Spider-Man show in re runs.


They were perfectly fine. Garfield probably could have shaved but if they were going for him looking a little broken and anti-hero then it was fine. But if you told me he was pushing 40 I wouldn't believe you. Tobey looked great after not seeing him in absolutely anything since Spiderman. Yes, he looked older and they played him that way and it worked for me.


Garfield needed a haircut.


I like guys with a bit of a mop top so I thought he looked ...well...amazing, haha. I was actually going to write in my post Tobey needed to grow his hair a bit because he looked off to me with the short hair, lol. But he may have looked weirder with long hair since he looks much older.


Yeah, cringe is a verb or noun, but never heard of it as an adjective.
