MovieChat Forums > The Matrix Resurrections (2021) Discussion > why is this film even getting made

why is this film even getting made

I really dont get what story there is to tell... the only reason would be if 4 is actually 2 and they are erasing that whole travesty.

to me only the matrix 1 exists






true dumb question by me


Who knows it might be amazing.


Because they're running out of ideas.


Ran out of ideas. Ran.


STFU and just dont watch it...


This is the #1 answer from shitheads that don't care about anything awful happening in the real world as long as they don't know it/see it.

I can only think of your mom gettin assfucked by an elephant for somebody's sick vieweing pleasure, and the cop's answer to your plead for stopping it is "STFU and just dont watch it".


This is all you do on this site. You swoop in, yell, then leave. You offer nothing of value.


Hahaha....speak for yourself.


I tend to agree with kuatorises - your "STFU and just don't watch it..." doesn't add anything of value, it doesn't give an insight, viewpoint or a reason to like it. It doesn't VALIDATE the existence of the claptrap, it doesn't INVALIDATE the criticism against the turd of a movie/trailer in any way, and all it tells is a lot about YOU.

To prove me wrong, please write an insightful comment that's based on your own, original thoughts and viewpoints on something - anything - that doesn't aim to insult or get people to shut up or stop writing/posting.

This is a discussion board, whose whole point, meaning, core and reason is to let people discuss, converse and talk about movies, and this includes both praise and criticism.

Would you still say 'STFU and just don't watch it' if someone had PRAISED the trailer? If not, you are not only inconsistent, you're illogical and arbitrary, or you have an agenda. In either case, your comments are not worth reading.


How about STFU and don't read the post..


How the hell would I be able to tell people to STFU if I didnt read their posts???? So STFU ...
....and think before you respond next time.😃


I suspect it's because 01 still exists and naturally any human would want it to be completely destroyed. The alliance between Human and machine can only last so long, the threat must be dealt with before it's too late.


The Wachowskis are falling into increasing irrelevancy--that's why. No one really cares or talks about The Matrix anymore except to complain about it! 🤣


True, but what's more, they have utterly failed before and after 'The Matrix (1999)', and the only reason they're ANY kind of success or been given ANY kind of credibility, is that very movie and its success.

THINK what these hacks would be without that movie... who would respect them, let alone let them write or make a movie? (I mean, obviously anyone can make anything they want, but would anyone FINANCE any of their efforts..?)
