MovieChat Forums > The Oscars (2020) Discussion > Oscars felt like political waterboarding

Oscars felt like political waterboarding

Haven't watched the actual Oscars in years (have watched some pretty funny highlights of them though like this one: but wanted to try it this year as I found a good stream online. I was already aware of how political American media is these days, but I was not prepared. I think the majority of the speeches were incredibly political, and constantly mentioning inequality (which is rich coming from the 0.1%).

And it was pretty noticeable just how much better the speeches were when they left that shit at the door. Like my boy Bong Joon-Ho and the make-up and costume people. I and most people (I want to believe) are here for their love of cinema and this shit was grating. Worst offenders were Joaquin and the Sigourney Weaver trio (who said that life as a woman in Hollywood is not desirable, which even as a joke is offensive to the millions of people who are struggling day to day with debts and shit).


I wish they would perfect CGI and we could have just CGI actors and get rid of these people.


You forgot voice actors. They'll just put it in the voice of the CGI actors. Makes no difference.


Won't be as famous.

The next level would be voice synthesizers to just create voices.

We have to be close to that.


Very true; if we had the holotechnology they did in Star Trek, we wouldn't have to pay actors to do anything ever again! They'd have to find a new way to earn money instead of sneering at the rest of us who don't earn 6 figures a year.


Honestly, they are SO bad at sensitivity and humility, that they ought to stop trying. They can't carry it off, even the attempt is embarrassing.

Just go ahead and be self-congratulatory for one night. Let the rest of us enjoy it vicariously, we don't get to be full of ourselves in real life.


They're paid to play the game. Manipulate the masses with their star power to get their elitist agendas going to keep them in wealth and power over the ever increasing gentrification of their home state of California if not Commiefornia as some call it.


They aren't being paid to push a political agenda. They do it to feed their egoes!

Really, they do it to make themselves feel like they have power in the real world, and to assure themselves that they're using their fame for worthwhile causes, which means that they're wonderful people who totally deserve all the fame and money they're being showered with. I call it "Hollywood Ego Disease", and its terminal stages can involve actually running for political office.


This is crazy, but I was also curious why the Nazi did what they did.

I have read a huge amount of their documents, published in papers, etc, before their came to power. They discussed how the media controlled by the religious group they hated, produced people who spoke like our celebs do. They are rich corrupt people who promote their support for poverty, equality, etc while living the complete opposite lifestyle.

I have noted that people of that religion do this, they will support something, then put their name on it as an ad. I have seen the "Goldberg" (or whatever) community center, and even park benches! This is the Stan and Ethel Rosenberg park bench, with a gold plate saying that. The Nazis pointed out that this isn't giving, but rather fake giving with an ad to promote yourself.

I noticed that Angelina Jolie has stopped all her "savior" work now that she isn't in many movies. What happened to Bono saving the world? I have been working in human services for thirty years and have never stopped, that's because it's actually something I care about.

So, the Nazi talked about this self-advertisement by celebs nearly a hundred years ago. I hate to agree but it's some kind of thing with these types of people. I assume their managers make them do it because those are the people Nazis were talking about.


True story


Good, good. Let the butthurt flow. CLEARLY you ain’t the only one that’s been offended by good ol’ Hollywood. To that I say: well-done once again, Hollywood! Buy yo, Bong’s well-deserved wins are already being attacked as political/woke by twitter bigot reich wingers, so there’s that.

Now, totally not agenda-driven reactionaries/chuds and supposedly apolitical folks who love to hate-watch the Oscars knowing full well they’re going to get triggered (it’s the REASON many of them tune in) and then bitch about it is PRICELESS. It’s been that way for years, and thankfully it’s the way it’ll be for years to come seeing as how those in Hollywood obvs aren’t listening to pissed off hypocrites (that kinda includes not-so-rightist celebs that also champion icky equal rights and stuff like Ricky Gervais whose “I’m edgy and don’t care anymore” shtick has gotten old) telling them to shush when it comes to real world issues.

Well news flash: Hollywood, as imperfect as it may be since behind-the-movie-exec-scenes things still aren’t as “woke” as you might think, keeps making progress and they won’t be regressing and shutting up in order to keep Hollywood-obsessed cons that scream virtue signaling & agenda (yet said cons applaud whenever regressive celebs get political and naturally they approve of the real propaganda coming from the 45 regime) happy. And FYI, several of these big bad Hollywood stars are more on the neoliberal side rather than the scary VERY non-con leftist side that the reich fears+cries about, albeit good thing their values do remain the opposite of their detractors

My awkwardly-awesome man Joaquin Phoenix? First off, ‘member all those reactionaries who were hell-bent on going after them sjws for taking issue with Joker? Lol... now Joaquin has been triggering those same reactionaries! “Waa waa... he got all sjw! He’s not 1 of us!” XD But Joaquin and all the talent that offended those like the OP, spoke some truth tonight! How dare these people care about politics/real world issues and use their platform to speak truth to power (speak from the heart) instead of staying quiet in this Twilight Zone world we’re living in or, worse, going on state tv Fox and sounding like your Ingrahams/4chan vermins who preach intolerance, exclusion, and science denial! (Why aren’t hate-filled, barely-famous 45 fans like ur Dean Cains, Ted “inbred” Nugents, Jon Voights, and Kristy Swansons not the majority in a town that’s the complete opposite of basically anywhere in Florida?! LORDT JESUS WHY?!.) Out of touch these anti-social injustice celebs are, u say? (Many of them btw are self-made millionaires, didn’t get a small loan of a million dollars from daddy, they have compassion for others and actually do good deeds and support good causes, unlike salty cons.) Yes, so says the crowd that worships billionaire demagogues and loves to vote against their own self-interests. *major eye roll*

Moreover, ya miss them good ol’ days of Hollywood (always been political - hail Marlon Brando!) when the “commies” couldn’t speak up thanks to reich wing fascists? Those days are luckily gone; and pump the brakes with any false equivalency. Also, I’m happy to say that no one but (mostly) the reich has any reason to feel salty over what these meanie political actors have to say. They should keep quiet? 1. Praise free speech, especially free speech that isn’t hateful rhetoric (how ya like them apples “free speech” reactionaries?). And 2. Great to know that there’s a relatively influential industry that’s the complete opposite of the current administration and does not preach everything from prejudice to climate denial in an age where ‘Murica has taken huge steps backwards thanks to a rich conman demagogue who “tells it like it is” and his cultists.

So u really don’t like what these “waterboarding” political celebs gotta say, huh (“they don’t agree with MY politics and worldview, so they should shut up!”). Here’s a tip: don’t watch. It’s that painfully simple. But as is customary, a bunch of individuals like yourself need to rage and obsess over Hollywood being non-reich wing. *Now waits for the reich to bring up diminishing ratings, in an age where tv-viewership isn’t what it used to be, even though it is mainly their kind that cry about these shows getting too real for them*
But lolz, as always the reich is going to spend a week crying about the show - and all things social justice in Hollywood - until they feel they got their fill (their whining over Hollywood being anti-reactionary in general shall continue tho). They shall obsess over it more than ANYBODY else. And I ask: who be the snowflakes again? XD In closing... forward-thinking actors and, as studies have shown, the majority of movie audiences whom are all for inclusivity and standing up for what’s good> the anti-Hollywood regressives who want to cancel an industry that no longer caters to them like before.

I have spoken.



Social Justice Derangement!


OP is not american you dumb fuck..... he does not know any Fox anchors.

You are one retarded TDS sheep 😅


Let's change 'Wokeness' for 'Christianism'. It fits incredible well. After all, Wokeness is the new Christianism. And Hollywood wants to be the new Vatican.

Good, good. Let the butthurt flow. CLEARLY you ain’t the only one that has been offended by good ol’ Vatican.

Agenda-driven Atheists and so-called apolitical folks that love to hate-watch the Christian Festivities knowing full they’re going to get triggered throughout... priceless! It’s been like this for years, and it’s thankfully going to be that like that for years to come. News flash: The Vatican, as imperfect as it may be, is moving into the future and luckily it won’t regress and shut up just to keep the Christian-obsessed reich that screams agenda (while they themselves approve of the propaganda that comes from the 45 regime) happy.

My man Benedict II and all the other talent that triggered many like you laid down some facts tonight! How dare these people use their platform to speak truth to power instead of sounding like Atheist trolls who preach sin, hate, and deny science! (Why, why aren’t truly hate-filled 45 lovers like your Richard Dawkins not the majority in the town that is thank goodness the complete opposite of any town?! WHY?!?!.) Out of touch these celebs are? So says the crowd that worships billionaire demagogues. Ya miss them good ol’ days of Paganism, huh? Those days... are luckily gone. Finished!

And the reich, I’m proud to say, doesn’t speak for every movie goer and viewer that supports big bad modern Vatican. Needless to say, no one but mostly the backwards reich has any reason to feel salty over what these meanie political actors have to say. Don’t like it? Don’t watch. It’s so simple, but I know... the likes of you need to vent. In closing, the majority of movie audiences who are all for representation and standing up for what’s right> the anti-Vatican regressives who want to cancel an industry that no longer caters to them like before.


You really did let your butthurt flow.


agree 100%


The smug cloud filled L.A. by the time these walking windbags were done


I didn't know many of these films, especially the obscure ones. I guessed which ones would win just based on the posters, and I was mostly right. Of course Barack and Michelle's debut propaganda film was going to win as well.


Makes me glad I avoided it.


There was like two mentions of actual politics, with only Brad Pitt joke being the only direct one. You conservatives are the biggest snowflakes.


It's not about the money, it's about the principle.
