MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Best villain of the show?

Best villain of the show?

For me its Ramsay hands down, he was sadistic as fuck, he broke the minds of his victims, he skinned them, he played with them, and he was so damn entertaining as a bad guy to watch.

One of my favorite moments of his is when Theon's sister sneaks in to break him out and Ramsay comes to them shirtless and bloody saying "This is turning into a lovely evening", then pulls two daggers out and starts slicing.

Joffrey is also a good one just cause he was so fucking unbearable you desperately wanted to see him die. But in terms of entertainment and bad assery and being sadistic, Ramsay's got my vote.


Sansa. In the end, she outlived them all


Did you know the Ramsay actor is Welsh? Basically, Ramsay is GoT's answer to Hannibal Lecter, and Anthony Hopkins is also famously Welsh. Like I am. :)


Oh, Joffrey. Wonderful villain! Half murderous psychopath and half spoiled brat! I perked up every time he came on screen, just because I wondered what uniquely horrible thing he'd do next!

He really was great, and very original. There was a lot of dramatic tension built into his character, which wasnt true of the more standard villains like Cersei and Ramsay, because you just never knew whether it'd take a bitchslap or an army to take him down. He was the perfect embodiment of the character you love to hate.


I like the scene where Joffrey went out of bounds with Tywin and immediately realized it, then Tywin said the king is tired and needs to go rest.


That's the thing about Joffrey, he was so incredibly weak and so strong at the same time. There were circumstances when he was completely unstoppable, and others when a cutting word would send him away sniveling.

He was predictable personally, he always did what was stupid and cruel, but every scene where he appeared was wildly unpredictable and therefore suspenseful, because you just never knew how things would go around him. That made him a truly great villain.


The scene where Tyrion sent him the hookers was chilling


Not as chilling as Ros's final scene!


Joffrey, easily.


Not sure about the best, my favorite is Littlefinger though.


Cersei for sure. None of the others had a better villain moment that even comes close to topping her blowing up the Sept of Baelor!


Tywin Lannister, played to perfection buy Charles Dance. The story lost something after he was gone.


Oh yes, Charles Dance was SO GREAT! Absolutely loved his performance.

(I still think they should’ve hired him to play Tarkin in "Rogue One" instead of insulting the memory of Peter Cushing by using that dreadful CGI Tarkin.)


Completely agree with both points.


Yes, I'm uneasy about CGI of long dead actors, however good they were.


Charles Dance was AWESOME!!!

And yes, Tywin Lannister was a horrible person, far worse than Danerys. Yet everyone loves Tywin to some degree or another. I don't think it's because he was at all admirable, I think it was just because he was played by such a goddamn good actor. Everything Tywin Lannister did seemed marvelous and fascinating, because Dance was THAT good.


Also: he has the best death scene.


I respectfully disagree, I thought Ramsey had the best individual death scene. I never liked him as a villain, he was gross rather than fascinating, but he had a great tense dramatic death scene. The SOB went down fighting, when all he had left was his mouth!

Well, for a bit.


Ramsey had a great death scene too. Iwan Rheon and Sophie Turner were fantastic.

But I had been waiting for Tywin's death from the very first episode of season 1 -- ever since Tyrion told Jon that Tywin considered him a bastard. And Tywin was just so much MORE as a character. His death scene is probably one of the most satisfying ones in the whole series for me.


I didn't enjoy Tywin's death scene at all, I knew the series would be poorer for his absence and I was right. I didn't want him to die! I cried "Noooo, Tyrion, don't take him away from me" at the screen! I missed his awesome dreadfulness when he was gone, but I suppose it was necessary. The Lannister side never would have fallen apart as long as he was around.

I also didn't enjoy Joffrey's death scene very much, the little monster died without knowing who killed him or why, he didn't experience that sense of comeuppance that makes the best villain's death scenes really enjoyable. Ramsay knew who killed him and why and that she was deliberately giving him a taste of his own medicine and was going to enjoy it. Sure it was nice to see Joffrey suffer and die and it was a relief to have him gone, but the scene had no sense of vengeance fulfilled, and I like a sense of vengeance fulfilled.




Best Villain? Whoever wrote for season 8.
