MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Who was Varys writing to?

Who was Varys writing to?

And was he trying to poison Dany?


Yes he was trying to handle all business on this day.


He was writing his memoirs


Mr George R. R. Martin.


The note we see him write tells of Jon's true parentage, and I get the impression he was sending ravens all over Westeros, blabbing about it to all the remaining kingdoms.


That makes sense.


He was trying to spread news about Aegon Targaryan, but then he went and burned the letter. Maybe he was sending it to the God of Light? Lol, who knows at this point.


Or maybe he was sending it to the same entity that got his penis&balls.


It's unclear whether or not the letter he burned was the same letter he's shown writing earlier, or if it's a different letter with basically the same contents. You'll notice, in the very beginning, that he's already written several other letters, but we only see him burning one.

It's not like it really matters for WHOM the letter was intended. The point was to show that he had lost faith in Dany and wanted the rest of Westeros to know the truth about Jon.


He was just spying on her. Poisoning her, without the support of Tyrion, Jon Snow, etc makes no sense.

He was presumably sending ravens to all the remaining Northern lords to tell them to support Jon.


If he wasn't trying to poison her why was it mentioned to him by the kitchen maid that "she's not eating"?


Dude, why do you think he mentioned she wasn’t eating to Jon?

It’s a reflection on her health and state of mental well-being.


I must have missed he said that to Jon.

He could have said it to have Jon maybe convince her to eat... 😅


Not only this but the kitchen maid also says something like: Her soldiers are watching me. To which Varys replies with something about 'great risk'. If he wasn't trying to poison her with the help of this little girl - her being afraid of soldiers and this risk talk make no sense.





Varys: "And?"
Martha: (shaking her head 'no') "She won't eat."
Varys: (looking disappointed) "We'll try again at supper."
Martha: "I think they're watching me."
Varys: "Who?"
Marha: "Her soldiers."
Varys: "Of course they are. That's their job." (extends hand to worried looking Martha) "What have I told you,
Martha: "The greater risk, the greater the reward."
(Varys nods)


It makes perfect sense. He knew who Dany truly was and was the only one with the guts to pull the trigger. Tyrion knew but was in denial about it.


Tyrion also knew he couldnt stop whatever Varys was going to do. Except by taking it to Dany, where he knows what will happen.


Varys poisoning Dany by himself, without the support of ANYONE, especially Jon Snow, “makes perfect sense”? WTF

What’s Varys next step after killing her?


This show isn’t that hard to follow.


he was going to pop on a platinum wig.


This show isn’t that hard to follow.

Apparently it is, for some.


To Robin Arryn, so the lord of the Vale would take out Dany and Drogon with this bow & arrow


This actually could've been a good call back to season 1 when Ned discovered Joffrey's true lineage but they did it too quickly and made Varys dumb. He would've been more clever about it.

I'm not sure if Varys was trying to poison Dany but he was sending the word out about Jon. I'm thinking that this wasn't the first attempt and he had been successful with some previous messages.


If he's already sent out a bunch of ravens it wouldn't matter that this latest note didn't get to its intended recipient. He burned it so that Dany wouldn't realize a bunch of her allies now know the truth. Varys only needs to get the word out to a few people in high places. From there it will spread and become common knowledge.

I picture Dany executing Jon when he turns against her next week, by dragon fire ... which won't burn him. And that will start the revolt. Guess we'll see though.


Jon will kill her.


That's what I'm guessing too. Five more days and we'll know how it all ends!
