Killing Missandei

She was maybe the nicest character on the show, someone the fans were hoping would have a happy ending. And to see her beheaded?? so senselessly - to me this is very bad writing, and will hurt the series.


That’s what the show is known for... being merciless to well loved characters


She was born in chains and died in chains.


I don't think that the idea of killing Missandei was a bad thing. In theory, her beheading could have been a really powerful moment because of her close relationship with Dany and because that means she's not going to get the sweet, happy ending with Grey Worm. So killing her could have interesting implications both for both of those people. BUT. Considering what we've seen in the past episodes, I'm willing to assume that none of that will be explored for longer than 5 minutes, we have 2 episodes left and Dany still has Cersei to fight. Episode 4 was filled to the brim with "powerful moments", scenes that could have had serious consequences, had the show been better paced. This in turn resulted in none of them being particularly memorable and Missandei's death losing a lot of its gravity. Ridiculous circumstances surrounding her capture also don't help the situation and unfortunately her death was handled like a cheap tool to further the plot.

I never really believed that Grey Worm and Missandei would get their happy ending and killing Missandei would be a pretty solid reason for Dany to go "mad", especially after all that's happened. But the way this whole situation was handled leaves a lot to be desired and definitely does not do the character justice.


Yep, it also hurts rewatchability of the show, I have zero interest now.

Missandei would have been better off staying with Master Krasnysk in Astapor.


Her love interest having no reproductive organs is not a happy ending anyways.


Well, he has a tongue. 100% chance Grey worm dies as well though.


lol I'm glad someone else thinks the way I do. And his tongue would begin to bore her after awhile.


I hated it so bad. Then they make it worse by giving her a William Wallace ending by yelling one last word.
She was like the last loyal friend Daenerys had. Jon back stabbed her and what exactly did she do to make Varyse and Tyrion turn traitor??? She just saved everyone's ass and didn't get any appreciation for it!!! Effed up writing!!!


Why? Because she is a woman, obviously.


Well she has already failed to yield her claim to the Iron Throne, because she knows Jon is the rightful heir... but rather than show any honor and step aside she decides to become the blonde Cersei


Not even close. And the smartest thing Jon ever did was give up the throne. You know he's as dumb as a post. Just because he has a clock doesn't give him the right either!


Get real.. she's already killed about as many people as Cersei, she bumped nasties with her blood relative... Yeah, she is pretty close to Cersei.


She didn't fall in love with a relative. She fell in love with a stranger you moron. The people she killed had more chances to stay alive. War is war. Also, she rescued hundreds of thousands from slavery! I'm sure Cersei would care about the slaves as much as you do!


And even after she knew it was her relative she was still ready to boink some more, that's pure Cersei right there... just wait Dany will be just as evil as Cersei most likely in episode 5.


So Jon can tell what time it is, because he has a clock?

Proofreading: an unknown art.

You see, spellcheck probably would not have hosed you if you’d gone with “penis.” At the very worst, it would have come out “peanuts.” Embarrassing for Jon, to be sure, having the world know he has minuscule testicles, but not nearly as bad as the world knowing he tells time by his manhood. Presumably he knows precisely long it takes him to bring himself to climax, and then he repeats as many times as necessary to have measured off the requisite interval.

Note Bene: Lest imorgan resort to the cowardly Croft Edit and change his/her post to try to negate my observations, his/her original post was “Just because he has a clock doesn’t give him the right either [sic: comma fault].”


“Presumably he knows precisely long it takes him...”

For somebody who bleats on about proofreading you should try it yourself.


Lol. Thanks Miss perfect.


Varys: ‘Unfortunately Yes cocks are necessary”. Just ask your mother.




Oh Lordy we have another ME TOO! among our midst. Btw Tyrion betrayed nobody, we see him argue on her behalf til he’s almost blue to Varys, & who was it that put himself in the line of fire when stood in front of Cersei & all her archers negotiating on Dany’s behalf.

She could’ve made him into a pincushion had she choose to, after all she did seek to kill him anyway. That you didn’t see huh Imorgan2820? Someone needs to call you out on some of your BS.


I haven't seen Tyrion talk to Dany and tell her what Sansa told him or tell Her what Varys said! By omitting these facts it's the same as lying! He is supposed to be on her side, do you think Cersei hand wouldn't let her know??? She should know who is with her and who is plotting against her. And these are just my opinion, so don't get your panties in a bunch.


They fact that Cersei didn't have Tyrion turned into a pin cushion is sadly another sign of the poor writing. Cersei has no intention of surrender and knows Dany wouldn't surrender either so the best option for her would have been to kill Tyrion to insure he could not help Dany in any form or fashion.


Tell me, how has Tyrion helped Dany so far?? He has been holding her back! She wanted to go to the red keep at the beginning. She didn't say she was going to burn up the rest of the city. Tyrion believed his evil sister. So much more. She sees letting Dany keep Tyrion is a crutch on Dany. Bad advice from the start


She's always been kind of a useless character to me. What did she ever do except be part of Daenerys's "Ya-Ya Sisterhood" and love a eunuch? Nothing. Just a hanger-on with no real importance to the story. At least she had a dramatic death that might spur Daenerys on to madness. That was her only purpose and it has been served.


So, you really were joking about she and Grey Worm ending up on the Iron Throne? Then you have a droll delivery, and I am relieved and a bit impressed.


If I make enough predictions, one of them is bound to be right.




She's always been kind of a useless character to me.

That's the problem with quota characters. Since they're there because of political/religious reasons, they can't have depth.

What makes a character interesting is his contradictions, his flaws, how he (or she) changes, evolves, faces his issues, rises above them. But characters intended to fill a quota can't have depth. They represent simple positive values. Missandei was about kindness, Grey Worm was about honor and loyalty... and that was it. Both characters started and ended there. And that makes any character useless.


Haha killing a nice character is bad writing? Please never write a screenplay.


At least, never write a tragedy. Writing plays? Probably a bad idea.
